Thomas Cliche
Active Member
Confirmed now. Postponed in April 2021 (for now). Clearly the right decision.
as much as I'm sorry for friends of mine who are either already there or bound to go there (most of them to work), I genuinely think it'd be for the best to postpone it (I also know some of you will think this is bullshit).
Secret Invite Link...even if zamna is postponed, it looks as though a few cheeky parties are still taking place in tulum over the course of the next week.
names involved are
maceo plex
damian lazarus
according to things I've seen on socials
didn't take long until people started denouncing tulum shenanigans...
VÍDEO.- Preocupación en Ibiza por las fiestas multitudinarias sin mascarilla ni distancia de seguridad en la Riviera Maya
NouDiari / Empresarios ibicencos han mostrado a este diario su preocupación por las fiestas multitudinarias y sin ningún tipo de control ni protección sanitaria que se están llevando a cabo en Tulum, Playa del Carmen y otros puntos de la Rivera Maya, en México. Afirman que muchos de los
BPM is complete trash. They keep doing this over and over again. They announce festivals, cancel them a few weeks later and charge every ticket buyer a cool 30-40 Euro for refund. They know exactly that these events have no chance of actually happening.
Still, they are plenty parties going on in Tulum right now. A friend of mine, who lived in Ibiza for the last 10 years, has actualy just move to Tulum to escape COVID restrictions and party like he use to in zero tulum finally moved again, new date 7th jan 2022 rather than april this year.
Still, they are plenty parties going on in Tulum right now. A friend of mine, who lived in Ibiza for the last 10 years, has actualy just move to Tulum to escape COVID restrictions and party like he use to in Ibiza...