
Great thread ;)

Have a read about mindfulness.

For me Mindfulness is where it's all at! ;) love it, superb tool for life, regardless of culture, origin, beliefs, conditioning, race, religion etc Employing mindfulness and fully embracing the right now is truly liberating and makes life much enriched and more joyful ;)

The power of now is a brilliant book :p

Another good an is Crooked Cucumber by a zen monk called Shunryu Suzuki
Also checkout Osho's stuff on Mindfulness :)
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I gave my mum a loan of 'Buddhism Plain & Simple' and she thought it was great. Like me, she doesn't have a religious bone in her body and was wondering what she might get from it, but found herself enlightened by the Buddhist perspective. 8)

So I've read that, Robder's 'Mindfulness' book... any more recommended Buddhist stuff? I quite like to read a bit of Buddhism over breakfast in the morning, as it can help psych me up for the day!