A piece of great clubbing advice

well I know some of you might dissaprove of my opinion, i dont think im being narrowminded when I have seen friends (who HAD excellent jobs, good education, a happy family and a normal well functioning life, btw!) end up in hospitals becuz they had the same op´that many of you have: its not that dangerous, it doesnt happend that often so why bother, I wont be one of them who will take it any further and so on.....

You at least have to respect the people who have tried to get people out of addiction and witnessed quite a few people going down cuz of this. I dont think drugtaking is a matter of IQ, social status or anything.....and I dont think anyone can say they are in the clear when it comes to stay mentally sane. If you believe what youre doing is totally o.k and wont hurt you, well maybe the aftermath has already begun?
Sorry but I find comments like that stereotypical and outdated.

Whether we like it or not, drugs are a part of many people's life, yeah there are some people who are going to become addicted and progress onto hard drugs and suffer problems, but that's no different from people becoming addicted to alcohol or prescription drugs.

I have been doing this clubbing malarky for 11 years and would you believe it I still manage to hold down a good job, have good relationship, am close to family and friends etc. Based on your stereotypical views where you maintain people can get addicted to pills after taking 1 :rolleyes: then surely I should be one of those cases who is beyond help :rolleyes: :confused:
stereotypes become so because of narrow minded attitudes
a narrow mind will always speak in sterotypes.
the whole topic was a mature discussion on a type of amino acid that helps bring serotonin levels up to scratch.
it has somehow become a ridicolous argument into the morals of taking drugs and this was brought up by someone who openly takes drugs which i find totally hypocritical.
I was trying to think of someone who hasn't taken a drug for recreational use and couldn't think of anyone i knew, everyone i know does.
I am drinking right now and i now all the effects i should be aware of
I won't drink too much though.
I might decide in the future to have something else but i'll make sure i do it as safely as possible.
I can do this safely as possible as i have found sufficient educating info about the effect of what i am taking.
This is becaus there is sufficient inteligent people out there who have made it possible for this info to be available.
Anyone who abuses any drug is either uneducated, stupid, has an underlyning problem that makes them not want to care or have just got themselves into a bad situation.
Ibiza-girlie said:
I just think it´s sad.....

And to someone else who asked me if i needed hangover advice - yeah i was feeling pretty sick yesterday; proving i dont need more than just some wine to have that effect some of you probably get drom taking whatever....alcohol and drugs are NOT the same!

Without getting involved in a play on words, it's highly unlikely that you would have a monicer of "Ibiza girlie" if it were not for what you seem to think is an evil skirdge. Nor I doubt would there be an Ibiza Spotlight www site.

IMO, talking from personal experience, alchohol is FAR more dangerous than ecstasy.

You only need to walk through any town or city any where in the world to see th effects of too much drink. Fights, friends against friends, yobs against police etc etc.

I can think of only a handful of people I know from hundreds from all walks of life that have never tried ecstasy. Some friends use it on a regular basis, others occasionally, and plenty not at all anymore. I can honestly say that I know of no-one who has had ill effects from the taking of ecstasy short or long term.

I could fill a ream of A4 paper listing the broken relationships, fights, agruments etc etc I have witnessed amongst people I know as a direct result of alcohol. I myself am more likely to argue with my misus after a night out, and I don't ant to go home, or she dosn't etc.

I find it quite incredible that someone who one daya talks of not remembering how she got home could the next day then get high and mighty about ecstasy. And you talk of mental health problems, do me a favour.
well lets just say 1 thing then: alcohol can be bought and consumed legally, drugs cant.....

I thank you all for your valuable opinions, and didnt mean to start any battle between us. I have my opinion and that´s it. You have yours and will continue doing pills - on occasion I don´t really see the fuss either, honestly....just have in mind, that from where I stand I´ve seen a lot af sad cases, people just like you who have normal lives all of the sudden take a plunge and go down......

we all have our "addictive needs", i dont drink anything stronger than whitewine becuz Im allergic to stronger spirits as vodka ect...and i didnt mean to be sounding like some jesus or virgin mary on these pages. Just simply understand that there are some people out there who value different things and feel differently.... :confused:

have a nice and great weekend everyone. Im sorry if you think im narrow minded , but really you cant judge me if im not allowed to judge you either. I would have been intitled to be called narrow minded, if the case was that i didnt have any experience in that area...sadly i do, one friend died from taking E - then getting his arse into a car....bum!
another ended up in a mental institution where she still believes that her own shadow is chasing her......and another quit school - she was doing so great - now she´s a single mom, an addict and has nothing to show for. So dont tell me I am not entitled to my own opinion based on these observations. :cry:

