☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Exactly, they literally were forced to lockdown for as long as necessary until thing's were under control. I'd say the Chinese can be very persuasive when ordering the public what to do. You'd hope we wouldn't need a machine gun pointed at us in order to use common sense.
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I heard a story on the radio this morning about a group of vacationers who went rafting/ camping the the US wilderness for 25 days starting last month. No phone connection or internet. The guy who rented them the rafting gear had to fill them in on what was happening when they returned to civilization. They obviously thought he was joking.

A lot can happen in a month.
My sons last day of nursery/pre school tomorrow and its incredible it will be his last interaction with anybody else other than his Mum and Dad for months potentially.

Wont get to play or interact with another child for a long time, wont see his Grandparents other than through a screen for god knows how long.

Its truly mental what is going on and hard to comprehend the level of stress its creating for all.

Have to take a day at a time and hope we all find some normality and develop systems and new routines for how we cope.

I've never had such a stressful day in work as I did yesterday, felt like it was coming from every angle. Can understand now why the UK government has changed things day by day rather than big bang all be it they were over all too slow.

I keep thinking the first session out with friends is going to be amazing :lol:
Alot of big companies are doing the bit helping out, which is good and what they should be doing, Zara donating money and I think BP.

Richard Branson needs to sort it out, virgin workers have to take unpaid leave
19 cases on the island now

Oh f***, thats a hell of a lot for such a small population. I hope they get all the help they need. This thing seems to incubate for a long time before springing up rapidly.
People on the island, good luck and stay safe.
some specialist told numbers means nothing as it can be x10 at least
i saw german had 13000+ case , France 9000+ , italy 36000 spain 15000+ uk 2600+ usa 9400+
if u x by 10 :eek:, #stayAtHome for sure , i will go to supermarket in 2 weeks , hoping no argue with rude muthafeuckers

i guess quarantine will carry on mid april in France, one advantage working in IT delivery services if u get not billed by customer for ur work, ur company have to pay 100% of ur income even if it last 1 year or forever (they may try to evict u with claiming excuses as it happened to me 7 years ago with my former IT company, we r just manpower even skilled one )... :cool: time to give back all the juicy money/profits that never goes back to employees ? but to investors or big leaders
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Anyways - I'm with several other posters on this thread; the economic impact of this will be far, far worse than the death toll.

When the panic is over we'll still have the same resources and pretty much the same number of people - just depends how fair we want to be to those whose income has taken a hit. The money bit can be sorted out; those that die can't be brought back to life. People don't need to be broke or forced out of a house or a job. If that happens, it's because as a society, we've let it happen.
Everything thing will be half price to get the ball rolling again. Bars here will be given a weeks notice so they can get ready for the stampede... Could be December ?
5000 more in Spain in one day? (On the Internet)
And I hoped for a New Years Eve Party Spotlighters reunion at Plaza del Parque ☹
I agree. At some point we are going to have to decide as a planet whether letting the entire economic system crash with tens of millions people losing their jobs is worth saving tens of thousands deaths. Personally I’m not sure it is.

Let’s remember there has ‘only’ been 8,000 deaths of this thing in two and a half months of its existence. I accept that’s 8000 individual tragedies, but by way of context in America there were 20,000 deaths of normal flu alone this winter... many of those who have passed away were elderly and already very ill. I’m no medical expert but I can’t help but feel we’re every so slightly over egging this.

I just hope you don't change your mind, if some of your relatives are among the victims.
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