
If I really had it sorted, I wouldn't be reading books to try and make sense of life. :rolleyes:

This does, at the moment, feel like the best thing I've read on a self-help tip, so maybe I'll get there...
If I really had it sorted, I wouldn't be reading books to try and make sense of life. :rolleyes:

This does, at the moment, feel like the best thing I've read on a self-help tip, so maybe I'll get there...

You've not seen my bookcase. :lol: (seriously)


(buy all of them immediately - life changing stuff.)





If into Buddhism, this is my fave:

If I really had it sorted, I wouldn't be reading books to try and make sense of life. :rolleyes:

This does, at the moment, feel like the best thing I've read on a self-help tip, so maybe I'll get there...

Really 8) you're going for it and as a bonus we've just had a potted turorial on some of the principles behind Buddhism I for one would never have got round to looking at otherwise..

Don't reckon any of us ever really get it properly sorted, as it were, but surely greater awareness = more tools to take life on with, better ability to understand things and cope with adversity as well as prosperity. From awareness, deeper understanding slowly grows ? (will spare you the gardening analogies !).

Started typing a deep and meaningful epistle when I read this last night but passed out half way through :lol: To be fair I'd been up for over 48 hours meeting deadlines and the lights quite suddenly just 'went out' !
Yeah, kimajy, I do feel like I've set foot on a path. The wheels are at least in motion. I'm quite surprised that I've actually said anything helpful in here :)lol:) to people who've already studied it, although I do find thinking about and discussing the ideas helps solidify them.

I'm really looking forward to reading the book recommended Rodber recommends on mindfullness and will have a go at at least one of the shamanic books.
Sod the books - get out there and experience it. ;)

I'm also off on this in a few weeks...terrified :eek: - pretty hardcore but sounds amazing. 8)


Like the quote on that website :

"The greatest shamen, saints, medicine men and mystics only ever had one teacher, and that was Mother Earth. They would go to her and sit on her bones and she would teach them all they needed to know."

Resonates a lot with me that.. In Aus they go walkabout. In Africa many similar ideas. It's a big undertaking, Robder, for that period of time - hope it's rewarding for you and best of thoughts for it.
hope it's rewarding for you and best of thoughts for it.

Thanks! Yeah four days and four nights with nothing to do isn't going to be a walk in the park. :lol:

I think returning to 'normality' (insanity) will be the toughest part.
Thanks! Yeah four days and four nights with nothing to do isn't going to be a walk in the park. :lol:

I think returning to 'normality' (insanity) will be the toughest part.

Especially E2 (or anywhere inside the M25 for that matter) !! :)
Ordered the 'mindfulness' book recommended by Rodber. From the description I'm guessing it helps reconcile Buddhist ideas with normal life?
Ordered the 'mindfulness' book recommended by Rodber. From the description I'm guessing it helps reconcile Buddhist ideas with normal life?

You'll have to tell us all - I'll shortly be off to sit on the bones of Mother Earth and contemplate awareness !
I find Buddhism applies itself well to individuals. Its a very "for myself" and soloistic concept that pritorises the one rather than the whole. I realise the one is part of the whole but IMO Budhisim does not try hard enough to be part of reality. It is what it is.... you have to find Buddhism it does not come to you. A little Selfish maybe ??

For a person with life responsibilities, a family, a job, dependents and other people to look after I find Budhisim does not suit them. Unless the person walks away from those responsibilities and starts to "find themselves" then Buddhism in its purest form can not function for a certain people.

Maybe thats the reason all the respected Buddhist gurus end up as lonely old men???

I prefer family, I prefer engaging with society, its not perfect but its interesting. I enjoy meeting all sorts of people and taking the best bits of all beliefs and cultures and learning from it.

I have adapted many Buddhist belifes into my life but to say I would like to live under one dogma or culture would not be good for me. I like diversity I feel it enriches life and teaches us more about all nature not just the good stuff.

Thats way I like Ibiza. Its diverse and tolerant to all and allows self expression.
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I find Buddhism applies itself well to individuals. Its a very "for myself" and soloistic concept that pritorises the one rather than the whole. I realise the one is part of the whole but IMO Budhisim does not try hard enough to be part of reality. It is what it is.... you have to find Buddhism it does not come to you. A little Selfish maybe ??

For a person with life responsibilities, a family, a job, dependents and other people to look after I find Budhisim does not suit them. Unless the person walks away from those responsibilities and starts to "find themselves" then Buddhism in its purest form can not function for a certain people.

Maybe thats the reason all the respected Buddhist gurus end up as lonely old men???

I prefer family, I prefer engaging with society, its not perfect but its interesting. I enjoy meeting all sorts of people and taking the best bits of all beliefs and cultures and learning from it.

I have adapted many Buddhist belifes into my life but to say I would like to live under one dogma or culture would not be good for me. I like diversity I feel it enriches life and teaches us more about all nature not just the good stuff.

Thats way I like Ibiza. Its diverse and tolerant to all and allows self expression.

Well said, Bez. Liking those ideas. The 'real' Ibiza is indeed diverse and tolerant to all and allows self-expression. There's of course an overlay that isn't in the spirit of this but it's not at all hard to find the other - it's a lot of what makes it so special.

That's me started the first week of this - all about practical things: setting up good routines, taking tasks to completion, reducing input so as to be able to focus on one thing at a time.

So I'm trying stuff like getting to bed earlier, making time to read every week night (while not also listening to music) and stop interrupting whatever I'm doing to check e-mail/internet every 5 mins. :lol:
Can someone explain to me whether (according to Buddhism) we all have separate consciousness(es?) or are all part of one? Is that I think I'm mentally separate from you an illusion?

The book says something like 'there is nothing outside mind', which would seem to mean all your minds are part of my mind... :eek:
Can someone explain to me whether (according to Buddhism) we all have separate consciousness(es?) or are all part of one? Is that I think I'm mentally separate from you an illusion?

The book says something like 'there is nothing outside mind', which would seem to mean all your minds are part of my mind... :eek:

Not looked at Buddhism in any detail, other than previously mentioned. This concept of one universal mind appeals to me, it can make perfect sense when considering the actual matter of planet earth would fit on a full stop.

Reality is surely an illusion?