
my profile tended to attract the big mamas

I would just get these one line messages "I like your vibe" and would then click on the picture and it would be some beaming housewife in Hull
You should meet him to see if uses lots of pseudo-sexual language, supposedly innocently to subconciously encourage you to rip your own knickers off and beg him to 'do me'!:lol:

Ill tell you what...its the respect id wana meet him and drop kick his arse :lol:
my profile tended to attract the big mamas

I would just get these one line messages "I like your vibe" and would then click on the picture and it would be some beaming housewife in Hull

Alot of guys say they got all the fattys and the bored house woman after a 'good seeing to' :lol:

the womans mind in a curious thing at times :eek:
Never understood the concept of 'looking for a relationship'.

The idea is completely bonkers to me.

I can totally see it from both angles with regards to the whole online dating thing and tbh it is a bit odd even if i do say so myself....

I havent, yet *touches wood* had a bad experience from it so i spose to me its a bit of harmless fun :)
I find the whole circus of dating gets a lot harder in your 30s - things are expected of you, you can no longer woo someone on charm alone, there's loads more second guessing and psychology involved. On recent experiences, it's felt much more like going to a job interview than it used to.
Probably a tool who's read 'The Game' or some such, and thinks his insults will lower your self-esteem enough to make you lap up some positive attention when he switches tatics:lol:

You should meet him to see if uses lots of pseudo-sexual language, supposedly innocently to subconciously encourage you to rip your own knickers off and beg him to 'do me'!:lol:

This sounds incredibly accurate!!
I find the whole circus of dating gets a lot harder in your 30s - things are expected of you, you can no longer woo someone on charm alone, there's loads more second guessing and psychology involved. On recent experiences, it's felt much more like going to a job interview than it used to.

Can totally see where you are coming from with this....

What gets me is people actually start to panick when they get to late twentys early thirtys and are single, they seem to think they should start settling down, marriage, kids etc etc....

What will be will be :)
The reply was as follows.....

I went to Ibiza and its a fact, just warning you what you will become or what people will thik you are if you go


I actually dont get him tho, if he said that to everyone and anyone who had been to ibiza or is going...well im preety sure he wouldnt be alive :confused:

I wana reply with a sarcastic comment like...

'well sod it im a tart already so might aswell get knee deep in it' haha :lol:

He really does sound a ***** - what is he hoping to achieve?
He really does sound a ***** - what is he hoping to achieve?

Yeah exactly and thats what i said, well apart from 'firstly your a *****.....' lol

saying that he actually didnt answer my question as to what he thought he would acheieve.....might just have to reiterate this point that he is now also a rude ***** seeing he just ignore my question :lol:
Can totally see where you are coming from with this....

What gets me is people actually start to panick when they get to late twentys early thirtys and are single, they seem to think they should start settling down, marriage, kids etc etc....

What will be will be :)

I think people do start freaking out, especially when their looks start to fade or their careers don't take off as they would've wished - there's massive pressure from ads/tv etc to be some god/goddess and it just isn't realistic
Yeah exactly and thats what i said, well apart from 'firstly your a *****.....' lol

saying that he actually didnt answer my question as to what he thought he would acheieve.....might just have to reiterate this point that he is now also a rude ***** seeing he just ignore my question :lol:

Idiot. Obviously got nothing better to do.
I think people do start freaking out, especially when their looks start to fade or their careers don't take off as they would've wished - there's massive pressure from ads/tv etc to be some god/goddess and it just isn't realistic

I find there is incredible pressure to be some goddess that does it and has it all. Magazines do not help in the slightest. I find as I get older I am caring less though.
I find the whole circus of dating gets a lot harder in your 30s - things are expected of you, you can no longer woo someone on charm alone, there's loads more second guessing and psychology involved. On recent experiences, it's felt much more like going to a job interview than it used to.

I stayed single for long while, Moving around the world helped. I for the most part just said enjoy life and whatever happens happens. I hated the job interview feeling.
Never been on a date in my life.

Sounds nasty.

Dating can be fun and traumatic.

My first date was with a girl in my neighborhood. We went to a movie and afterward was heading to McDonald's. Just before we got there a seagull shat on her jacket. She was embarrassed and I had to go in and get wet paper towels to clean her up. We have a laugh about it still today.
all of it, the courting, the dining, the shagging, all of it is massively overrated - maybe 1% of all people are sexual athletes, everybody else is hopeless and doesn't have a clue - the number of times I've been in bed with someone and thought wtf am I doing here, I'd rather just watch emmerdale farm or eat a takeaway.