America has gone crazy

The Simpons take on the subject

Moe......The Kid is Muslim so therefore up to something

Homer......I cant believe that until I see a fictional TV progamme espousing your point of view
He wasn't the origin, so the yarn goes, merely the prophet. It's claimed that Islam was around long before that. The time of Abraham and Isaac and all that broohaha. Kinda similar in an extremely roundabout fashion to old/new testament

Knowing that is one of the benefits of growing up so close to Southall I guess :lol::lol::lol:
No no no. They claim the same heritage from Abraham and all that. But there was no Islamic religion until Mo. Just like there was no Christianity until Jesus.
No no no. They claim the same heritage from Abraham and all that. But there was no Islamic religion until Mo. Just like there was no Christianity until Jesus.

I take your point but there is a train of thought that says it existed beforehand and I'm not sure this can be proved/disproved either way. Certainly the islamic calendar is measured from there but that was more to do with the time Mohammed went from somewhere or other to Mecca - they consider it an important turning point in the history of Islam.

I guess like when Roman turned up at Chelsea... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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I'm going to be thick.

US government doing it to create division?

What is the alternative agenda?

Propaganda tactics. Use the overwhelmingly negative U.S. Media response as propaganda to paint our hatred against the religion of Islam and our hypocrisy of our beliefs thus painting us as the enemy of Islam to bolster support from moderates.

There may be some truth to that, but then again probably the same way that westerns are portrayed in the middle east/central Asia. It's not hate really, it's fear of the unknown and actions of a few making the impression on the rest of the world.

We both demonize each other though. Sometimes when I watch Al Jazerra I think wow, that's totally skewed but I'm sure the same is thought about western networks.

The proposed Imam is connected, he has to be to work the politics of this kind of situation, whether he's a face or appears moderate. The funding for this project alone takes some heavy weight with a major agenda, not to mention the complexities of building in NY.
The overwhelmingly negative nedia response is a fact though, not propoganda.

Not suggesting the media represents all of you crazy yank's opinions, however if the strategy is to provoke a reaction, then it has worked, and shame on those who reacted (sound like Oprah there).
The overwhelmingly negative nedia response is a fact though, not propoganda.

Not suggesting the media represents all of you crazy yank's opinions, however if the strategy is to provoke a reaction, then it has worked, and shame on those who reacted (sound like Oprah there).

Your're half right right. However, propaganda's definition tends to be misunderstood of being nonfactual or slander, but that is not correct. It can be factual, deceitful, blatant lies or whatever, as long as it is used to influence a group of people i.e. promotes the ideas and momentum of an agenda. Their goal was acheived and propaganda gained.

You are right though, like I said earlier, we took the cheese.

I got into a heated debate about this with my friend who accused me of being every name in the book. I said it's a legal right as long as it's on the up and up, there is nothing that can be done about it. Do I personally like the idea, hell no, but if the government intervenes then all that we stand for is for not. However, we do have the right to be pissed and voice our opinions so on the other hand, I don't see where some people get off saying we shouldn't say anything. Freedom of speech is protected in the very same first ammendement of our constitution along with religion, so the people are free to bitch as they like.
Propaganda tactics. Use the overwhelmingly negative U.S. Media response as propaganda to paint our hatred against the religion of Islam and our hypocrisy of our beliefs thus painting us as the enemy of Islam to bolster support from moderates.

There may be some truth to that, but then again probably the same way that westerns are portrayed in the middle east/central Asia. It's not hate really, it's fear of the unknown and actions of a few making the impression on the rest of the world.

We both demonize each other though. Sometimes when I watch Al Jazerra I think wow, that's totally skewed but I'm sure the same is thought about western networks.

The proposed Imam is connected, he has to be to work the politics of this kind of situation, whether he's a face or appears moderate. The funding for this project alone takes some heavy weight with a major agenda, not to mention the complexities of building in NY.

Hmmm pretty interesting read this thread has been this morning, I particularly agree with this reply.

