
Cameron didnt have a clue on the Q&A last night. Critical questions about immigration numbers rising and the NHS being over run was battened off with BS! That women who played the race card on Farage aswell was an absoloute melt. Soon got shut up when the Indian man sounded out to cameron he wants an australian points system and wants most refugees blocked from coming here.

How anybody would be happy to do what Juncker and his EU pals wish is beyond me. Bullyboys

Norway arnt in the EU union and are thriving highest levels of employment and strike their own trade deals and dont have much immigration coming there way at all. Happy days Norway
Well..Norway is just the 5th or 6th petrol and/or gas producer in the world...it helps a little...
Yes, Switzerland is not part of the eu, but have to accept european nationals.

Apologies I should have clarified. I am well aware Switzerland has to accept the free movement of peoples BUT will the same be asked of the USA and any other country the EU has trade deals with? Canada recently signed a trade deal and the free movement of peoples was not part of the agreement.
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Norway arnt in the EU union and are thriving highest levels of employment and strike their own trade deals and dont have much immigration coming there way at all. Happy days Norway

Norway, in the European Economic Area, also had a rate of gross EU immigration far higher than the UK, with 7.38 EU migrants per 1000 of its population

EU migration to the UK was 157,554, but only at a rate of 2.48 per 1000 of its population.
@Moha where did you get those figures from? In 2015 immigration to the UK from the EU was at 270k (the border control agencies have openly admitted they don't know the real figure so it could be much higher!) http://www.migrationwatchuk.org/statistics-net-migration-statistics

Anyway, I couldn't give a shit about the immigration issue. Everyone should be able to live and work where they please as long as they are contributing to that country of residence. Sadly we don't live in that utopia and there are restrictions in place because of certain people who spoil it for everyone else!
Norway, in the European Economic Area, also had a rate of gross EU immigration far higher than the UK, with 7.38 EU migrants per 1000 of its population

EU migration to the UK was 157,554, but only at a rate of 2.48 per 1000 of its population.
Still too many, open borders the nhs will crumble. We are full!
Still too many, open borders the nhs will crumble. We are full!

According to www.migrationpolicy.org which is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think thank, migration numbers to the UK are unlikely to change irrespective of whether the UK stays or leaves the EU. They argue that services like the NHS will actually likely suffer most from an exit as they have a heavy reliance on migrant labour.

Here's a link to the full article: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/brexit-role-migration-upcoming-eu-referendum
What on earth are you talking about it? That response doesn't even make sense, are you even understanding what you're reading?
There are too many people here already. Do you live in a bubble? We stay in the EU the scroungers from turkey will be over as soon as they are registered. Claiming everything contributing nothing. This free movement of europe is bollocks

Vote Leave get the SKILLED workers from outside the EU over here. They will contribute much more
Germany & France will soon give us all the shit if we stay in whilst they bask in glory. As Brussels, Merkal and that wanker juncker already look like doing

Why do people want to be dictated and told what to do by them? We are Great Britain and should not be bullied by anyone.
Germany & France will soon give us all the shit if we stay in whilst they bask in glory. As Brussels, Merkal and that wanker juncker already look like doing

Why do people want to be dictated and told what to do by them? We are Great Britain and should not be bullied by anyone.

you seem very well informed about all of this stuff, I'm surprised you have the time to post on forums like this what with having to write your column for the Daily Mail
Some of Europe's "wanky laws" have been genuinely good for us. Like the laws on air pollution, working time directive, human rights etc. Others have been completely misrepresented. Like the bullshit about bendy bananas that just won't die regardless of how many times its proven to be nonsense. Some of the most destructive laws we've had recently, for example the bedroom tax, have been born and bred in the u.k.
A u.k in Europe has problems, but these problems won't disappear with us leaving. People talk about the likes of Norway or Switzerland, yeah its not done them any harm. But they pay pretty much the same into it to trade but they also have to adhere to every European export/import law to get their goods in to the market. So they toe the line, pay the same but get no say. In addition we do have a say in what EU laws we take on, we just never use it. Particularly with regards to business because it would hobble our companies in Europe. We can debate what laws come from Europe and the impact on our sovereignty and tinker with them. We just never do because on the whole, they've actually made sense. Most of our new legislation over the last twenty years has actually come from Whitehall, pertains to tax law, and its not to benefit any of us.
Most important to me are our rights as employees. Holidays, holiday pay, maternity/paternity rights, working time directives - they'll all been driven by Europe and are protected by Europe. We drop out and we could lose all of them.
you seem very well informed about all of this stuff, I'm surprised you have the time to post on forums like this what with having to write your column for the Daily Mail
Have a look whats happened to Greece with Juncker bullying them. He has also said any right wing and left wing politicions will be banned from having any say in how the EU runs things if elected. Sounds like a dictatorship to me.

Love Europe Hate the EU

People dont like the truth. Unfortunatly our Britain of today is too left wing and PC to make a stand. Wouldnt suprise me in the slightest if we stayed in. Its a cheek to even think their is a referendum considering we didnt get a vote on it to see if we wanted in , in the first place.
@Big Al funny you should mention workers rights being protected in the EU. Have a look at what's going on in France right now (that's if you can find the information beyond the media blackout).

Britain has always been at the forefront of workers rights! As I understand it we were the first to introduce the national minimum wage, working time regulations and the right to leave for child care.
Heres some facts, we all love facts dont we?

Britain recieves just 49p of every £1 into the EU (telegraph)

Britain will pay £100M more to the EU over the next 5 years (telegraph)

Norway,Iceland and switzerland are thriving because they are not encountered by EU bail out costs, before the UK entered the EU unemployment stood at 2.6%, it is now 5.6% (telegraph)

It has been suggested that VAT fuel should be from 5% to 0. But 5% is the minimum allowed under EU law. (Bbc)

Government estimates their is 13k trafficking victims here in the UK due to EU open borders (bbc)

The EU commits €267M to denmark, €129 to Estonia, €284.6 to Germany for fishing and aquaculture alone. Nothing for the UK. (Thinktank)

This alone makes me want to vote out.
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