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Cartels Will have a vaccine first..
Cartels Will have a vaccine first..
Oof - £200k. We need to save these spaces before the Torys mates pick up these venues when empty and turn them into flats.
EGG is prime location for that too
Doubt I'd ever be there again at my advanced age, but had some times in there
LoL.. sounds great.zamna festival tulum covid protocol
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If you have a high temp the medical team sort you out ?? I always have a high temperature on the dabble... I would be screwed ??zamna festival tulum covid protocol
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In a jungle.. LoL.. who in their right mind would go through all that nonsense.. you would have a better time on the beach minding your own business... seriously though you would have to go to something like this on your own, imagine going with your partner and one of you lights up and next minute wisked away on a stretcher LoL.. fckn hell...If you have a high temp the medical team sort you out ?? I always have a high temperature on the dabble... I would be screwed ??
I would probably go through that nonsense just to have a party right about now.....In a jungle.. LoL.. who in their right mind would go through all that nonsense.. you would have a better time on the beach minding your own business... seriously though you would have to go to something like this on your own, imagine going with your partner and one of you lights up and next minute wisked away on a stretcher LoL.. fckn hell...
2 dead..not sure if this means Zamna can happen still or not...
Tulum mayor says “no more mass events” - The Yucatan Times
Tulum, Q. R. — After a club shooting left two dead during a mass event in Tulum in October, its mayor has confirmed no more. Tulum mayor Victor Mas Tas says to guarantee compliance with the health measures dictated by the new normal, an agreement has been signed to no longer allow mass events
not sure if this means Zamna can happen still or not...
Tulum mayor says “no more mass events” - The Yucatan Times
Tulum, Q. R. — After a club shooting left two dead during a mass event in Tulum in October, its mayor has confirmed no more. Tulum mayor Victor Mas Tas says to guarantee compliance with the health measures dictated by the new normal, an agreement has been signed to no longer allow mass events
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Crazy! Packed dj booth some wearing face masks some not, no social distancing... Can't believe his is allowed!
I've been telling you about these two for long enough ?Login • Instagram
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Crazy! Packed dj booth some wearing face masks some not, no social distancing... Can't believe his is allowed!