Well-Known Member
The imperial college London modelling has been heavily criticised by many top scientist since professor Ferguson was peddled.I wasn’t there. The way I read your post was that most were not wearing masks. If not I accept that. We all know what the media are like.
Regardless, plenty aren’t. And plenty are not adhering to the guidance. And that is causing a problem. We see it in shops, schools, offices, pubs, Hotels, planes, public transport. We see it everywhere.
Regarding civil liberties, I’m afraid it is time to relax these at a time of crisis. Large communities are failing to comply with basic guidance. That is putting us all at risk. This is a pandemic. In the UK, if we went down a herd immunity approach most estimates suggest 500,000 will die. Put that on a world multiplier. What would you prefer, a few months of civil liberty infringement or do as you wish to see tens on millions die? There is a middle ground and that hasn’t been working which has led us to this point. I want the middle ground to work until (if) we get a a vaccine, but it’s not working. I’d like to get through lockdown mk2 then see some sensible enforcement of what was guidance and that should extend how long it takes for the need for lockdown mk3 to happen.
And politically I am a centrist so advocating what I am doesn’t come easy.
It used very heavy bias based on a higher than now known fatility rate and it assumed everyone would get the virus and that no one had any sort of cross immunity from previous exposure to coronvirus’. It appears they’re still stuck using the same old information and driving fear.
They could so with listening more to guys like Carl Heneghan, a professor for evidence based medicine at Oxford.
Don’t just take my word for it. See this article in the British Medial Journal https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m3374
Here’s also another really interesting piece from the Science and Technology select comittee earlier this week. Goverments need to start looking at the real sciend and evidence that’s been learned sinde the start of this, rather than blind panic and lockdowns. They really don’t have a handle on it and as a result, have little option other than to lockdown, which doesn’t work. It just delays the inevitable. This virus is here to stay, you cannot get rid.
Another peice of cross immunity https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m3563
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