Oh by the way I go to Ibiza in 9 days wahoooooo (OH BOLOX THAT'S SEPTEMBER 11TH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!) :eek::eek::eek:
Across the USA they are people who are opposed to Mosque in places thousands of miles away from ground zero. They have revoked building permits and set earth moving equipment ablaze. IMO The so called little people don't have a problem with each other. It is the hate monger all over the world that stir up shat between people.:evil:
Your're half right right. However, propaganda's definition tends to be misunderstood of being nonfactual or slander, but that is not correct. It can be factual, deceitful, blatant lies or whatever, as long as it is used to influence a group of people i.e. promotes the ideas and momentum of an agenda. Their goal was acheived and propaganda gained.

You are right though, like I said earlier, we took the cheese.

I got into a heated debate about this with my friend who accused me of being every name in the book. I said it's a legal right as long as it's on the up and up, there is nothing that can be done about it. Do I personally like the idea, hell no, but if the government intervenes then all that we stand for is for not. However, we do have the right to be pissed and voice our opinions so on the other hand, I don't see where some people get off saying we shouldn't say thing. Freedom of speech is protected in the very same first ammendement of our constitution along with religion, so the people are free to bitch as they like.

But why don't you like the idea?

Your undermining your 'it's propaganda by the Islamists' argument by reflecting the point of view that they (if your theory is correct) would have you say?

They are only using it therefore it extract your real opinion & i'm all for that.

It's not as if it is on the exact site. And just to be clear it's not islam that caused 9/11, it's extremist fundamentalists. They come in all colours and creeds.

in the UK we have had Irish republicans planting bombs for decades. Touch wood, conciliation has largely occured, demonstrating the power of communication and empathy.

Timmothy McVeigh blew up 168 people in Oaklahoma, he was a republican, catholic fighting against the federal government. Ban republican buildings from a couple of blocks away?
And I'm saying that as religions mature another 1000 years or so, they get less violent. You don't see people running around carrying out crusades or inquisitions now, do you?

My view is that this has nothing to do with religion 'maturing' (by its very nature, dogma can't mature) and everything to do with people searching for their own truth away from books/supreme leaders/dictators.

This is the daaaaawning of the age of aquaaaarius etc :lol: ;)
I said it's a legal right as long as it's on the up and up, there is nothing that can be done about it. Do I personally like the idea, hell no, but if the government intervenes then all that we stand for is for not.
However, we do have the right to be pissed and voice our opinions so on the other hand, I don't see where some people get off saying we shouldn't say anything. Freedom of speech is protected in the very same first ammendement of our constitution along with religion, so the people are free to bitch as they like.
My main problem is a lot of people doing the bitching most vocally seem to be the same Far Right nutjobs. And many of them seem to forget the fact that the rights to freedom of religion and freedom of assembly supersede anything else in this debate.

And you get the insincere bastards like Fox News who talk about how the Imam has received funding from, among other sources, the Kingdom Foundation, which they go on to claim is somehow extremist. What they totally failed to disclose is that the head of the Kingdom foundation is News Corp's biggest non-Murdoch shareholder! (thanks, Jon Stewart!).

In short, a lot of this bitching & moaning has little to do with the project and more to do with politics... which really pisses me off.
That same church produced a video trying to explain how using the 'N' word is not racist. Classy.

They're a bunch of radical Christian nutjobs... not too far away from the radical Islamic nutjobs they claim they're protesting against!
He does seem like the lowest of the low and he is supposed to be a man of God! Im not religious but if there is a god I cant really see him being happy with this kind of behaviour.
They're a bunch of radical Christian nutjobs... not too far away from the radical Islamic nutjobs they claim they're protesting against!

The geezer from that church was on the radio today saying:

"when are we going to stand up to them( Islam)? when they are burning our churches?"

Hmmm, perhaps when they start burning your bibles perhaps?

Oh wait a second that's your tactic isn't it :rolleyes:

Extremist bellend.
2000 year old written text, back in the days where hardly anyone could read or write. kinda ripe for a spot of brain washing.
If only the media would not stick it all over the show - he's a dick, but they are the vehicle that put it all over the shop.

US response quoted on Beeb was that not it's bad because its mad wrong and f cued up - instead it will 'endanger our troops'.

not exactly condemning it unequivically is it?

need a spotlight spell check.
Let's not forget the greatest American Nut Jobs.


Evil or Insane? I'm not sure.