☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Just on the herd immunity, there is now evidence that it might not be possible to achieve. Basically asymptomatic or people with very mild illness don't develop much of an antibody response. So while their immune system can clear the infection, without strong (and persistent) antibodies, it means their immune system can't stop them been re-infected.

So not a problem for them get it again and again, but means (and seems to be) likely to be infectious and risk for others.

Ways around this is a good vaccine (they tend to produce a stronger more consistent antibody response), which will protect those who've not had it and might get severe illness. Or it carries on mutating to be more mild and end up like the common cold (which is also a class of coronavirus)

Things to worry about are it mutating to something worse, and the evidence building that it damages other organs too (well the immune response is doing the damage, but get what I mean)

Let's hope we don't discover in few years all those young people who didn't care actually have a long term time bomb in them. (SARS they found long term issues few years down the road)

Ps: on less deaths, like you alluded to, it's due to less old people getting it. However hospitalization is running high in USA, so while not death figures not going up massively (yet), a lot of people in a bad way.
There’s also some therories that it may be much more easily achievable than thought.

Antibodies aren’t the only mechanism our immune systems have to ward off the virus. T-cells are getting more and more attention and some findings seem to show that exposure to previous coronaviruses has taught T-cells how to deal with the current one.

Could also explain why China has leas cases due to previous larger outbreaks such as SARS.

Viruses also tend to mutate into less damaging/deadly versions of themselves. If the host dies with the virus, then that’s bad news for the virus.
There’s also some therories that it may be much more easily achievable than thought.

Antibodies aren’t the only mechanism our immune systems have to ward off the virus. T-cells are getting more and more attention and some findings seem to show that exposure to previous coronaviruses has taught T-cells how to deal with the current one.

Could also explain why China has leas cases due to previous larger outbreaks such as SARS.

Viruses also tend to mutate into less damaging/deadly versions of themselves. If the host dies with the virus, then that’s bad news for the virus.
Yeah exactly, t-cells clean up the virus from infected cells. However they don't stop it getting into cells in the first place. Antibodies lock onto the "key" on the virus (the spike) preventing it entering and also clumping them together.

People who seem to have a good t-cell response don't generate strong antibody response, cause I guess they don't really need to generate "memory" for the immune system to deal with it.

But it does mean for a period of time they are "infected" and might be shedding virus until the t-cells get mobilised and sort it out.

In a way it's a perfect "strategy" for the virus, as it doesn't run out of hosts, even if it doesn't last long in a "strong t-cell" host; its longer than a host with a "strong antibody" response. (It doesn't get chance to replicate)

This is all I've watched/read online, so might be over simplifying it or not quite right. Feel free to correct me!?

Edit: but yeah, if can get peoples t-cell response up, that's a viable path too. Means may by asymptomatic with it time to time, but no serious health costs.?
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F that, if you’ve got asthma or a respiratory disease you Shouldn’t have to wear one. Risk your own life just to save passing on a disease that you probably haven't got. Not right at all.
You don’t have to here in the UK actually if you have a medical condition that is made worse by the mask: https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...aring-a-face-covering-where-they-are-mandated

I’m ok for a short period with it, but I’m on a two hour train journey now and there’s no way I could wear one on here, I just wouldn’t be able to breathe properly
F that, if you’ve got asthma or a respiratory disease you Shouldn’t have to wear one. Risk your own life just to save passing on a disease that you probably haven't got. Not right at all.

Wearing a mask doesn’t affect breathing. There’s been doctors / nurses / surgeons hooking themselves up to an oxygen reader with and without mask and it stays the same.

Probably more of a mental thing

Wearing a mask doesn’t affect breathing. There’s been doctors / nurses / surgeons hooking themselves up to an oxygen reader with and without mask and it stays the same.

Probably more of a mental thing

I can tell you, absolutely, 100% first hand that as a person with asthma, it affected my breathing both yesterday and today
There’s also some therories that it may be much more easily achievable than thought.

Antibodies aren’t the only mechanism our immune systems have to ward off the virus. T-cells are getting more and more attention and some findings seem to show that exposure to previous coronaviruses has taught T-cells how to deal with the current one.

Could also explain why China has leas cases due to previous larger outbreaks such as SARS.

Viruses also tend to mutate into less damaging/deadly versions of themselves. If the host dies with the virus, then that’s bad news for the virus.

Good post. We are starting to learn a lot about this virus....will be amazing to see how much more we know in another 2-3 months.
Wearing a mask doesn’t affect breathing. There’s been doctors / nurses / surgeons hooking themselves up to an oxygen reader with and without mask and it stays the same.

Probably more of a mental thing

Can cause panic mentally which then causes an asthma attack. Had this conversation with a couple of sufferers and they really worried about having to wear them for this reason.
Can cause panic mentally which then causes an asthma attack. Had this conversation with a couple of sufferers and they really worried about having to wear them for this reason.

That’s exactly what I am saying, medically a mask doesn’t restrict breathing or oxygen. Plenty of people have conditions like that and work in professions that require prolonged mask wearing.

It’s a new thing and if people are worried about it likely to be a mental / panic attack type of thing
Strong rumours bcn could go back into curfew next week ? Regional gov adding to confusion by being so vague about everything. At what point do balearics stop non-essential travel to mainland? Impossible to know whether to still book sept or just give up!
Strong rumours bcn could go back into curfew next week ? Regional gov adding to confusion by being so vague about everything. At what point do balearics stop non-essential travel to mainland? Impossible to know whether to still book sept or just give up!

Am I correct in thinking this is the area you live in mate?

What is causing the spike in cases? Influx of tourists, or something else like relaxing of lockdown measures too soon?

I thought Spain had a good handle on this ?
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