America has gone crazy

If only the media would not stick it all over the show - he's a dick, but they are the vehicle that put it all over the shop.

US response quoted on Beeb was that not it's bad because its mad wrong and f cued up - instead it will 'endanger our troops'.

not exactly condemning it unequivically is it?

need a spotlight spell check.
Not true re: US response. There are several statements out there. I saw Hillary's speech on Sky today and it was pretty strong. She said how it was great to see all the religious leaders of the world joining to condemn these people's stupid plan.

As for mentioning the troops, that plays to the audience in middle America... the ones who might otherwise not get what all the fuss is about because they (deep down... or not so deep) kinda don't like/understand Islam anyway.

Under the Constitution, these people have the right to do it. Same as the imam has the right to build and Islamic center in lower Manhattan. Here's where we run into the question of what is and is not a responsible use of your rights!

re: the media. True... if no one had reported about these people then we'd have a tree-falls-in-the-forest type of situation. But once it's out there, and the protests in Afghanistan and elsewhere began, now we've got to contain the **** storm...
Not true re: US response. There are several statements out there. I saw Hillary's speech on Sky today and it was pretty strong. She said how it was great to see all the religious leaders of the world joining to condemn these people's stupid plan.

As for mentioning the troops, that plays to the audience in middle America... the ones who might otherwise not get what all the fuss is about because they (deep down... or not so deep) kinda don't like/understand Islam anyway.

Under the Constitution, these people have the right to do it. Same as the imam has the right to build and Islamic center in lower Manhattan. Here's where we run into the question of what is and is not a responsible use of your rights!

re: the media. True... if no one had reported about these people then we'd have a tree-falls-in-the-forest type of situation. But once it's out there, and the protests in Afghanistan and elsewhere began, now we've got to contain the **** storm...

^^ True

The title of this thread is "America has gone crazy". I disagree, we've always been crazy, it's what has made us unique and often on the beneficial end of the Equation. It's just now everyone has access to the world with the internet and mass coms and such. It's just 1,000,000 times easier for idiots to be exposed to the rest of the world then it was 10 or even 5 years ago.

People focus on bad news and drama, the media sensationalizes that crap. You don't see stories on the thousands of websites with exceptional stories of people dedicating their help to a cause such as an individual with Leukemia or Cancer, where communities and people across the nation donate money and such and end up saving a 13 year old girls life (story on one of the forums I'm a member of).

Good news is no news and bad news is all the news. People don't care about how many people were saved in the emergency room today, they want to know how many were shot or kidnapped.
Not true re: US response. There are several statements out there. I saw Hillary's speech on Sky today and it was pretty strong. She said how it was great to see all the religious leaders of the world joining to condemn these people's stupid plan.

As for mentioning the troops, that plays to the audience in middle America... the ones who might otherwise not get what all the fuss is about because they (deep down... or not so deep) kinda don't like/understand Islam anyway.

Under the Constitution, these people have the right to do it. Same as the imam has the right to build and Islamic center in lower Manhattan. Here's where we run into the question of what is and is not a responsible use of your rights!

re: the media. True... if no one had reported about these people then we'd have a tree-falls-in-the-forest type of situation. But once it's out there, and the protests in Afghanistan and elsewhere began, now we've got to contain the **** storm...

Several statements out there yes, but the one Jeremy Vine on the beeb quoted was that one - he's a christian nut job anyway!
Good news is no news and bad news is all the news. People don't care about how many people were saved in the emergency room today, they want to know how many were shot or kidnapped.
You've reminded me of my mum. Every time I'm home for the holidays, she makes a point of at least once saying that she's going to watch "the blues" on TV. Rhymes with news, get it? Ha ha. :confused: :lol:
As I posted at the beginning you can use your beliefs to blow yourself up, burn a religious building (circa 1800's to present in america), kill or keep people down. This is a nut job who now has a platform for his hate speech.:evil:
Mad men of all stripes have killed in the name of their religion. Stop the madness I say

Part of the madness is focusing/promulgating these articles - the Islamic Cultural Center planned for Park51 (Sufism, btw - the mystical, 'whirling dervish'/peaceful version of Islam) was in plans for years, the congregation has been worshipping in the space for a few years - it had almost no funding and would have never been built on at the scale planned until conservative news channels here in the US labeled it as 'Ground Zero Mosque' - now money is pouring in from across the world...

..and I disagree with the above as well, in the history of the world very few(comparatively) have been killed in the name of 'religion' (well, monotheism- azteks/incas excelled at mass murder too) - human nature/history is brutal.
> Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.... those were the biggest mass killings recorded - all their victims were always the religious/clergy/intellectuals/artists/gays/etc... Nationalism is far more dangerous to the human race than religion.
This thread has absolutely no relation to clubbing (open chat or otherwise) nor is it related to Ibiza. Surely this thread can be moved to somewhere more in relation to its contents? :spank:
This thread has absolutely no relation to clubbing (open chat or otherwise) nor is it related to Ibiza. Surely this thread can be moved to somewhere more in relation to its contents? :spank:

I think you will find people talk any old sh1t when out clubbing, hence the title.
This thread has absolutely no relation to clubbing (open chat or otherwise) nor is it related to Ibiza. Surely this thread can be moved to somewhere more in relation to its contents? :spank:
Where in these forums would be a more appropriate place? (in your opinion)
thats the point - there isnt - as far as i was aware this was a website about ibiza and has forums to talk about ibiza and clubbing etc, which then sprawls out to international discussions about clubbing in general.

I'm sure there are more appropriate websites with chat forums specifically relating to this farce in america that you can discuss it till the cows come home.
AJ, if you look at the thread titles in this section you will see that a very large percentage are not about clubbing or Ibiza. If there is room and it's allowed then why not?
Or is it just this subject that you object to?
thats the point - there isnt - as far as i was aware this was a website about ibiza and has forums to talk about ibiza and clubbing etc, which then sprawls out to international discussions about clubbing in general.

I'm sure there are more appropriate websites with chat forums specifically relating to this farce in america that you can discuss it till the cows come home.
This forum is a community of people with a common interest in clubbing and Ibiza. As such, especially for the regular visitors, this is a place to have a broad range of conversations. We have other interests too!

The purpose of the Clubbing Open Chat section is just that - to talk about whatever topics come to mind.

You'll note that there are no threads like this one in the Ibiza Clubbing and International Clubbing sections. The Ibiza Open Chat section is there for more general discussions about the island itself, as is the Things to Do section.

If you don't like to talk about party tips, clubbing travel, football, politics, and all kind of other random stuff, just steer clear of this section ;)
This thread has absolutely no relation to clubbing (open chat or otherwise) nor is it related to Ibiza. Surely this thread can be moved to somewhere more in relation to its contents? :spank:

You don't fool me Rickaroo!

I see the parity in your views with those who would like to move the "ground zero mosque" to a more appropriate place...

hmmm....i think i know what you're really trying to say..

Would you like to see the mosque moved to a place "more in relation to it's contents" such as an Islamic country?

So basically what you're saying is that you think all Muslims should be moved to Iran?

I think your views are outrageous .

if you want to post views such as this there are plenty of right wing forums you can frequent more in line with your views.

Such as Majorca spotlight.