
I met my soulmate on plenty of fish... When your approaching 40 as we both are clubbing , drinking and general socialising combined with a diminishing circle of friends this site and others like it are not a bad option ( whatever your lookin for ;);) ). I was dead set against the internet dating age but i was bascially talked into it and saw nothing more than a bit banter, i certainly didn't expect this to happen but im glad i did and am loving every minute.. 18 months later were planning our 2nd ibiza trip amongst lots of others things so in short.... the wheat is always seperable from the chaff... 8)

Love this :D
I see your point fella and i was the same but then again it can't be knocked until tried.... afterall wouldn't be better to meet someone that you have already established a bit of common ground with or is better to be swinging of the end of a bar feckin hammered ready to shag anything with a pulse??? I remember the days when everyone said 'i'll never use a mobile phone'.... times are changing..

Its not really a great thing to admit but i think people are, somewhat,amazed when you are a 'normal' content couple and admit to meeting on a dating website...

I must admit i am more willing to tell ppl 'i met them off pof' because most of my mates are either on it or know of it,all for very diff reasons as im sure you can guess :lol:
Its not really a great thing to admit but i think people are, somewhat,amazed when you are a 'normal' content couple and admit to meeting on a dating website...

I must admit i am more willing to tell ppl 'i met them off pof' because most of my mates are either on it or know of it,all for very diff reasons as im sure you can guess :lol:

I agree its not the "to cool for school" comment you probably rather avoid answering at a dinner party... or so i thought... but then is "i met this slapper after a skinfull on a boys weekend in blackpool! didn't even know the bitches names as i was hanging out of the back of her over a tesco trolley!!! we've been together ever since"... id rather be honest and tell it like it is... sadly most of us dont...
I agree its not the "to cool for school" comment you probably rather avoid answering at a dinner party... or so i thought... but then is "i met this slapper after a skinfull on a boys weekend in blackpool! didn't even know the bitches names as i was hanging out of the back of her over a tesco trolley!!! we've been together ever since"... id rather be honest and tell it like it is... sadly most of us dont...

I agree its not the "to cool for school" comment you probably rather avoid answering at a dinner party... or so i thought... but then is "i met this slapper after a skinfull on a boys weekend in blackpool! didn't even know the bitches names as i was hanging out of the back of her over a tesco trolley!!! we've been together ever since"... id rather be honest and tell it like it is... sadly most of us dont...

Now that is also very true, blatently gona use that one if anyone laughs at my internet dating...

crease up aswell :lol:
I personally have never met anyone decent in a pub, club or anywhere that involves being completely hammered. Have always met other halves through work (not always good) or friends.
I personally have never met anyone decent in a pub, club or anywhere that involves being completely hammered. Have always met other halves through work (not always good) or friends.

Im the same really tbh...friends of friends...or theyve seen you out and added you on fb etc etc....

These days it isnt as easy to pull in a bar or a club and i always found when im with a male friend or a group, guys willpreety much NEVER come over, buggers me seeing some of my closest mates are male :rolleyes::lol:
Im the same really tbh...friends of friends...or theyve seen you out and added you on fb etc etc....

These days it isnt as easy to pull in a bar or a club and i always found when im with a male friend or a group, guys willpreety much NEVER come over, buggers me seeing some of my closest mates are male :rolleyes::lol:

Yeah great place to meet future friends and stuff just not so much partners - in my personal experience anyway
Im the same really tbh...friends of friends...or theyve seen you out and added you on fb etc etc....

These days it isnt as easy to pull in a bar or a club and i always found when im with a male friend or a group, guys willpreety much NEVER come over, buggers me seeing some of my closest mates are male :rolleyes::lol:

Really? What's wrong with the yoot if they can't navigate their way around that situation?

If it isn't easy pull for a woman, it must be impossible for a man!*

*Unless you are Michael Douglas or Wayne18uk, natch
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I personally have never met anyone decent in a pub, club or anywhere that involves being completely hammered. Have always met other halves through work (not always good) or friends.

agreed. nothing has ever come good for me from a saturday night snog.
We will always live in the era that a man should "have" his woman by smacking her over the head with a club and dragging her back to his cave... What i dont understand is how hard it is to admit you actually have someone nice on t'internet when its deemed much more acceptable to sit round the table having a beer with the boys bragging you boned so and so last night and your the 5th one to bone her and there's only 6 of you round that table having a beer firmly planting you on tier 3 of the "f**K tree!!!! :?:?
A lady I used to work with met her partner on the Internet, they were both in their 50s, wanted someone to have fun with, go out for days etc, they had a great old time, still together now
I personally have never met anyone decent in a pub, club or anywhere that involves being completely hammered. Have always met other halves through work (not always good) or friends.

I met my gf at Trade in Turnmills, battered on a Sunday morning 8 years ago. Took the time inbetween to get back together, but it worked out eventually. So it's not unheard of.
I met my bf on a dual carriageway for the first time and I tried to rob him, our paths met once more in a club where he looked after me all night after I triple dropped some 'very expensive gold watches' :)lol:) and made sure no deviants took advantage of my vegetative state. I think it must have been love at first foaming at the mouth sight. He asked me to come clubbing with him in a couple of weeks and we ended up getting together :D
Awww thats an ace story, i tend to attract ALL the weirdos when we go out, prob cos im dead chatty and friendly and blokes take it the wrong way
There is nowt worse than getting chatted up when your out with your mates, thats what i think anyway :)

especially when they are pissed as a fart and can barely string a sentence together :rolleyes:

whats wrong with going up to a lady and asking if they would like a drink - i have noticed that doesnt happen to often these days either...:rolleyes:

thank god my mates can tell when im either being pestered or errr pestered lol :lol:

some guy came up to me in a bar a few weeks ago and he was pissed as a fart,it was sooooo bad to see esp as he was 30 odd and was drunk like an 18 year old, needless to say he was fit so he got my number :lol:
especially when they are pissed as a fart and can barely string a sentence together :rolleyes:

whats wrong with going up to a lady and asking if they would like a drink - i have noticed that doesnt happen to often these days either...:rolleyes:

thank god my mates can tell when im either being pestered or errr pestered lol :lol:

some guy came up to me in a bar a few weeks ago and he was pissed as a fart,it was sooooo bad to see esp as he was 30 odd and was drunk like an 18 year old, needless to say he was fit so he got my number :lol:

Well done! :lol: