☣ Coronavirus ☣

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President of the Canaries is hoping for national tourism to open by July or August and international tourism October. Wouldn’t be surprised if the same would apply to Ibiza given their similarity in economy.

El mundo

Also reading that France consider keeping their boarders closed until September. More pointing to holiday at home today for most of us!
Pretty somber note from the main UK expert Prof Whitty today. This guy is pretty much the only ‘expert’ who I listen to at the moment, essentially confirming there is no way back to full normal until a vaccine or cure is found :(

The government must also the other effects of a long lockdown, we are already seeing reports of increased domestic violence, drug and alcohol use, rise in mental health problems, kids falling behind with their learning etc. Also, as people are avoiding the hospitals, deaths for reasons other than Corona have seen a rise.

There has to be a balance between protecting from the virus but also not creating problems elsewhere. Its an almost impossible balancing act to get right. Some socially distanced interaction has to be the way forward in my admittedly completely non expert eyes.
While I respect and understand everyone's take on this.....once things return to normal-ish I hope fear will not win and we will all party together to save nightlife, shops, culture etc.

Not fear mate it's called responsibility. Until there are effective life-saving drugs and/or a vaccine you are going to be making a choice between your own vulnerable/elderly family and your personal desire to party. I personally think the latter needs to be set aside until the former is readily available to all. Certainly from my own perspective I won;t be attending any. Unless you don't have anyone you care about then you are morally free to make different choices. If you're still young enough to go clubbing you'll still be young enough to do so in a year's time.
Not fear mate it's called responsibility. Until there are effective life-saving drugs and/or a vaccine you are going to be making a choice between your own vulnerable/elderly family and your personal desire to party. I personally think the latter needs to be set aside until the former is readily available to all. Certainly from my own perspective I won;t be attending any. Unless you don't have anyone you care about then you are morally free to make different choices. If you're still young enough to go clubbing you'll still be young enough to do so in a year's time.
Same. I have basically vowed to not go out and not eat out until there's a vaccine. I won't be rejoining my gym... not until there's a vaccine.
Not fear mate it's called responsibility. Until there are effective life-saving drugs and/or a vaccine you are going to be making a choice between your own vulnerable/elderly family and your personal desire to party. I personally think the latter needs to be set aside until the former is readily available to all. Certainly from my own perspective I won;t be attending any. Unless you don't have anyone you care about then you are morally free to make different choices. If you're still young enough to go clubbing you'll still be young enough to do so in a year's time.
A difference of opinion. I disagree that it's a choice between my elderly family or my personal desires. That choice has already been made by the government, it's strongly advised to not visit them physically right now and I'm not doing that.
I'm making the choice to go party and help restarting the nightlife economy as soon as it's possible again. To me...waiting for a vaccine or life saving drug is too long...assuming clubs and small parties will be allowed to open again before that vaccine or cure is there.
The side effect of that choice might be that I won't be able to physically see my elderly family for a longer period of time, but that was already the case and will probably stay that way because we're just as much as risk in the supermarket or on the streets.
The 'under 65 economy' arguments are getting stronger here in The Netherlands as of now, because people are realizing 'social distancing' won't work for a year and won't work in all sectors. It's a harsh choice to make, but it will mean lots of people will not see their parents or grandparents for a longer period of time and that sucks. But isolating the vulnerable seems the only way forward, not keeping everyone locked up for months.
I won't be rejoining my gym... not until there's a vaccine.

I've got enough kit not to need to for months to be honest - Hopefully soon have my pull-up station built outside (once the frigging galvanized flanges I ordered a month ago show up) and the only thing I'm really missing out on is not having weights to deadlift with. It'll just be a pain in Winter or if we get a very rainy Summer. I might rejoin outdoor bootcamps earlier, provided they are very rigorous on SD. Really miss the motivation from group training.
A difference of opinion. I disagree that it's a choice between my elderly family or my personal desires. That choice has already been made by the government, it's strongly advised to not visit them physically right now and I'm not doing that.

How convenient - do you really think this can change before a vaccine or effective treatment becomes available ?

I have an elderly relative living with us right now. There is no way I am leaving a person of that age alone to fend for themselves against the pressures brought about by all this and that means me sacrificing a lot of little freedom I might otherwise have (e.g. to actually go into shops rather than have absolutely everything delivered and not leave the house). It is a question of your priorities and what matters most to you. Helping sustain the quality of life of my own elderly family and allowing them company and support means more to me than keeping nightlife alive :rolleyes:
How convenient - do you really think this can change before a vaccine or effective treatment becomes available ?

I have an elderly relative living with us right now. There is no way I am leaving a person of that age alone to fend for themselves against the pressures brought about by all this and that means me sacrificing a lot of little freedom I might otherwise have (e.g. to actually go into shops rather than have absolutely everything delivered and not leave the house). It is a question of your priorities and what matters most to you. Helping sustain the quality of life of my own elderly family and allowing them company and support means more to me than keeping nightlife alive :rolleyes:
I'm not in the situation you are in. If I were that would be a whole different story. So I respect that choice. I was just elaborating on my own choices and plans since you quoted that message. My family does not even live in the same town, we haven't seen each other physically for weeks and we will probably not see eachtother for weeks besides FaceTime sessions unfortunately and I don't see that changing soon so it does not influence what I would do when the economy, including nightlife, reopens.
But as said, respect for your dedication to your family.
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The government must also the other effects of a long lockdown, we are already seeing reports of increased domestic violence, drug and alcohol use, rise in mental health problems, kids falling behind with their learning etc. Also, as people are avoiding the hospitals, deaths for reasons other than Corona have seen a rise.

There has to be a balance between protecting from the virus but also not creating problems elsewhere. Its an almost impossible balancing act to get right. Some socially distanced interaction has to be the way forward in my admittedly completely non expert eyes.
I would imagine that there's an awful lot of abuse, drug taking, alcohol excess (*waves*) going on unreported behind closed doors. And if there are any kids innocently involved, that makes the situation worse. Lockdown could create more problems than it solves if it doesn't end soon.
In the 70's we used to pay a premium for decent seats and service on airlines, and even had to wear our Sunday best (remember the glorious chandeleers at Manchester Airport, when it was an airport and not a shopping mall? I won't be bothered if those days come back!!

When I was a kid (80s-90s) we never went abroad as it was well out of reach, price wise.

Those days may come back.
When I was a kid (80s-90s) we never went abroad as it was well out of reach, price wise.

Those days may come back.
Yes I think our days of cheap flights might be over.. I'll try find a link to an interview on Irish radio with O Leary saying ridiculous some airline might take out the middle seat for social distancing..
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