
Playing devil's advocate, I understand the emotional and intellectual arguments for leaving, not least based on the way the EU is undemocratic and routinely shafts developing nations through agriculture tarriffs and even its own (eg Greece). There is also a case of arguing the UK has more in common (eg an organic legal system) with the other anglophone states (eg Aus, Canada, NZ) and with Commonwealth nations. There is also a case to be made against globalisation and the way immigration benefits the wealthy middle class in London (dontcha love those cheap cleaners, plumbers eh!) whilst simultaneously screwing working class towns with cheap imported labour driving down wages.

All that considered, I still think the UK is better off in - the economics, the politics, the history and the increasing isolationism or Asia-focused policy from the US. If the City lost global status and packed off to Frankfurt then what is left?

+ I'm financially f**ed as an expat on a UK salary if brexit wins because the £ would collapse
Was being serious. I wasn't suggesting voting to remain was in anyway a negative choice for someone.

I was referring to the post above mine which has leave slightly ahead in polls. I haven't bumped into anyone who's said they're voting to remain. And it's a topic I've discussed a fair bit with various people.

In response to a previous quoted post. My vote will not be decided by my desire to work or live in Ibiza. A few days each year is just fine thanks. Far more important things come before that for me.
The thing I find crazy it's mostly about controlling our borders, yet net migration from outside the EU was slightly higher than from the EU last year... you know the borders we *actually* control.

Can only imagine the good job they'll do when have control of EU borders too.

I think the vote will actually be to leave and then we'll see all the carnage fall out. Esp as to be part of the free trade area a current requirement is free movement of people o_O

And it will push up cost of holidays to ibiza when the pound tanks against the euro :(
You have the Brexit,we have the French shit:spank:
If today here in France we could vote for the exit or not of EU,i would have no doubt about the result...OUT!!!
But when we had a referendum in 2006 about the Lisbon treaty,when we have voted no the parlement said yes.
this is democracy:mad:
I am a pro EU,but not this one...
moving to Spain from UK would be much harder

- no more free healthcare
- pensions threatened
- work permit applications + restrictions on employment opportunities - you'd be sent to the back of the queue with all the Arabs and Africans (although I guess the hassle of getting a NIE wouldn't be any worse!)
- end to ERASMUS study opportunities at Spanish universities
- longer delays at passport controls
- new tariffs on businesses based in UK & threat to trade
- more bank transfer charges
- collapse in earnings for expat-dependent businesses
- and let's not get on to Gibraltar....
Based on what?

Based on what happens with every other country a UK citizen wants to move to/work in now. Take Australia as an example. If you want to travel there as a tourist, you have to apply for a tourist visa, if you want to move/work there you either have to find a company to sponsor you or you have to apply for permanent residency. With the first option, you have to prove that you have skills that no one from that country has and you are tied to that employer as long as you stay in that country. If you don't like the company, then you have to leave the country. With the permanent residency option, you have to go through a very expensive and long-winded process proving that you have enough skills (using a points system) and education and are of a certain age to qualify.

Why would a similar system not be put in place were we to leave the EU?
I also don't get this whole 'we must accept the free movement of peoples to remain in the single market'.

Really? Is that a prerequisite for any other nation that wants to strike a trade deal with Europe?

- no more free healthcare
Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein are not member of the EU but can still get EHIC cards

- pensions threatened
How so?

- work permit applications + restrictions on employment opportunities - you'd be sent to the back of the queue with all the Arabs and Africans (although I guess the hassle of getting a NIE wouldn't be any worse!)
Same for any other nation around the World then?

- end to ERASMUS study opportunities at Spanish universities
Check out these foreign exchange programmes the rest of the World uses as a non-Eu member

- longer delays at passport controls
Ever seen how short the queues are for the on-EU control gates?

- new tariffs on businesses based in UK & threat to trade
Potentially new lower ones once the trade deals are struck (granted there will be a short term negative effect)

- more bank transfer charges
Any evidence for this? Genuinely interested!

- collapse in earnings for expat-dependent businesses
As opposed to the detrimental effects the EU has had one some GB businesses?

- and let's not get on to Gibraltar
I'm all ears?
I also don't get this whole 'we must accept the free movement of peoples to remain in the single market'.

Really? Is that a prerequisite for any other nation that wants to strike a trade deal with Europe?

Pretty much yes. The Swiss were effectively punished by the EU for voting to restrict the free movement of EU citizens and so far it has not been implemented. As an expat living in Germany I hope we vote to remain, but if we vote to leave I'm pretty sure retribution from the EU will be swift to deter any other nation from doing the same.