Seen an Ibiza-based Dutchman not very impressed with the developments in your country today
@ElrowLovers how are you holding up?
Meh. But I feel complaining is unfair compared to other countries because our lockdown was pretty light, we were allowed to walk outside whenever we felt like. But the so called 'easing the measures' or slowly exiting the lockdown shows some ridiculous effects.
Our government keeps clinging on to the 1.5 metre distance rule...even with re-opening restaurants and terraces.
So from June 1st we're allowed to go into a restaurant or outside terrace but max 30 people and they all have to keep 1.5 metre distance even if you are living in the same house because our government says it's impossible for the terrace or restaurant owner to check this. However when you walk away from that terrace you are allowed to hold hands again?! And in public transport they discovered 1.5 metre is not doable (really?) and they now say facemarks obliged where they've been saying facemasks have no effect for months. Working from home extended for an unknown amount of time.
Gyms, spa's, outside pools not allowed to open until the 1st of September. Oh and look at this. The government really f*cked over the sexworkers (pun intended). When they put restrictions on sex workers, they were in the category of 'close contact professions' such as hairdressers and nail salons etc. Now the hairdressers, nail salons can reopen next week but the sexworkers are now a new category and are banned till September 1st too. They are furious. No financial support for them either. Seems like there's some misuse of politics while exiting the lockdown measures.
Clubs, bars, event industry are literally crying out for help and other measures / customization in every media outlet because these rules are impossible for them. Also yesterday...aside from press conferences and official statements our minister of Health was quoted saying that festival with a 'national character' (whatever that means, but I guess we should include MysteryLand, Lowlands, Awakenings etc.) will be impossible until there's a vaccin.