☣ Coronavirus ☣

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The thought of 30% capacity pubs and sporting events behind closed doors, amongst other things until we find a vaccine is really grim.

Have to admit feelimg more down recently without proper gym and socialising.
The thought of life as we know it being cancelled / on hold in hope of a vaccine which could well never come is grimmer imo
Have to admit feelimg more down recently without proper gym and socialising.
Friends of mine who are now doing their gym stuff at home are in better shape than they have ever been.. they reckon that they are eating better because they are not rushing from work to pick up the kid's and going to the gym.. get this they are still paying €80 a month each to the gym because he sends them a 2min work out every day.. ffs
My work like many i know are just allowing holidays to be carried for two years, I assumed this was the common sense answer to all companies? It stops arguments over holidays and in general allows it to be dispersed over such a long period it won't be too noticeable. I'm gonna come out of this at whatever point we go back to offices with 25 days and 95% likely that i have no holidays to actually go on, so no way I will use 25 this year.
We were told we were not allowed to cancel booked holidays and we couldn't carry them over (Oct to Oct). They were worried about July/August when the lockdown started and it was looking at 3 weeks.

Overall they are a good employer though, I can't wait for this Monday ive booked off...meant to be sat drinking a pint in Itica with a heavy head ?
Friends of mine who are now doing their gym stuff at home are in better shape than they have ever been.. they reckon that they are eating better because they are not rushing from work to pick up the kid's and going to the gym.. get this they are still paying €80 a month each to the gym because he sends them a 2min work out every day.. ffs

I still pay my local bootcamp membership even though they just post up a session on the days they used to run to do yourself. It's actually voluntary but they won't qualify for any Govt handouts and were at breakeven after only a year running with a load of cash invested in equipment that's sitting idle.

Found it really hard to move to training from / at home but things are getting back to normal now - and it's great not to have to drive 30 miles round trip as well as run to other peoples' timetables !! My PT continues to do me free workout plans tailored to my own equipment, with my prepaid sessions on hold to resume when we're out the other side of this. Great guy :cool:
We were told we were not allowed to cancel booked holidays and we couldn't carry them over (Oct to Oct). They were worried about July/August when the lockdown started and it was looking at 3 weeks.

Overall they are a good employer though, I can't wait for this Monday ive booked off...meant to be sat drinking a pint in Itica with a heavy head ?

lol do you work for Apple?
Friends of mine who are now doing their gym stuff at home are in better shape than they have ever been.. they reckon that they are eating better because they are not rushing from work to pick up the kid's and going to the gym.. get this they are still paying €80 a month each to the gym because he sends them a 2min work out every day.. ffs
David Lloyd have suspended payments so I'm just over £50 pm better off... spent it already on expensive weights though ?‍♂️?‍♂️
Seen an Ibiza-based Dutchman not very impressed with the developments in your country today @ElrowLovers how are you holding up?
Meh. But I feel complaining is unfair compared to other countries because our lockdown was pretty light, we were allowed to walk outside whenever we felt like. But the so called 'easing the measures' or slowly exiting the lockdown shows some ridiculous effects.

Our government keeps clinging on to the 1.5 metre distance rule...even with re-opening restaurants and terraces.
So from June 1st we're allowed to go into a restaurant or outside terrace but max 30 people and they all have to keep 1.5 metre distance even if you are living in the same house because our government says it's impossible for the terrace or restaurant owner to check this. However when you walk away from that terrace you are allowed to hold hands again?! And in public transport they discovered 1.5 metre is not doable (really?) and they now say facemarks obliged where they've been saying facemasks have no effect for months. Working from home extended for an unknown amount of time.

Gyms, spa's, outside pools not allowed to open until the 1st of September. Oh and look at this. The government really f*cked over the sexworkers (pun intended). When they put restrictions on sex workers, they were in the category of 'close contact professions' such as hairdressers and nail salons etc. Now the hairdressers, nail salons can reopen next week but the sexworkers are now a new category and are banned till September 1st too. They are furious. No financial support for them either. Seems like there's some misuse of politics while exiting the lockdown measures.

Clubs, bars, event industry are literally crying out for help and other measures / customization in every media outlet because these rules are impossible for them. Also yesterday...aside from press conferences and official statements our minister of Health was quoted saying that festival with a 'national character' (whatever that means, but I guess we should include MysteryLand, Lowlands, Awakenings etc.) will be impossible until there's a vaccin.
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@ElrowLovers do you personally believe the risk of contagion doesn't decrease if everyone is wearing facemasks in public transport for example?
I believe wearing masks does decrease the risk :)
But our government was stubborn for months while our neighbours Germany and Belgium were already implementing facemasks.
They have even gone so far stating facemasks will even bring risks because people will feel safer than they really are and will neglect other measures because they are wearing masks. But now they did a 180 and fines are possible if you don't wear one. Typical dutch policy ?

I think facemasks are not THE solution but certainly part of the solution. Use them where distancing is impossible....like public transport.
Hell I'd even wear them in a club if that's what it takes to decrease the risk.
Friends of mine who are now doing their gym stuff at home are in better shape than they have ever been.. they reckon that they are eating better because they are not rushing from work to pick up the kid's and going to the gym.. get this they are still paying €80 a month each to the gym because he sends them a 2min work out every day.. ffs
I was lucky enough to get a lend of some weights but they are in my da's garage, I just can't get a good training session going without my ma coming out to talk nonsense
Friends of mine who are now doing their gym stuff at home are in better shape than they have ever been.. they reckon that they are eating better because they are not rushing from work to pick up the kid's and going to the gym.. get this they are still paying €80 a month each to the gym because he sends them a 2min work out every day.. ffs
Did you hear that bang? That's my jaw hitting the floor.
@ElrowLovers do you personally believe the risk of contagion doesn't decrease if everyone is wearing facemasks in public transport for example?
I think you’re asking the wrong question. The question in that scenario is why is a public transportation system open if covid is so prevalent that people would have to wear masks?
I think you’re asking the wrong question. The question in that scenario is why is a public transportation system open if covid is so prevalent that people would have to wear masks?

erm...so what would you suggest? I'm not sure I understand it correctly but is your approach that public transport should stay shut until covid has gone?
It's a double edged sword, wearing masks will reduce potentially infected droplets in the air in the enclosed space, but you are more likely to touch your face; and formite transmission on public transport is going to be a high risk.

Incidentally in far east as they are more used to wearing masks, they touch face less than us in west would.

Also my 29yr old friend was taken into hospital last night. Be aware it is hitting young healthy people too. Never mind the hidden damage it doing to asymptomatic people. ?
It's a double edged sword, wearing masks will reduce potentially infected droplets in the air in the enclosed space, but you are more likely to touch your face; and formite transmission on public transport is going to be a high risk.

Incidentally in far east as they are more used to wearing masks, they touch face less than us in west would.

Also my 29yr old friend was taken into hospital last night. Be aware it is hitting young healthy people too. Never mind the hidden damage it doing to asymptomatic people. ?
Hope he's ok
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