Have a nice day!! :D
Dont think there's anything more to be said here that hasnt been already, topic should be locked now imho.........
yeah, lets just lay this to rest. We wont be able to reach an "agreement" anyway, and we all have dif. experiences. Some are lucky with the whole druggy-alcolhol business, and some know when to quit or don´t mind/are not affected....so lets just leave it at that!
Funky girl...extremely well put. I'm from Holland and over here we ( sort of) believe in information to help people make decisions about substances one uses. Besides which 2 of the biggest substances are freely available, i.e. alcohol and nicotine. Knowing what why and how is the key to sensible use of any thing.
Ibiza-girlie said:
Im sorry guys, but i think ITS COMPLETELY REDICULOUS to talk about drugs and the "right way to avoid comedowns" - well guess what!? you drugges yourself, now deal with the aftermath=amnesia, depression, illness, defect immune system to mention a few.

I might sound like a silly cow, and YES i KNOW that some of you might think that clubbing=drugging. Bit I dissagree totally, and I cant see why you have to discuss drugs in a forum like this.

There are parents and people here who - like me - dissaproves, and I simply think that you need to P.M eachother when it comes to this topic.

I don´t mean any harm, but I believe Stephen asked us to be sensible and mind what we put out here on these pages.....please be careful whatever you take or do when clubbing, i know quite a lot of people who ended up in psykiatric places after all that drugtaking, so this is why i dont appprove.

Yep I couldn't agree more...I have never had to take pills to enjoy myself and I get approached all the time by dealers in clubs."You want any pills".So I obviously must look like I am on them when I am enjoying myself.
Due to a bad past(long story) I had a breakdown 3 years ago and ended up in a mental day unit with severe depression.Whilst in there I met so many people from good backgrounds who had screwed their heads up from taking drugs. Like they see weird shit and hear voices telling them to kill themselves. I value my life so much now after spending a shitload on private help.

I really dont wanna sound like a ponce but I know what its like to have very severe head troubles and can guarantee you that you will absolutely hate yourself if you get ill over drugs. Your sanity is so precious!!!!.

I'm talking about people here that were once at the top of their trades.Models, Chef at Dorchester in London who used to cook for all the top hollywood stars and Actors etc. It really isnt worth it.After that shit I have another chance at life and I smile from the center of my soul outwards these days thanks to god and the love of my mates and girlfriend and of course Ibiza.

We all have our own reasons for doing what we do but at the end of the day, its down to how much you value your mind and I'm sure theres quite a few of us here that have suffered enough shit in our lifes without adding to it....Please just consider no one else but yourselves when it comes to taking e's and stuff.

I was put off straight away back 1988 when a kid knew died from it...I know this is rare but then seeing so many once good living people ,dribbling and starring straight thru me then having severe depression themselves would be a lesson to anyone....Trust me...
I have seen the downside to this and to experience it to point where u need hospitalisation and psychiatric help would frighten the shit outta ya.I know coz i have been thru it.

Take care dudes and have a goodun. 8)
coley said:
Ibiza-girlie said:
Im sorry guys, but i think ITS COMPLETELY REDICULOUS to talk about drugs and the "right way to avoid comedowns" - well guess what!? you drugges yourself, now deal with the aftermath=amnesia, depression, illness, defect immune system to mention a few.

I might sound like a silly cow, and YES i KNOW that some of you might think that clubbing=drugging. Bit I dissagree totally, and I cant see why you have to discuss drugs in a forum like this.

There are parents and people here who - like me - dissaproves, and I simply think that you need to P.M eachother when it comes to this topic.

I don´t mean any harm, but I believe Stephen asked us to be sensible and mind what we put out here on these pages.....please be careful whatever you take or do when clubbing, i know quite a lot of people who ended up in psykiatric places after all that drugtaking, so this is why i dont appprove.

