☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Flew ryanair to malaga and then back with easyjet in July. Both flights had one pass with trolley rather than 2 and they were making people remask when they had finished. Ryanair in particular were better about toilet trips, you had to ring the bell and then they would come and tell you when it was your turn. Was far more civilised than normal which I actually quite enjoyed
Don't want to hijack the thread with the arts funding talk, but RA got awarded £750K!!! They're a ticketing platform and news site FFS

I'm not anti RA or even anti them getting support, but to get that much at the expense of cultural institutions which were denied or overlooked is beyond wrong

For perspective, Village Underground & Corsica Studios got £400K each

are they even a UK company? I thought they were based in Australia?

not wishing to drag the mood down further but this article nails it. music/the arts will always be at the bottom of the heap even though they generate shitloads to the economy and culture in general. heartbreaking.

The best thing that will come out of this re: air travel is them calling a row/several rows at a time to exit the plane. A revelation! Why this wasn't implemented before I'll never know
Guess I've been on very strange flights with people mostly disobeying rules then... ?‍♂️

I genuinely thought (and actually still think) that airplanes are currently probably the place where people comply best with those rules.

am still keen to hear more feedback on this
Although the ventilation on a plane is probably the key factor to making it safe, it wouldn't make much sense insisting on face coverings all throughout the airport process to then dismiss them the moment you're sat within inches of strangers once onboard
Ryanair to Italy- not very strict with the mask wearing etc. No call at the end to get you off in rows, it was a free for all which my wife commented that it didn’t make sense when they made you ring for the toilet. They also crammed everyone on to a bus to get you to the terminal building. The cabin crew I spoke with were all Irish.

The return flight - Also with Ryanair, much stricter in every department,constantly remind people about their masks etc, ring for the toilet and leave the plane a row at a time. The cabin crew I spoke with were Italian.

make of this what you will
Return trip to Antalya , Turkey.
really good compliance with the mask wearing in the terminal and onboard. One couple dressed like sterotypical chavs did not wear masks at all in either the terminal or on the plane, nor did their kids (who were >6) They were not challenged about it throughout the ~4hr flight (they sat by us). They may have been exempt. I simply forgot to put my mask on after finishing a drink and was not asked to put it on by the Tui staff, perhaps they thought I wasnt done drinking.
My 14yr old Said in the restaurant last week when we had to wear a mask Walking 3ft to our table , that covid can't get you if you're sitting down.... lol
My 14yr old Said in the restaurant last week when we had to wear a mask Walking 3ft to our table , that covid can't get you if you're sitting down.... lol

probably more to do with walking by people who are sat down and risk of transmission onto them
Have not flown yet.
My sister flew to Tenerife a couple of weeks back, someone was escorted off the flight for refusing to wear their mask. I'm sure if they were exempt, they would have proved it.

Another friend showed the other option and order 6 drinks on flight to Turkey and used it as an excuse not to wear a mask.

Personally when I fly I intend to wear my mask.
on aforementioned flight returning from Turkey, a woman sat behind us who'd clearly had a few started kicking off a bit saying she wasnt going to wear her mask. The flight was at 0230hrs , I was shattered and our 3yr old somehow was wide awake and being difficult. I thought if she delays this flight cos shes not gonna wear a mask Im just going to knock her out in her seat. Fortunately she saw sense in the end.
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