BORA BORA's last season.... end of an era!

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As much as I am happy to arrive in time for the last gig on Sep 30, this whole thing to me looks more like a means to give a boost to daily guest numbers before closing 😐 Hope I am wrong
I'm thinking the last party in the club is on the 30th?, then from 1st-15th October just the bar/terrace open after that possibly?
October 15th from 2pm... 40 hours non-stop!

October 15th from 2pm... 40 hours non-stop!

think i'm getting too old to manage 40 hours! 45Euro a ticket so i presume they'll have a good line-up...
Late in the year. Will be the last which is open in the area ? Nassau closed maybe. Tanit also closed.

Someone a idea about winter opening of pacha or someting else ?
aside from the closing party, is Bora Bora still having music all afternoon and nights? When I last went in 2019 it was surely not full at night, but still enjoyable
Secret guest is Spider-Man in his stinky suit
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