Did I ever disclose here that I work in the aviation sector? Because I actually do
And no...I wouldn't take that too seriously. Our government will support KLM with huge loans and there is one (opposition) political party that keeps pushing about durability and 'green' requirements in return. One of those requirements would be quitting some recreational destinations and focussing more on business flights. But KLM actually has a quite strong durability program already in place and is out phasing a lot of older more polluting planes earlier now due to Covid. I think most of our political parties will be fine with those actions. I don't think this argument will hold up and as soon as flights increase all previously existing lines will be picked up again.
Besides...if that political argument does wins votes and KLM needs to adjust their lines to business flights...there's always Transavia (KLM daughter company) that will fill in those spots. Most flights to Ibiza from the Netherlands are conducted by Transavia anyway.
Eventually when everything is back at pre-covid business..I do suppose more flights to Ibiza will get moved from Schiphol to Rotterdam Airport though. That has always been the plan because Schiphol was getting overcrowded. But with the current situation we're talking 2022 / 2023...