☣ Coronavirus ☣

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That care homes one is worrying - possibly behind the rise in hospitalisations too.
Every EU nation made the same mistake.
Where the politicians kept clinging on to their '1.5-2m distance', scientists were already busy proving the need for better ventilation in care homes. With aerosols and the wrong type of ventilation (or lack of any ventilation) social distancing is useless.
And they refuse to differentiate the measures and (how harsh this may be) really divide society in two groups, the elderly / vulnerable and the young / non-vulnerable. When the lockdown ended the young people were allowed back to visit their relatives in the care homes again...You can keep putting society off and on but as long as you don't really protect the vulnerable age group, it's will continue in the same trend.

Yet the put the blame on youngsters and shut down the entire hospitality sector ?‍♂️ (incredible if you look at the graph).
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When the lockdown ended the young people were allowed back to visit their relatives in the care homes again...You can keep putting society off and on but as long as you don't really protect the vulnerable age group, it's will continue in the same trend.

There are very strict rules around care home visits now. Young and old will always need to mix, even just care home staff (many of who are very young IME) and residents; it's impossible to section off oldies completely and would be cruel to do so. That's why you need to drive the incidence of the virus in society overall down as much as possible.
Yet the put the blame on youngsters and shut down the entire hospitality sector ?‍♂️ (incredible if you look at the graph).

TBF, I think politicians see the issue with schools and universities, but those are the last places they want to close. So they will try closing everything else first, even if they don't contribute to virus spread that much.
There are very strict rules around care home visits now. Young and old will always need to mix, even just care home staff (many of who are very young IME) and residents; it's impossible to section off oldies completely and would be cruel to do so. That's why you need to drive the incidence of the virus in society overall down as much as possible.
Still the young can visit the old here without testing, masks, whatever. Care home staff is a different story...they'll need to wear protection and keep their distance as much as possible. Perhaps even get a quick test every working day (works in 15 mins and seems way more accurate than the flawed PCR test).

Locking down the entire society and let oldies die anyway when you loosen up every time is way more cruel than section them off and actually protect them like we were told to do.
TBF, I think politicians see the issue with schools and universities, but those are the last places they want to close. So they will try closing everything else first, even if they don't contribute to virus spread that much.
When they twig eventually that they will have to close down education in order to get case numbers down - how many jobs and businesses will have gone? And when they get that far they won't say "sorry, we hit the wrong target".
When they twig eventually that they will have to close down education in order to get case numbers down - how many jobs and businesses will have gone? And when they get that far they won't say "sorry, we hit the wrong target".

They know this already, that places of education are where a lot of transmission takes place and I guess educational establishments (bar seemingly schools) are working on learning models to try and reduce transmission. Nicola Sturgeon has said that the Scottish measures involving hospitality are so schools and businesses can hopefully stay open over winter. In Scotland, more financial support is being thrown at pubs.
I'm surprised Sturgeon didn't wait for Boris to make his announcement today....and then go slightly stronger. Very unlike her to go first...I had to turn it off after she announced that figures were on course to be like March if they did nothing, and then in the next breath say that there was sadly 1 death yesterday!
I'm surprised Sturgeon didn't wait for Boris to make his announcement today....and then go slightly stronger. Very unlike her to go first...I had to turn it off after she announced that figures were on course to be like March if they did nothing, and then in the next breath say that there was sadly 1 death yesterday!

Is there not usually a delay in rise of deaths after a rise in cases?
That care homes one is worrying - possibly behind the rise in hospitalisations too.

Not sure how care homes are this high when they have been extremely strict with visitors.

My husband's gran is 85th this weekend and instead of celebrating it with her family, she will be in her room on her own as the care home have banned all visits - even people waving through the window. Sadly, this has resulted in her becoming very depressed and her Alzheimers has got much worse as she doesn't have the engagement and stimulation which she previously had. It's very sad and I think the longterm outcome of this is going to be far, far worse. Not to mention all the industries which will have collapsed.
I'm from central Scotland, I used to be a supporter of the SNP and Sturgeon.

No longer , I will never be voting SNP again. I now think she is

power mad
trusting advice from the wrong people
maybe being blackmailed

At least you get a laugh out of Boris.

I'm from Edinburgh (now living in Brighton) and I must confess I've never been a fan of the SNP. I wonder how many other people, especially younger voters, will now feel the same way?

It doesn't take a genius to see that the increases have been caused by people returning to work, schools & universities, plus house parties caused by the 10pm closures. Yet it's the hospitality sector, which is shafted again. Virtually all pubs, restaurants and cafes I've visited post lockdown (in Scotland and in London / SE) have felt very safe and seem to be doing things the right way.
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Never really been a fan of the SNP either, but they're the only party that might be able to stop Scotland being dragged down the Brexit plughole. They have my vote for now.

In reality right now, you either vote for the SNP or vote for the Tories.
The Scottish CMO has used predicted figures that show a higher rate of infection than any country in the first wave (Spain) and considerably more so. Bonkers
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