America has gone crazy

in fairness to Z who I think expressed his point quite clumsily - I think he meant there is a unique strain of terrorism associated with jihad which is quite distinct from your IRA/ETA activists.

I remember 2004 when the Madrid trains were bombed - whilst the politicians issued a kneejerk "blame ETA" response, people on the ground sensed immediately that this was an altogether different kind of atrocity - and that response basically cost Aznar his job.

"traditional terrorism" if you like was fairly localised and had specific objectives, whereas jihad - is it terrorism? a war? a cultural revolution? has very vague aspirations and is almost anarchic in how it is executed. So I can understand the paranoia - because even without the rightwing whipping it up , there is a general view that it represents something theocratic and completely alien to our liberal instincts. And that quite frankly unnerves me as much as unrestrained capitalism or old school dictatorships.

so the dilemma is do you try to integrate Islam with all its uglier, darker elements or do you put the barricades up?

now the reaction to this has been hysterical - as said before, it's only an islamic centre, a few blocks away, certainly not some masked warrior planting a burning stars and stripes in the ground. It is also worth noting hundreds of muslims died on 9/11 too...

nevertheless, America and the rest of the western world needs to decide how much islamic influence there should be in liberal society - eg should sharia law be accepted in English courts - I would be pretty concerned about that. Recent fatwahs against harmless Danish satirists for offending islam - again I find that pretty disturbing, that's where the focus needs to be, and it annoys me that people on the right have once again hijacked a serious issue just to play to the gallery

Well said
who mentioned anything about this country?

I couldn't find one that was easy reading for the whole world, so I started at home. It would be the same story in the US.

I do believe that if something isn't done then there will be more and more muslim terrorists though.

Did anyone watch the Panorama about online terrorists? There are new forums opening every day, with thousands of muslims signing up every month.

I truly despise religion.
I couldn't find one that was easy reading for the whole world, so I started at home. It would be the same story in the US.

I do believe that if something isn't done then there will be more and more muslim terrorists though.

Did anyone watch the Panorama about online terrorists? There are new forums opening every day, with thousands of muslims signing up every month.

I truly despise religion.

me too, i just find it odd that some religious nutt is willing to blow them selfs up thinking they will go to paradise and all that bull... some nutt was on the tv yesterday claiming that the flood in Pakistan was caused by the Usa??? WTF?????
It really is insane.

I saw another programme on a 'religious history museum' in the USA, and they were leading around school kids and explaining to them how the world is only 6000 years old, and that carbon dating is wrong and we lived side by side with dinosaurs.

Jesus H. Christ.
I saw another programme on a 'religious history museum' in the USA, and they were leading around school kids and explaining to them how the world is only 6000 years old, and that carbon dating is wrong and we lived side by side with dinosaurs.
I went to a Baptist primary school for 2 years. Not far from what they were teaching us. I fear for people who didn't move on from there and get a real education.

some nutt was on the tv yesterday claiming that the flood in Pakistan was caused by the Usa??? WTF?????
That's a totally separate issue. There was a theory running around here this summer (even reported in a couple of newspapers) that the massive record-breaking heatwave was the result of some new US weapon stationed in Alaska :lol: People like to blame stuff on the Americans.

hey I know all Muslims are not terroists to think that is ridiculous .Im just saying most terrorist attacks are based on Jihad by Extreme Muslim groups, If you dont agree you must be walking around with your eyes and ears switched off..

ok everybody , start calling me a racist....

Not racist, just unware of the facts & taking the easy narrative.

You from the UK mate.

Most terrorists attacks in very recent history....your probably right...over say the time of my parents lives? Not sure, but it's not so clear cut as to make one eyed statements like the above.
I couldn't find one that was easy reading for the whole world, so I started at home. It would be the same story in the US.

I do believe that if something isn't done then there will be more and more muslim terrorists though.

Did anyone watch the Panorama about online terrorists? There are new forums opening every day, with thousands of muslims signing up every month.

I truly despise religion.

eye fink that all of this lark is a product of the polarisation of wealth & quality of life in the world. religions, tribes are all just badges. if it were not 'muslims' v 'christians' it would be reds v whites.

yours after a 2 bottle of wine lunch.
eye fink that all of this lark is a product of the polarisation of wealth & quality of life in the world. religions, tribes are all just badges. if it were not 'muslims' v 'christians' it would be reds v whites.

yours after a 2 bottle of wine lunch.

You have a point but I don't think it's quite that clear cut. Racism and the like can be bread out by and large, as has been proven. It's a bit more difficult when the more extreme religious members are convinced that god wants them to kill the infidels.
You have a point but I don't think it's quite that clear cut. Racism and the like can be bread out by and large, as has been proven. It's a bit more difficult when the more extreme religious members are convinced that god wants them to kill the infidels.
Christians used to kill the heathens too. Nothing new, really.
People forget that Islam is a relatively young religion compared to the other top 4.
Christians used to kill the heathens too. Nothing new, really.
People forget that Islam is a relatively young religion compared to the other top 4.

I never said they didn't. My point was that you can teach people out of racism, but that's not really possible with Religion.
I never said they didn't. My point was that you can teach people out of racism, but that's not really possible with Religion.
And I'm saying that as religions mature another 1000 years or so, they get less violent. You don't see people running around carrying out crusades or inquisitions now, do you?
Christians used to kill the heathens too. Nothing new, really.
People forget that Islam is a relatively young religion compared to the other top 4.

That's not right though is it???? Islam's been around just as long as the likes of Christianity surely???? The crusades were against them were they not, hence the anger when W used the Crusade word...
That's not right though is it???? Islam's been around just as long as the likes of Christianity surely???? The crusades were against them were they not, hence the anger when W used the Crusade word...
Big Mo lived around the year 600 CE so it's at least that much younger than Christianity and I think it was another couple hundred years before Islam caught on big. So it's considered a comparatively young religion. At least, that's what my university professors told me :oops: :lol:
Big Mo lived around the year 600 CE so it's at least that much younger than Christianity and I think it was another couple hundred years before Islam caught on big. So it's considered a comparatively young religion. At least, that's what my university professors told me :oops: :lol:

He wasn't the origin, so the yarn goes, merely the prophet. It's claimed that Islam was around long before that. The time of Abraham and Isaac and all that broohaha. Kinda similar in an extremely roundabout fashion to old/new testament

Knowing that is one of the benefits of growing up so close to Southall I guess :lol::lol::lol:
A man goes into an adult entertainment shop and asks
the assistant for an inflatable doll.
"Would you like male or female?"
"Female, please."
"Would you like Black or White?"
"White, please."
"Would you like Christian or Muslim?"
This question confused the man, so he asked,
"What has the religion got to do with it? It's an
inflatable doll!"
"Well," explained the assistant, "The Muslim one blows
itself up!"

A mosque two blocks from Ground Zero...


lets see...

Has to be built by Teamsters since it's New York City.

Who is going to build this thing?

It's going to take years due to "unavoidable" constuction delays as well as shoddy workmanship from people building it wrong on purpose...

financially, it's a nightmare.

So why would you choose to go through all of that?


You dont have to be a genius to figure it out the agenda here.



And we the people are foolishly taking the cheese.
