☣ Coronavirus ☣

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It sucks. But this will keep happening. We can't just keep countries locked down till the magic vaccin is here...
So test, trace, isolate and so on. In the meanwhile herd immunity will very slowly build, just in case the vaccin never comes.
Well...this whole 'second wave in the fall' thing sounded a bit of scare tactics to me. Still does actually.

But just saw some footage from the Black Lives Matter marches in London. Tomorrow there's one scheduled in Amsterdam.
Distancing just doesn't exist there and the police does nothing.

Now there were two things that strike me. If we get multiple days of those mass demonstrations in Europe with thousands of protestors....yeah that will cause a wave on its own. And then humanity truly has itself to blame for another lockdown period. Very depressing thought.

The other thing being: anti lockdown protestors are being arrested by police as soon as they reach the maximum of thirty or dont abide to the social distancing rule. Seeing what's allowed now for black lives matter, how sad the situation may be....is measuring with two sizes.

Also saw that in London ?


Woke muppets showing us how righteous they all are.
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There were sooo many people at the shopping center just now! oh my heck! Reopening is in full effect! The lines for restaurants were going out onto the sidewalks; which is ordinary for a non-coronavirus Sunday. I guess we're back...

There was a guy at Starbucks earlier from Australia or England judging by the accent; I could not for the life of me discern as I haven't heard either nearly often enough, but he was stoked that things in Santa Barbara (north of here) had reopened. I had my mask on so he probably couldn't see my reaction but I was a little dismayed, and if I hadn't seen how excited he was about it I might have shook my head, lol.

I don't want to reopen yet. :(
If we get multiple days of those mass demonstrations in Europe with thousands of protestors....yeah that will cause a wave on its own.
We don't really know how the virus spreads outdoors.

Till now, all points to most spreading occurring indoors. Here in Germany, we had some recent superspreading events - they were either religious services held indoors, or parties in restaurants held indoors. Unclear yet if distancing rules were followed or not.

Anyway, if protests result in a rise in infections and a new lockdown, there will be no protests for a long time - because any future protesters will be beaten up by their fellow citizens.
Not sure if it's been mentioned but Greece will assess visitors/tourists from the destination that they travel from. So someone flying from London could be treated different from someone who travels from Glasgow.

If this happened for Ibiza I imagine people would be selective where they flew from in the UK and would drive the distance to 'safe' airports to get less scrunity when heading to island

If this holds true things may be very different in a month.
Let's hope so, and if true hospital admissions around the world should drop off a lot very soon.

Viruses generally become more infectious but less lethal as they evolve, but with covid been very infectious for up to 2 weeks before symptoms and then possibly another 2 weeks before been lethal it might not follow that pattern ?‍♂️ (it has plenty of time to spread before it kills the host)

Also regarding out door activities been less risky, would be worth reminding that the Cheltenham festival was pinpointed as one event that helped spread covid before the uk lockdown.

Guess outdoors is fine, so long as you can maintain some kind of distancing and you don't have people talking/shouting in your face without masks.
Guess outdoors is fine, so long as you can maintain some kind of distancing and you don't have people talking/shouting in your face without masks.

outdoors and distancing are I believe the two most important things right now. if you respect that you won't need a mask or worry. but carry your mask with you for whenever you get to a zone that's too crowded with people or if you need to head into a shop/supermarket.

this is the piece I read the other day, it's in spanish but google translate will help if needed https://www.telecinco.es/informativ..._EqOhCER7kBRsqPO4kLT0nz0i7TKHpoNIDLyZv1EOxCms
Also saw that in London ?


Woke retards showing us how righteous they all are.

I tend to send this by PM, with a disclaimer that I know the poster means nothing by it and it's just thoughtless, but please don't use retard as an insult. It literally refers to delayed development, to a disability. I've sent enough PMs of this nature to think perhaps saying in the open might spread the message, but I've always been wary of seeming to attack the user.

(My son has eldest Autism, hence the personal interest, but I know I wouldn't have thought twice about the word's use before that)
UAE Updates: Public beaches are open, masks can now be temporarily removed when exercising, and the beach clubs and gyms are open again too. Still waiting on pools to be opened - that will be the real winner as then staycations can be enjoyed by the people here.

Abu Dhabi is opening private beaches, restaurants and allowing outdoor sports... but they've decided to stop travel between Abu Dhabi and any other emirates from tomorrow for 1 week. Seems counter intuitive, but I have no clue how it's going in Abu Dhabi in comparison to Dubai. They never locked down like we did, so maybe they ended up peaking after us.

There's still around 30k residents stuck outside of the country due to the UAE closing their airports, and everyone has to receive government approval to come back in. So far, only key workers and teachers are getting approved apparently, and even then the system to register online for being abroad is massively flawed and hardly ever works. I have 4 guys still stuck in Riyadh from when we were working there in February... it's an absolute nightmare. Obviously people have lost their jobs from being stuck in a different country, many peoples businesses have closed (as they have all over the world) and now, when they can get back, all they are able to do it get their stuff and leave again. Its so sad.
I tend to send this by PM, with a disclaimer that I know the poster means nothing by it and it's just thoughtless, but please don't use retard as an insult. It literally refers to delayed development, to a disability. I've sent enough PMs of this nature to think perhaps saying in the open might spread the message, but I've always been wary of seeming to attack the user.

(My son has eldest Autism, hence the personal interest, but I know I wouldn't have thought twice about the word's use before that)
I don't think that would be his intent, or mine if said that. Just like if said a drunk person was "leg less" my intent wouldn't be to offend people in a wheelchair.

That's problem with internet vs in person conversations, you don't see your audience and know how it might affect them personally.

Anyhow it seemsany US states are not reporting hospital admissions reliably anymore (some stats sites now got disclaimers about it) and the CDC had to pull a paragraph about gatherings in churches cause it didn't get approval by the White House?. Feels like a lot of attempting sweeping stuff under the rug going on.

And on top of that got idiots on fb saying we didn't win WWII with this attitude, just get stuck in and you'll probably be fine. If you're vulnerable and catch it, your fault for not isolating. ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️
I don't think that would be his intent, or mine if said that. Just like if said a drunk person was "leg less" my intent wouldn't be to offend people in a wheelchair.

I was quite clear I didn't think it was intended to cause upset. Calling people 'retards, spastics or Joey's' is directly comparing them to with development delays, as an insult. I've never heard it compared to legless before, so I'll think on it, but I definitely wouldn't use it again if a close relative of wheelchair felt it was a direct attempt to mock someone by comparing with that person.
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