☣ Coronavirus ☣

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I mean it. Everything he represents is offensive to decency. a millionaire chancer who fluked (and flaked..) his way through life. no talent of any kind. no conscience of any kind. just a constant symbol of everything that went to shit in IBZ.

Not sure that makes him a 'terrible human' though does it? In the grand scheme of everything going on in the world there is much more terrible things going on than some DJ & producer. Surprised he's even on your radar to be honest
I mean it. Everything he represents is offensive to decency. a millionaire chancer who fluked (and flaked..) his way through life. no talent of any kind. no conscience of any kind. just a constant symbol of everything that went to shit in IBZ.
I didn’t realise his wife (or ex is she now) was the brains behind black coffees nights on a sat at Hi... she’s another oxygen thief
I tend to send this by PM, with a disclaimer that I know the poster means nothing by it and it's just thoughtless, but please don't use retard as an insult. It literally refers to delayed development, to a disability. I've sent enough PMs of this nature to think perhaps saying in the open might spread the message, but I've always been wary of seeming to attack the user.

(My son has eldest Autism, hence the personal interest, but I know I wouldn't have thought twice about the word's use before that)

f*** :(

Wasn’t my intention to insult you, please accept my apologies Buckley.

Have edited my comment to ‘muppets’.
I don't think that would be his intent, or mine if said that. Just like if said a drunk person was "leg less" my intent wouldn't be to offend people in a wheelchair.

That's problem with internet vs in person conversations, you don't see your audience and know how it might affect them personally.

Anyhow it seemsany US states are not reporting hospital admissions reliably anymore (some stats sites now got disclaimers about it) and the CDC had to pull a paragraph about gatherings in churches cause it didn't get approval by the White House?. Feels like a lot of attempting sweeping stuff under the rug going on.

And on top of that got idiots on fb saying we didn't win WWII with this attitude, just get stuck in and you'll probably be fine. If you're vulnerable and catch it, your fault for not isolating. ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

A good mate of mine, actually a Hull lad as well, lost his leg above the knee when we were in Afghan in 2010.

Stepped on an IED (also lost a testicle and nearly died from the infection caused due to the device being smeared in excrement)

His party trick is filling his prosthetic leg with booze and drinking from it, telling people he’s getting ‘legless’ ?

Zero f***s kind of bloke.

Also competed in the Invictus Games ? he does Hull proud.
anyway, looks like certain mainland Spanish clubs have already opened ahead of schedule... it seems this one near me (Opium) got a pass from the ayuntamiento to open their terrace but with no distancing enforced whatsoever!

They might be in hot water...

(more Thomas Cliche's kinda joint than mine, but that's a whole different thread)

I mean it. Everything he represents is offensive to decency. a millionaire chancer who fluked (and flaked..) his way through life. no talent of any kind. no conscience of any kind. just a constant symbol of everything that went to shit in IBZ.

out of all the big commercial 'DJs', he's the one guy I have a little respect for. his sets in space for we love (once a summer in the early noughties) were great. the man can DJ if he wants to. not sure if his productions are his alone, but they are all hits...

I didn’t realise his wife (or ex is she now) was the brains behind black coffees nights on a sat at Hi... she’s another oxygen thief

she wasn't the brains, far from it. she simply brought the vips in, something she is great at because she's got all the contacts.
I don't really care about Guetta's music (am well beyond that) - what I find offensive is filthy rich entertainers in hermetically sealed bubbles flippantly commenting on serious social issues, as though a man's brutal murder is some gimmick he can crossfade into a mix. just find it really tasteless and it seems to represent the mindset of people living on different planets to the rest of us.
I don't really care about Guetta's music (am well beyond that) - what I find offensive is filthy rich entertainers in hermetically sealed bubbles flippantly commenting on serious social issues, as though a man's brutal murder is some gimmick he can crossfade into a mix. just find it really tasteless and it seems to represent the mindset of people living on different planets to the rest of us.

More to do with lacking judgement and taste, and just being a total clown, rather than specifically to do with being rich (in this instance).
Paris is in red zone it means, i cant fly to ibz from Paris from july 1rst for holidays unless , going to a french airport in green aera? sounds odd (No way ,i'll make hundred miles (spending 2-3 time the price of my tix plane ? and buy another ticket planes :rolleyes: ) in order to catch a flight from green zone, so i'm good not going to ibz if Paris still in red zone ?)
Paris is in red zone it means, i cant fly to ibz from Paris from july 1rst for holidays unless , going to a french airport in green aera? sounds odd (No way ,i'll make hundred miles (spending 2-3 time the price of my tix plane ? and buy another ticket planes :rolleyes: ) in order to catch a flight from green zone, so i'm good not going to ibz if Paris still in red zone ?)

that's why they need to determine entry by country of origin otherwise it becomes farcical
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