☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Not sure how care homes are this high when they have been extremely strict with visitors.

My husband's gran is 85th this weekend and instead of celebrating it with her family, she will be in her room on her own as the care home have banned all visits - even people waving through the window. Sadly, this has resulted in her becoming very depressed and her Alzheimers has got much worse as she doesn't have the engagement and stimulation which she previously had. It's very sad and I think the longterm outcome of this is going to be far, far worse. Not to mention all the industries which will have collapsed.
I suspect because they’re still not testing staff regularly enough. Many care homes also have visiting staff, so many come and go.
Anyone travelling to Italy from the U.K. now needs a negative test no more than 72 hours old (can’t be NHS test either) or take a test on arrival.

shame our government can’t get their arse in gear for similar
I think that maybe the future recent negative test for entry into countries maybe will be the same for entry into nightclubs

Hopefully, Spain implement this too
Is there not usually a delay in rise of deaths after a rise in cases?
Cases in Scotland started rising late August (when the kids wet back, ahem) so by now - following the course of the first wave, hundreds should be dying every day.
All they are saying on TV to back up their mantra is "covid hospital admissions are increasing". They conveniently omit the death figures.
Seeing as it's heading into winter and that covid will spread indoors, i'd be gobsmacked if admissions weren't increasing.
I think that maybe the future recent negative test for entry into countries maybe will be the same for entry into nightclubs

Hopefully, Spain implement this too

there has been a lot of confusion about clubs reopening - no, then yes, then no, then 'only with seating' (lol) and now no again! I don't really understand if policy is national or regional on this. There is widespread anger across music/arts/culture industry about how it has been treated.
Never really been a fan of the SNP either, but they're the only party that might be able to stop Scotland being dragged down the Brexit plughole. They have my vote for now.

In reality right now, you either vote for the SNP or vote for the Tories.

Going off topic here, but yes, I'd probably feel the same if I still lived in Scotland.
Turns out the cocktail of drugs Trump had was a world first - cost of $1.5M - so should be accessible for everyone before too long
Sure I read people had been given the same for free in the UK by the NHS.

Few raised eyebrows about the doctor's comment regarding him having antibodies, after being given antibodies as part of his treatment!
Never really been a fan of the SNP either, but they're the only party that might be able to stop Scotland being dragged down the Brexit plughole. They have my vote for now.

In reality right now, you either vote for the SNP or vote for the Tories.
Scotland needs a pro independence opposition part for the SNP. That would get the whole thing over the line and give folk a viable alternative.
Turns out the cocktail of drugs Trump had was a world first - cost of $1.5M - so should be accessible for everyone before too long

Showed promise in late stage trials. 2 antibody cocktails just filed for emergency use based on those trails - Regeneron (Trumps) and Eli Lilly.

Only bad thing is that antibody treatments are not very scaleable. They only can make a few hundred thousand by the end of the year and a few million next year. So they will need to ration doses, probably mostly for elderly and other high risk folk.
UK numbers are 17k+ new cases and 609 new hospital admissions, up almost a hundred from yesterday. Deaths "only" 77, so only a 10% rise in that.

It's just a slower car crash than in April I guess ?‍♂️

Edit: see the graph and why it's bad even if don't have huge numbers of new admissions. They stay in hospital for weeks (3 or so iirc)


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Interesting charts here. Basically showing date after admission when tested positive. Does seem to be quite a lot of in hospital aquired infection.

Really interesting that?. Although when you drill down to the actual power bi app and graphs it's a little more confusing. I think the graph they show (page 4 on the app) is showing subsequent tests after admission that show positive (so tested as matter of course, admitted for something else?).

But first page graph shows on actual admission is very different (within 2 days lumps in those admitted for covid and tested for it, which is bit poor).

So defo transmission in hospital and admitted for something else and then test positive, but looks like there is a good chunk that are admitted for covid. (Mechanical ventilation numbers increasing would intimate that too?)

Dunno, graphs show both possibilities ??‍♂️

Edit: maybe someone who works in hospitals can make sense of what really going on?‍♂️lol


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The closing of pubs is being used as a “being seen to do something”.

The data is weak and has been manipulated to make it appear bad.

They’ve used data from only 97 pubs across the country, stating that 2 or more people who have tested positive listed a specific venue as somewhere they’d visited in the days before a postive test. No cross checking of the times of

"If two infected people both tell tracers that they have been to a venue in the past week, it is seen as an indication, but not proof, that the virus may have been transmitted between them. But they don’t even have had to be there at the same time."

MP’s were also shown a study from July about restaurant transmission in the USA. Completely irrelevant to the UK given it was 4 months ago and that they likely won’t be following the same “covid secure” guidelines that UK establishments are.

They are clutching at straws and the cracks are beginning to show.

The 5% from the chart I posted earlier still stands. The rise in cases is mainly due to university students.
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Anything that will upset the working class. Sports ,pubs, clubs, cheap breaks away.. yet there's Hunts on here,polo games and all the ridiculous priced hotels and €1000+ weekend cleansing retreats are business as usual.... It's going to kick off soon Can't bloody wait... You should hear the Irish government all week. Like an episode of Father Ted.. as for local radio stations.. comedy gold... A mate sent a picture in to one of last years Christmas tree up in his house saying that he just put it up today because kids heard in school that Christmas cancelled lol...
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