Balearic, Chill Out & Sunset Music

how was GA?

They were good. I'd actually forgotten about some of their tunes - I'm not a super fan, but have liked a fair chunk of their music over the years. Seem to remember enjoying them more the last time, but this was a sold out gig and maybe a bit more rammy than I can happily tolerate these days! My first gig since they lifted the vaccine passport or negative test policy...
saw them years ago. Easy still held up. Superstylin the populist choice obv taking the roof off. Could happily never hear the river one again though. One too many lifestyle ad for my tastes.. Paris is a straight ripoff of Sebastien Tellier although I kinda like it. cato played eden in 2008. not especially memorable, but it was free I guess. I quite liked the glass screen that insulated that room from the Tong aural diarrhoea next door.
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They were good. I'd actually forgotten about some of their tunes - I'm not a super fan, but have liked a fair chunk of their music over the years. Seem to remember enjoying them more the last time, but this was a sold out gig and maybe a bit more rammy than I can happily tolerate these days! My first gig since they lifted the vaccine passport or negative test policy...

Nice one JV … we are due to see them at Brixton on Easter Sunday … live show and then guest DJs until 3am
saw them years ago. Easy still held up. Superstylin the populist choice obv taking the roof off. Could happily never hear the river one again though. One too many lifestyle ad for my tastes.. Paris is a straight ripoff of Sebastien Tellier although I kinda like it. cato played eden in 2008. not especially memorable, but it was free I guess. I quite liked the glass screen that insulated that room from the Tong aural diarrhoea next door.

I'd totally forgotten about Paris. I don't think they played that last night.

Might be controversial, but my preference is probably their 80s pop/indie/slight goth phase... Look Me In The Eye Sister, Paper Romance. Those tracks come across really well live.
I'd totally forgotten about Paris. I don't think they played that last night.

Might be controversial, but my preference is probably their 80s pop/indie/slight goth phase... Look Me In The Eye Sister, Paper Romance. Those tracks come across really well live.

had no idea they went back that far! will have a listen, thanks
anyway... some nice new bits coming out atm. this first one doesn't appear to be credited to anyone

here's Faze Action channelling the spirit of golden era piano house

Really like Love Ape too - I downloaded a whole load of their stuff last week. Very lush/summery

Also look out for the new remix of Cantoma's classic Alive, by Conrad of the Idjut Boys. Not yet heard it but I just know it will be acers.


The Chill Out Tent Edition #21 – Second Birthday Celebrations!

We’re back with a special edition of the Chill Out Tent , it’s our second birthday celebration livestream this [Sunday 10/4/22 at 19:00 BST on Mixcloud live] (Mixcloud) feat. some fab Japanese ambient, Coyote, Matt Nearest at Spiritland, Chris Coco doing his Sheepwatch thing and music from SONLIFE, Samantha Whates & Ida Wenøe and Mário Rui Silva - free event - all welcome :)

15 years old and now with a digital release. As fun as ever. Dancing barefoot to this in the lush grass at the Big Chill festival in 2007 is one of my fondest memories ever. A cheeky Dennis Kane update on Santa Esmeralda. Maximum balearic points.

Mega! We've also got a much-delayed tribute night coming up this end in a couple of weeks, put on by his Spanish fanclub. Can't wait! View attachment 13346

A lot of fun on Sat night hanging with AW's fans here. At Freedonia, technically a community association hangout, but unofficially a hub of nocturnal sin with dilapidated toilets and furniture held together by masking tape. Sadly was a bit unwell with a cough so didn't last the course but I could see it was building into a great little tribute when I left. Mainly dubby/Sabres stuff in one room and more recent ALFOS big hitters in the other. All great DJs, well worth checking out, esp Geni and Gonzo. Here's a couple of photos I nicked :)


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