☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Not much faith in track & trace. I got a text yesterday telling me I'd been in contact with someone who had tested positive and needed to isolate for 14 days from the the contact. I'm not told when the contact date was (or who but I understand that).

I'm already isolating because I have the virus, have spoken to track & trace twice*, which to me says that it is not joint up.

I did my track n trace, named my baby who also has been ill - then got contacted by track & trace as his guardian to be informed he'd been in contact with someone tested positive! 5 minute convo where I was told I could relay it to him.

Thankfully we are both starting to feel better and got 'lucky' with milder symptoms
Not much faith in track & trace. I got a text yesterday telling me I'd been in contact with someone who had tested positive and needed to isolate for 14 days from the the contact. I'm not told when the contact date was (or who but I understand that).

I'm already isolating because I have the virus, have spoken to track & trace twice*, which to me says that it is not joint up.

I did my track n trace, named my baby who also has been ill - then got contacted by track & trace as his guardian to be informed he'd been in contact with someone tested positive! 5 minute convo where I was told I could relay it to him.

Thankfully we are both starting to feel better and got 'lucky' with milder symptoms

get well soon
Cases in Scotland started rising late August (when the kids wet back, ahem) so by now - following the course of the first wave, hundreds should be dying every day.
All they are saying on TV to back up their mantra is "covid hospital admissions are increasing". They conveniently omit the death figures.
Seeing as it's heading into winter and that covid will spread indoors, i'd be gobsmacked if admissions weren't increasing.
My home town (Brechin) has had no cases for 2 weeks but my mum is saying all cun t Is careful. Is it so bad for pubs to be shut (they haven’t here but no alcohol?)....
Anything that will upset the working class. Sports ,pubs, clubs, cheap breaks away.. yet there's Hunts on here,polo games and all the ridiculous priced hotels and €1000+ weekend cleansing retreats are business as usual.... It's going to kick off soon Can't bloody wait... You should hear the Irish government all week. Like an episode of Father Ted.. as for local radio stations.. comedy gold... A mate sent a picture in to one of last years Christmas tree up in his house saying that he just put it up today because kids heard in school that Christmas cancelled lol...
More importantly...are you making your balcony?
Not much faith in track & trace. I got a text yesterday telling me I'd been in contact with someone who had tested positive and needed to isolate for 14 days from the the contact. I'm not told when the contact date was (or who but I understand that).

I'm already isolating because I have the virus, have spoken to track & trace twice*, which to me says that it is not joint up.

I did my track n trace, named my baby who also has been ill - then got contacted by track & trace as his guardian to be informed he'd been in contact with someone tested positive! 5 minute convo where I was told I could relay it to him.

Thankfully we are both starting to feel better and got 'lucky' with milder symptoms
Take care! See it as an experiance....enjoy your 2 weeks! (Recommend Channel 5 ‘can’t pay take it away’ back to back - I’ve done it!
Got to admit I feel down about the whole thing today! Dying for some normality and a good boogie on a dance floor somewhere!

Seems like there isn’t so much to look fwd to apart from a long cold shitty winter! Wake up, work, home, bed.... rise and repeat!
I think it is partly the realisation that it has got to the point where no-one really knows what the f*ck to do for the best any more! We all had an opinion and now don't have a clue...I was all for carrying on as normal and shielding the vulnerable, but these numbers are not looking good, and it is a long cold winter ahead as you say.

I keep seeing all these events planned for early next year...Ibiza Included...and you can't say with any certainty if they will happen.
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