☣ Coronavirus ☣

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When not being used for cancer treatment?

I was talking about hospitals being full of Covid sufferers, where does everyone else go? They are going to the nightingales or not being treated at all. I live less than a mile from the one. Hospitals don’t have unlimited capacity.

Point is the rate of infection. It has to be minimised. And we have to stop the vulnerable and over 50’s getting it. January to June should teach everyone a few lessons but this seems to be forgotten by a vocal minority. Infected young people out in the community mixing is a terrifying thought. If the rate of infection is not managed we will be back to the levels in spring and early summer. I don’t know what that is so difficult to understand.
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If we in the UK have to go into full lockdown again, then this government should resign immediately. A second lockdown is a failure on their part, so what confidence could anyone have that they would get it right next time, especially when they have so many fingers in privatised bowls feeding them?
If we in the UK have to go into full lockdown again, then this government should resign immediately. A second lockdown is a failure on their part, so what confidence could anyone have that they would get it right next time, especially when they have so many fingers in privatised bowls feeding them?
I think 10 billion spent on test and trace is money well spent*

*if you are on the board of one the private companies running it?
If we in the UK have to go into full lockdown again, then this government should resign immediately. A second lockdown is a failure on their part, so what confidence could anyone have that they would get it right next time, especially when they have so many fingers in privatised bowls feeding them?
Arguably they should have resigned following the gross incompetence shown in the handling of the first wave. However they didn’t and won’t because of the scale of the parliamentary majority that they hold and the reason for that is the equal gross incompetence of the opposition party’s. The state of UK politics has never been worse.
If we in the UK have to go into full lockdown again, then this government should resign immediately. A second lockdown is a failure on their part, so what confidence could anyone have that they would get it right next time, especially when they have so many fingers in privatised bowls feeding them?
I should add, the hope for the government is that this can be managed through the current and localised restrictions. Then if necessary, local lockdowns. It is clear that the majority would support a second lockdown, but there is a growing noisy minority and a lot more people are questioning and are growing frustrated at government policy setting.
Saw a mate last night who's girlfriend has just given birth. He wasn't allowed in the room until she was 4cm...sat in the car park outside for 2 hours while she was 3cm. He said the same 2 nurses that were in there at 3cm were in there at 4cm. But the coronavirus knows not to attack once the vagina is dilated 4cm you see, it's not safe at 3cm
He could have waited in the pub though
If we in the UK have to go into full lockdown again, then this government should resign immediately. A second lockdown is a failure on their part, so what confidence could anyone have that they would get it right next time, especially when they have so many fingers in privatised bowls feeding them?
Unfortunately this article is in Dutch, but perhaps it's doable with translate add-ons in browsers or with google translate.
The essence of the article is...doing another lockdown is the worst case scenario indeed. This yo-yo effect of lockdown-release-lockdown-release will destroy what's left of the economy and is unsustainable for the future. We have no idea when vaccines are coming and how they will work. We will have to learn to live with Covid. This is essentially the Sweden approach.
This article explains their differentiated approach for age groups, protecting the vulnerable and letting the non-vulnerable gain group immunity.
Anyway, I can imagine no one reading / translating this, but im putting it out here anyway;
As was mentioned earlier in the thread there has been a huge spike on students testing positive in Newcastle. Imagine my surprise when walking through the bigg market at 5pm on Sunday and seeing loads of groups of students on organised bar crawls. How was that allowed? I'm guessing in the bars they were a bit Liberal with social distancing...
Test and trace in uk was supposed to be world leading, nowhere near and because of the mixed messages people are just ignoring the rules.
My guess is more lockdowns but a miraculous improvement early December so we can visit family at Xmas...
Why don't we just ban the sale and consumption of alcohol for a period of time.

Back it up with £1000 fines for anyone failing a breathalyser. Police can go door to door knocking and checking.

This will prevent house parties and other lewd behaviour such as casual sex which is causing a spike in cases.

Alcoholics can be provided 'support' in a similar manner to the support the unemployed are getting. Maybe send them an online training course about the harms of alcohol abuse.

This will work right? No complaining its for the greater good.

We can call it a 'Circuit Rewiring' as it might kick some brains into gear as it seems people don't seem to care (or maybe they don't realise) the harm 'fighting a virus' is causing unless it directly effects them.
Why don't we just ban the sale and consumption of alcohol for a period of time.

Back it up with £1000 fines for anyone failing a breathalyser. Police can go door to door knocking and checking.

This will prevent house parties and other lewd behaviour such as casual sex which is causing a spike in cases.

Alcoholics can be provided 'support' in a similar manner to the support the unemployed are getting. Maybe send them an online training course about the harms of alcohol abuse.

This will work right? No complaining its for the greater good.

We can call it a 'Circuit Rewiring' as it might kick some brains into gear as it seems people don't seem to care (or maybe they don't realise) the harm 'fighting a virus' is causing unless it directly effects them.
Why don't we just ban the sale and consumption of alcohol for a period of time.

Back it up with £1000 fines for anyone failing a breathalyser. Police can go door to door knocking and checking.

This will prevent house parties and other lewd behaviour such as casual sex which is causing a spike in cases.

Alcoholics can be provided 'support' in a similar manner to the support the unemployed are getting. Maybe send them an online training course about the harms of alcohol abuse.

This will work right? No complaining its for the greater good.

We can call it a 'Circuit Rewiring' as it might kick some brains into gear as it seems people don't seem to care (or maybe they don't realise) the harm 'fighting a virus' is causing unless it directly effects them.
although I agree there is merit in that method, an alcohol ban would have a massive flip side, people would literally loose their minds and I would see that doing more damage than good.. it really would turn a lot who drink and distance responsibly to turn their actions towards not giving a damn anymore and think enough is enough
although I agree there is merit in that method, an alcohol ban would have a massive flip side, people would literally loose their minds and I would see that doing more damage than good.. it really would turn a lot who drink and distance responsibly to turn their actions towards not giving a damn anymore and think enough is enough
He was being cynical. It seems for some people it just can't get crazier in terms of measures, lockdowns, masks, bans, curfews, police checking how many people are visiting you in your own house.

Unfortunately...it's not even unthinkable. In big cities like Rotterdam, Utrecht, Amsterdam...they are banning the selling of alcohol in evenings hops because everyone just went to those shops after the bars closed at 10 pm.
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