On that world graph, just looking a a random dozen countries (and Spain) it appears than some that had really low recent case numbers have had a little increase, so will the number of deaths rise three weeks down the line?
If not, then could the virus either becoming less potent, or are there fewer "weaker" people around now that it would kill? Think the latter is the herd immunisation theory?
Meanwhile, just seen a poster "What's the difference between Kennedy and Trump? One took us to the moon, under the other we can't go to Europe".
To be fair I think US citizens CAN come to Europe, but they have to quarantine (??) so there's no blanket "ban". But that aside, by now the numbers dying int eh US should be the same as Canada next door where the deaths are now just high of single figures/day - allowing that Canada has 1/10th the pop of the US it's still significantly lower pro/rata than the US. Multiply Canada's deaths recently by 10 (ie to the USA's population) and it's 90-100 daily compared to the US's recent dailies of around 900.