☣ Coronavirus ☣

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ah I agree. I know it's too early to lift the general lockdown. the only thing I would have wished for is a relaxation that would allow us to leave the house for walks or runs as is the case in other countries. nothing more .
Is the lockdown exactly the same in all regions of Spain?

E. g. there is a small island of La Graciosa in the Canary Islands, which is corona-free. I am pretty sure its residents are royally pissed off about not being able to go out.
Is the lockdown exactly the same in all regions of Spain?

E. g. there is a small island of La Graciosa in the Canary Islands, which is corona-free. I am pretty sure its residents are royally pissed off about not being able to go out.

yes, for now it's the same for all regions in the country. the president of the government has just said though that it is possible that from 10th may onwards, the measures will get lifted differently depending on how good or bad the situation looks in each region.
Given that these will be presumably be fit and younger people that seems a concerning amount to be hospitalised, just under one in twenty

Only one out of 668 in intensive care, the other 37 presumably just needing some respiratory monitoring and light assist. I'd expected worse tbh.
ah I agree. I know it's too early to lift the general lockdown. the only thing I would have wished for is a relaxation that would allow us to leave the house for walks or runs as is the case in other countries. nothing more .

Yeah. Dont know , why they dont want to do this. Will be the next step.

What will they do if the island is virtually virus free ? Airport and Harbour closed until next year and see what happens ?
I woul not start the tourism in this case : Everything starts from beginning then
Yeah. Dont know , why they dont want to do this. Will be the next step.

What will they do if the island is virtually virus free ? Airport and Harbour closed until next year and see what happens ?
I woul not start the tourism in this case : Everything starts from beginning then
Unless airports and/or airlines have health checks / corona-tests in place. It's one of the things being worked on.
Yeah. Dont know , why they dont want to do this. Will be the next step.

What will they do if the island is virtually virus free ? Airport and Harbour closed until next year and see what happens ?
I woul not start the tourism in this case : Everything starts from beginning then

central government has already said they don't count on tourism returning this summer...
The lack of exercise in Spain for this long is pretty horrifying, that’s the only thing keeping a lot of people sane over (although it is being abused). Is it being rigorously enforced by the local cops over there? I’d be very tempted to try and get away with a little jog on an evening I think...
There was one infected Person in the plane. What will happen ?
If airlines/airports have reliable corona-tests in place there will be no infected persons in the plane.
You get tested on the airport of your departure, not on arrival. I think eventually this will be quite normal for the next year or two.
yes it is. they will fine you if you're caught on a run
The police worldwide seem quite 'trigger-happy' with fines. I've seen videos from the UK, Germany, Netherlands (semi-lockdown, you can be outside but not in a group of 3 unless you are a family) that gives you quite the 'policestate' feeling.
I can't even imagine how strict the police will be in Spain.
The problem isn’t that Trump wants to re-open. It’s that he has no credible plan to do it. Even by the criteria his administration provided this week, zero states meet or are close to meeting the phase 1 criteria. It’s just stupid talk.

I have yet to see a credible analysis by anyone in the re-open camp about what they exactly are proposing? They love to talk about all of the suicides, deaths, and suffering from a poor economy ... but never put any numbers to it. I can only assume it’s because once you do the math, covid 19 is clearly the worse option.

The US National Institute of Health estimated 5,000 excess suicides due to the Great Recession in the US in 2 years (08-09) COVID-19 has killed more people in the US in the past 3 days...
If airlines/airports have reliable corona-tests in place there will be no infected persons in the plane.
You get tested on the airport of your departure, not on arrival. I think eventually this will be quite normal for the next year or two.

I think that will be something they will strive towards, like a gold standard or something.

Its probably quite a way off yet though in reference to where we are globally with this pandemic.

Will obviously need a highly reliable test kit/procedure and I imagine the cost would be passed on to the traveler.

Also will probably be written into your terms & conditions that if you present yourself at the airport and fail the test you lose your money (and holiday obviously)

Interesting times ahead of us.
let's just hope the UK never goes into full strict lockdown. in spain we are 5 weeks in and I can tell you it's not funny at all.

Unlikely I think !! https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/18/every-park-uk-will-stay-open-coronavirus-lockdown-12576112/?

I am for once in my life grateful to be stuck where I am in UK. Devon still has under 100 hospital deaths and a flat line where almost everywhere else in the country showed a curve - the South West has fared very well in this relatively speaking, like Wales. The thing here is that apart from 2 cities population density is low and since they cracked down on holidaymakers we have been free to enjoy almost empty roads and countryside with clearly very little impact on infection. Viruses exploit crowding it's really that simple - and the same reason people in the North of Ibiza in the Campo being able to live life pretty much as normal. Lockdown measures are sadly mostly needed where people have the least opportunity to access wild open space.

That said for all the very low risk here, I have chosen to only leave the house to run 3 times in 4 weeks - and did not see a single soul on any occasion. That is because I have an elderly relative staying at home here and my choices are all being made to minimize associated risks in the house. What matters most to me is that I am being allowed to make those choices and not having them imposed on me by an authority. It makes things a lot easier to reconcile.

I guess we can only resign ourselves to the reality that when this passes, time will collapse behind us into history as it always does. We will all have had to learn again what it means to be truly patient.

It is a very difficult call for the authorities in built up areas in terms of keeping people inside. But I guess enforcement is all risk-based and there is a direct correlation between population density and risk. I cannot imagine what you are going through @stivi - I think about you often, and how with your nature you are adapting to such confinement. It is a major psychological challenge which some struggle with considerably more than others. I for one would not be coping at all well by now even with access to some garden or a pool. With the benefit of hindsight, a cabin in the Campo would have likely been the best choice in Ibiza to get through this !!

I would be so ridiculous dressed like the second picture.
Obelix trying to seem like Conan.

... don't even dare imagine what I would be like :rolleyes: :lol::lol:?
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