☣ Coronavirus ☣

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I'm not going to lock my mum in a box just so that you can play with your party balloons.
That joke gets old.
If you keep up with this thread you could see it's about a lot of different things than younger people partying, but hey...if you wanna keep using that to kill a grown-up conversation, be my guest.

In my opinion there's only two options. We accept the risk of dead as part of life again....and that means our elderly are not isolated. I think that's what most of them would want. Why would they want to spend their last 10-20 years of their life locked up indeed. There's always a risk we catch something and die.
Or we actually isolate them because we love them and want to protect them until they get that holy vaccin where the governments paid millions for.
To usually 6 months with every other corona type virus. So it's pretty normal to get a flu vaccin every year....and in the future it will be pretty normal to have a flu vaccin including Covid19 every year. No reason for the MSM to spread articles like: "ANTIBODIES COVID19 DIE AFTER WEEKS"

Comparing it to tetanus or measles is just apples and pears.
But that is exactly the point. We have flu booster jabs every year and tetanus every 10, that is if you can be bothered.

To protect you from those diseases.

Hence why until have effective treatments for covid or a vaccine (or ideally more than one type), a lot of people have to be careful and it's not easy to identify who those are. Thus general population has to help out.?‍♂️

I do agree tetanus isn't a good example as its equivalent as a random person cutting you in the street with a rusty blade. Measles is probably better comparison.
Did we see people dropping to the ground over here... My Mrs does work with addicts who share everything from tents to everything else and hasn't heard of one person getting Corona either have anyone she works with..
Yeah I get what you mean. Ours ended up in hospital and ICU and died there. In china the areas affected didn't have enough medical capacity at start so those people where stuck at home and dying on the streets ?

(authorities literally stopped people leaving their homes for medical treatment with force. I have a friend who's niece lives and works there. Pretty horrific stories tbh)

Fortunately they got act together and build those make shift hospitals and got on the ball. Didn't help local government kept trying to keep it all under wraps, even from their own government.

Ps: I don't know of anyone personally who has died from Ebola. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist?
That joke gets old.
If you keep up with this thread you could see it's about a lot of different things than younger people partying, but hey...if you wanna keep using that to kill a grown-up conversation, be my guest.

In my opinion there's only two options. We accept the risk of dead as part of life again....and that means our elderly are not isolated. I think that's what most of them would want. Why would they want to spend their last 10-20 years of their life locked up indeed. There's always a risk we catch something and die.
Or we actually isolate them because we love them and want to protect them until they get that holy vaccin where the governments paid millions for.
Wish you'd change your record on conspiracy for the millions spent on the vaccine. ?‍♂️. How many BILLIONS have they spent propping up the economies so far? UK is over 150 billion already.

Also if it was only peeps in their 20s dying and older people asymptomatic carriers, would they take the path you are suggesting?

Look, no one is saying this is how it should be forever, but give us a few more months until either the vaccines in phase 3 trials are completed, or winter comes and the death rate is low.

It's only theoretical until you know people dying or suffering from it.

A side note, even though uk numbers are 41k dead, the excess deaths is over 60k compared to a 5 year average. That would include the bad flu season a few years ago. And while 60k isn't that many compared to the population, just 1 is to many when it's you mum or dad, brother or sister.?‍♂️

Anyhow I should go and be more productive for a weekend ?
Think it's fair we all want to reach the same point of back to normal. Just some are less risk adverse than others. I'm more mindful of what might happen, esp as having seeing what _does_ happen to people I know/knew.

Cause it's a communicable disease, that is where the problem comes in as we all have to act. Unlike say HIV where it is pretty much and individual choice.?

(Ps don't think I hate you elrow, I just don't agree with some of your lines of thinking ?)
It's a worry, as well, that in a bid to be proved right at any cost, some people are willing to discard their legitimacy and side with the loons and the extremists. Whether that is conscious or not, it's a strange behaviour. If you want to be taken seriously about anything, choose your allies wisely
I think maybe cause he's (@ElrowLovers ) not had people directly he know affected by it, he only sees how negatively its affected his life, which is understandable.

But we need to understand the bigger picture, like Craig said, his missus not seen anyone with covid (which is good in way) but then hally iirc works in hospitals and has seen more than her fair share. Society is something that (should be) bigger than just ourselves ??‍♂️
On more positive news, steroids seem to be having a good affect:

And anti tnf drugs look promising:

Which I've had (eg adalimumab) for my crohn's. Only down sides are a) they modulate immune system down a lot and increase risk of other infections/cancers, b) its really expensive per dose compared to the steroid stuff.

Ps: if scroll down that nature link, lots of interesting latest info/research ?
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Inspired on yesterday's demonstration...

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