America has gone crazy

Part of the madness is focusing/promulgating these articles - the Islamic Cultural Center planned for Park51 (Sufism, btw - the mystical, 'whirling dervish'/peaceful version of Islam) was in plans for years, the congregation has been worshipping in the space for a few years - it had almost no funding and would have never been built on at the scale planned until conservative news channels here in the US labeled it as 'Ground Zero Mosque' - now money is pouring in from across the world...

..and I disagree with the above as well, in the history of the world very few(comparatively) have been killed in the name of 'religion' (well, monotheism- azteks/incas excelled at mass murder too) - human nature/history is brutal.
> Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.... those were the biggest mass killings recorded - all their victims were always the religious/clergy/intellectuals/artists/gays/etc... Nationalism is far more dangerous to the human race than religion.

Let's not forget the crusades, Inquisitions and the catholic church convert or die policy that was promulgated by colonial powers during the 15th- 18th centuries. This is an open chat thread if you don't like what the topic is just pass by it.
You don't fool me Rickaroo!

I see the parity in your views with those who would like to move the "ground zero mosque" to a more appropriate place...

hmmm....i think i know what you're really trying to say..

Would you like to see the mosque moved to a place "more in relation to it's contents" such as an Islamic country?

So basically what you're saying is that you think all Muslims should be moved to Iran?

I think your views are outrageous .

if you want to post views such as this there are plenty of right wing forums you can frequent more in line with your views.

Such as Majorca spotlight.

Nice work Markster!
Let's not forget the crusades, Inquisitions and the catholic church convert or die policy that was promulgated by colonial powers during the 15th- 18th centuries. This is an open chat thread if you don't like what the topic is just pass by it.

+1 mate. The Christians soon forgot how they were persecuted under the Romans

To quote Richard Dawkins:

Without religion, good people would do good things and evil people would do evil things; But for good people to do evil things it takes religion"

Religion has been the excuse for wars & atrocities for centuries.
+1 mate. The Christians soon forgot how they were persecuted under the Romans

To quote Richard Dawkins:

Without religion, good people would do good things and evil people would do evil things; But for good people to do evil things it takes religion"

Religion has been the excuse for wars & atrocities for centuries.

Fair one the lions were hungry during those times:oops:
This made me laugh when I heard it on the news yesterday

"In his latest comments, however, he said the use of condoms might be justified in exceptional circumstances. He gave the example of male prostitutes where, he said, using condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS could be seen as an act of moral responsibility, even though condoms were "not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection"."

Im sure male prostitutes all go to church on Sunday and where worried about this
A lot of Americans feel it's a slap in the face. "Blow up more of our people and we'll build centers across America for you." I think it's funny how a lot of American born Muslims are not for this center. The new arrivals are...

In NYC there is a proposed use of an old building to create an Islamic center. In America there is freedom of religion. The sight is not a mosque and is not right on top of the world trade center. The hatred that has come from protest is shocking. IMO you can say terrorist was at fault for 9-11 but you can not condemn a whole religion.:spank: I will add to this that I serve in the US military and my job is to support and defend the US constitution, so I'm not a liberal wuss.:evil::evil:
A lot of Americans feel it's a slap in the face. "Blow up more of our people and we'll build centers across America for you." I think it's funny how a lot of American born Muslims are not for this center. The new arrivals are...

but what you say there is the crux of this whole thing and prejudice in action, even if you don't realise. you even contradict yourself.

"more of our people" - how do you define that, maybe american born muslims don't count in that? what about jews? white or black? where do you draw the lines?

and the way you say it also implies that muslims as a whole are responsible for having blown "your people".

pretty short sighted opinion!
^^^ what he said.

To reuse an analogy from earlier, that's like saying "molest more of our children and we'll build Catholic churches across American for you."

And I disagree with the new Muslim/old Muslim characterization. There are people, both Muslim & Christian, on both sides of the debate and I've seen interviews with American-born Muslims who are perplexed by the uproar.

I still find it ironic that the existing mosque 2 blocks away, built before the twin towers even existed, gets barely a mention in this debate.
A lot of Americans feel it's a slap in the face. "Blow up more of our people and we'll build centers across America for you." I think it's funny how a lot of American born Muslims are not for this center. The new arrivals are...

You can not lump all people together. The issue have people on both sides, what about other religion who have places of worship across America(ie like the catholic church)? Should we condemn a whole religion for the crimes of the few and the cover-up by said religion?
This is getting interesting...

Hello Grego:

Don't shoot the messenger! A lot of people feel this way and choose not to say anything. It's not deemed politcally correct. My problem with building an Islamic Center is this...why does it HAVE to be an Islamic Center and especially near Ground Zero? Why not a center that celebrates all religions? Wouldn't it be nice to have a center that remembers the victims of 9/11 as well as the victims of other such atrocities and encourages world peace?

A lot of American born Muslims feel the same way and don't want an Islamic Center near Ground Zero. Some people from other countries feel we're stupid for building it. I was recently told by someone that if an Islamic Center were built close to where the 2004 Madrid train bombings took place, there would be protests in the street.

BTW- When I used the term "our people" I was referring to the people living in the United States. I didn't attribute a specific color to them as you did.

but what you say there is the crux of this whole thing and prejudice in action, even if you don't realise. you even contradict yourself.

"more of our people" - how do you define that, maybe american born muslims don't count in that? what about jews? white or black? where do you draw the lines?

and the way you say it also implies that muslims as a whole are responsible for having blown "your people".

pretty short sighted opinion!
The whole "anti" strance is based on the insinuation that there is a link between those who will use the proposed centre and those who were responsible for the 9/11 atrocities.

The only link is that they share the same religeon.

No one who will use the proposed centre had anything to do with 9/11.

So why object?

It's probably because you believe all Muslims are the same, but you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Otherwise, what's the ****ing problem? Let them worship where they want?

What harm are they doing?