☣ Coronavirus ☣

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New numbers from the Netherlands.
So far "only" 50 people under 70 without underlying conditions have died from Covid19.
More and more people are asking the government to change the 1.5 m distance policy into a 65- policy, a bit like Sweden where the economy for people under a certain age stays up and running. Yesterday Kingsday in Amsterdam was a strange sight to behold, lots of people still in parks and in festive orange outfits. Some small 'illegal' street parties but overall people held their distance from each other.
the distance is 2m in the UK, 1.5m abroad. Do we sneeze further?
in today's press conference, the main spanish covid specialist (the one always appearing) said that it does seem that the climate can help against the virus.

I know it's a subject we've discussed here before and up to this day it's not a sure thing, but he said that a new study done in spain did actually support the claim.

if you check this map here https://covid19.isciii.es/ you see the warmer areas in spain (balearics, andalucía, canary islands, murcia, comunidad valenciana) have had far less cases than almost all the others. of course the islands have been luckier because of their isolated location and most of those regions only have smaller cities and a smaller population density and these factors are undoubtedly important, but today our main guy did make a point that he does believe the warmer climate helps. makes me hopeful. but of course it can bite us in the bum again next winter.
@ElrowLovers what do you think about this?

is that to be taken seriously?
Cool video, I'm due home this week maybe and I'm looking forward to getting out running.

Just wish I had the scenery you have. I get chased by snarling dogs while my heart beats out of my chest ??‍♂️?

That's no way to talk about the neighbours :eek: ?

I love the coast and the woodland - the fields in between less so (unless you like playing dodge the cow pat ?). You can't be averse to hills though, the beach is just about the only flat place to run. Some bits of the coastal hills are very close to scrambling up with your hands. All in all, right now there's no place I can think of I'd rather be during (UK) lockdown circumstances.

Looking forward to being able to take my paddleboard out again without feeling guilty about it - just missed 3 weeks of near-perfect conditions you usually get about once every 2-3 years here. Probably shouldn't have been so compliant with public opinion - after all, exercise is exercise and it's tourists who get themselves into trouble needing the RNLI not us locals - and they are not supposed to be here anyway ? !!
@ElrowLovers what do you think about this?

is that to be taken seriously?
Did I ever disclose here that I work in the aviation sector? Because I actually do :)
And no...I wouldn't take that too seriously. Our government will support KLM with huge loans and there is one (opposition) political party that keeps pushing about durability and 'green' requirements in return. One of those requirements would be quitting some recreational destinations and focussing more on business flights. But KLM actually has a quite strong durability program already in place and is out phasing a lot of older more polluting planes earlier now due to Covid. I think most of our political parties will be fine with those actions. I don't think this argument will hold up and as soon as flights increase all previously existing lines will be picked up again.

Besides...if that political argument does wins votes and KLM needs to adjust their lines to business flights...there's always Transavia (KLM daughter company) that will fill in those spots. Most flights to Ibiza from the Netherlands are conducted by Transavia anyway.
Eventually when everything is back at pre-covid business..I do suppose more flights to Ibiza will get moved from Schiphol to Rotterdam Airport though. That has always been the plan because Schiphol was getting overcrowded. But with the current situation we're talking 2022 / 2023...
Did I ever disclose here that I work in the aviation sector? Because I actually do :)
And no...I wouldn't take that too seriously. Our government will support KLM with huge loans and there is one (opposition) political party that keeps pushing about durability and 'green' requirements in return. One of those requirements would be quitting some recreational destinations and focussing more on business flights. But KLM actually has a quite strong durability program already in place and is out phasing a lot of older more polluting planes earlier now due to Covid. I think most of our political parties will be fine with those actions. I don't think this argument will hold up and as soon as flights increase all previously existing lines will be picked up again.

Besides...if that political argument does wins votes and KLM needs to adjust their lines to business flights...there's always Transavia (KLM daughter company) that will fill in those spots. Most flights to Ibiza from the Netherlands are conducted by Transavia anyway.
Eventually when everything is back at pre-covid business..I do suppose more flights to Ibiza will get moved from Schiphol to Rotterdam Airport though. That has always been the plan because Schiphol was getting overcrowded. But with the current situation we're talking 2022 / 2023...
Well... Your government will have to agree with mine ABOUT AIR FRANCE-KLM...
I'm not as optimistic as you about it...
Well if UV light does the biz, then nude sunbathing all round later this summer. What's not to like??
Beat Coronavirus....Get Your Kit Off.

But there's skin cancer to watch out for...okaay > Kit Off Slap On.

My slogan for what's left of 2020. Vote For Me.
Well if UV light does the biz, then nude sunbathing all round later this summer. What's not to like??
Beat Coronavirus....Get Your Kit Off.

But there's skin cancer to watch out for...okaay > Kit Off Slap On.

My slogan for what's left of 2020. Vote For Me.

I'll go for that - come to think of it I probably already have :lol: Not today tho' ??☔☔
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