☣ Coronavirus ☣

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Who is going to pay for the tests? Will tourists be billed for that, or will Spain bear the cost?

What about daytrips when there is no hotel to stay at?

this is a test phase, I think the govt pays for the test and as those are all package holiday tourists they will all be in their hotel rooms.
Not sure if footage from Amsterdam yesterday has been broadcasted over the world but it was insane. Thousands of people attended a Black Lives Matter protest and social distancing did not exist at all. Even the Mayor of Amsterdam walked with the crowd, no face mask, no distance. She stated the 1.5 metre rule could not be enforced for this occasion and it was too important to stop the protests.

Okay I get it. The topic is important. I am not closing my eyes for what happened in the US and what people from different ethnicities have to endure all over the world. But this is a knife in the back of people that could not attend the funeral of their loved ones the same day because of a max of 30 guests, terraces reopening yesterday with a difficult 1.5m distance between tables, thus losing income...and all the festival and event organizations going bankrupt because of the Covid forced cancellations. Not even talking about how this is a knife in the back of the nurses and doctors having worked their asses of.

A virologist in the dutch newspaper said today: The protests in Amsterdam with thousands of people in close proximity of each other will likely NOT be a superspread event cause it was outside and the virus has lost strength and not so many people carry the virus any more.

Am I crazy or can we just get it over with and open up everything then?
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At least liberals/lefties tend to wear face masks when they protest... at least in most of the U.S. footage. Compare that with the white supremacists and Trump supporters. Haven't seen any footage from the protests in the dam.
Just been reading about possible different strains and mutations

I remember reading somewhere about 2 genotypes (variants) where detected in the samples from people from wuhan wet market. So it might have been out in the community a while before and mutated to be more nasty. Might line up with lots of anecdotal evidence of people getting ill back end of last year if there where actually 2 waves of spread.??‍♂️

Guess we won't know for a long time yet.
At least liberals/lefties tend to wear face masks when they protest... at least in most of the U.S. footage. Compare that with the white supremacists and Trump supporters. Haven't seen any footage from the protests in the dam.
That’s an interesting statement. Not sure what you’re basing it on. I live on the border of Peckham and it’s pretty much where affluence and poverty meet. I’d say there’s no difference, and if anything there’s more mask wearing with the BAME communities. But, there’s probably a PHd or at least a dissertation on relative PPE adherence by IMD socio grouping.
That’s an interesting statement. Not sure what you’re basing it on. I live on the border of Peckham and it’s pretty much where affluence and poverty meet. I’d say there’s no difference, and if anything there’s more mask wearing with the BAME communities. But, there’s probably a PHd or at least a dissertation on relative PPE adherence by IMD socio grouping.

In the U.S., I'm pretty sure willingness to wear a mask is greater amongst democrats than it is republicans. As a leftie/liberal, I don't wear a mask, but that's purely because I'm not in close contact with people. Even in Tesco, I feel I can keep social distance. I definitely would wear one in a crowd or on public transport.
In the U.S., I'm pretty sure willingness to wear a mask is greater amongst democrats than it is republicans. As a leftie/liberal, I don't wear a mask, but that's purely because I'm not in close contact with people. Even in Tesco, I feel I can keep social distance. I definitely would wear one in a crowd or on public transport.

I think part of what you are seeing is the urban/ rural divide in the US.

Most of the people in the cities perceive the most danger from the virus and this is borne out by the higher infection rates. They take public transport and are constantly in contact with people they dont know. People in the country side may not know anyone seriously affected, even if infected so many people are asymptomatic that it makes no difference. They also drive their own vehicle everyday and probably live in a single family home surrounded by land or even a farm.

They live two different realities. This divide is also pretty consistent in determining political affiliation as well.
I think part of what you are seeing is the urban/ rural divide in the US.

Most of the people in the cities perceive the most danger from the virus and this is borne out by the higher infection rates. They take public transport and are constantly in contact with people they dont know. People in the country side may not know anyone seriously affected, even if infected so many people are asymptomatic that it makes no difference. They also drive their own vehicle everyday and probably live in a single family home surrounded by land or even a farm.

They live two different realities. This divide is also pretty consistent in determining political affiliation as well.

^ exactamente
At least liberals/lefties tend to wear face masks when they protest... at least in most of the U.S. footage. Compare that with the white supremacists and Trump supporters. Haven't seen any footage from the protests in the dam.
Well for some groups of protestors it's really convenient that facemarks are now promoted.

Another day another protest, this time in The Hague. Have yet to see how that goes, but it sounds less crowded than yesterday in Amsterdam.
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