Yep I couldn't agree more...I have never had to take pills to enjoy myself and I get approached all the time by dealers in clubs."You want any pills".So I obviously must look like I am on them when I am enjoying myself.
Due to a bad past(long story) I had a breakdown 3 years ago and ended up in a mental day unit with severe depression.Whilst in there I met so many people from good backgrounds who had screwed their heads up from taking drugs. Like they see weird shit and hear voices telling them to kill themselves. I value my life so much now after spending a shitload on private help.

I really dont wanna sound like a ponce but I know what its like to have very severe head troubles and can guarantee you that you will absolutely hate yourself if you get ill over drugs. Your sanity is so precious!!!!.

I'm talking about people here that were once at the top of their trades.Models, Chef at Dorchester in London who used to cook for all the top hollywood stars and Actors etc. It really isnt worth it.After that shit I have another chance at life and I smile from the center of my soul outwards these days thanks to god and the love of my mates and girlfriend and of course Ibiza.

We all have our own reasons for doing what we do but at the end of the day, its down to how much you value your mind and I'm sure theres quite a few of us here that have suffered enough shit in our lifes without adding to it....Please just consider no one else but yourselves when it comes to taking e's and stuff.

I was put off straight away back 1988 when a kid knew died from it...I know this is rare but then seeing so many once good living people ,dribbling and starring straight thru me then having severe depression themselves would be a lesson to anyone....Trust me...
I have seen the downside to this and to experience it to point where u need hospitalisation and psychiatric help would frighten the shit outta ya.I know coz i have been thru it.
Take care dudes and have a goodun. 8)

This was dead and buried, but since you added to it.


I am truly sorry to hear about your lowpoints in life, never having being there personally, I can only imagine how bad this could have been.

But, the point you are trying to make, I feel is totally invalid. Whilst I don't disbelieve your story for one moment, are you trying to say that ecstasy was the triigger for all these peples troubles?? If so, I would suggest that the very same people, you would have met in the very same placesw had ecstasy not been available, and their problem would have been alcohol, prescription drugs or similar.

How many people in the USA take prozac as part of their daily 'health routine'? And why is it allowed?

I won't answer the question, but would be interested in any replies?
Sorry mate totally disagree..I have seen this at first hand and NO WAY would alchohol have messed these people up the way the drugs did.Mate I am speaking from experience in terms of illness (smoking cannabis-weed etc) and yes, I would have gotten ill anyways at some point due to the structure of my psyche. But I have seen and spoken to people that wish they had never taken it in the first place. People will always compare wrong with wrong and justify their own reasons for doing wot they do. I am no different at times...BUT if you feel wot I say is invalid then thats fine.Its your life and your choice.
I am also curious aswell as to why people need to take it.
My remarks were born out of the fact that I would sincerely hate another brother or sister to go through what I went through. I also get quite pissed off at times in clubs when I am right getting into it and some dick interupts me asking me if I wanna buy pills. Trust me I get this a hell of alot.

1 or 2 drinks and good music and happy people will always do the trick for me.
Also the question you raise about prozac.

Its all about our mind sets and inner state. Parent Adult Child ...freud etc.
These drugs are used to supress emotions in much the same way recreational drugs are. The difference is the effects they have.
I sympathise about the friends, obvisouly I have been more frortunate in never witnessing this.

Anyone who says they feel just the same vibe and beat of the music when not taking anything as opposed to someone who has taken any alkaloid type drugs are not telling the truth, this is a fact. You say you don't understand WHY people want to take such things, you will have to go a very long way back in time to find an era when man didn't use recreational drugs. "Recreatinal" drugs, not taken because you feel you have to to fit into this group or that group, taken becuase it is extremely enjoyable. Should all recreational sports be banned for fear of people doing what they chose to do as sport??

As I said before, and this is fact, if it were not for lsd and ecstasy, there would b no dance 'scene'.

Since they inroduced testing stations into clubs in Holland, along with first aid on hand, how many people have died from taking ecstasy? 0

SO we are back onto the point about education and information, people are never going to stop taking recreational drugs, so why not as people have already pointed out. Educate people into the safest use of such things, you wouldn't go scuba diving without knowing the safety procedures.

Everyone has he choice to try ecstasy et al, some do and enjoy, some do and don't enjoy,, and never do again. I don't go onto a message board and say "I really don't know why you guys need to go sky diving".

People get too hung up about ecstasy, whilst all around them the planet we inhabit is being destroyed by greed, people are becoming products of the 'system' and barely know 'how to think' these days.

Be Happy
:D :D :D
i´d rather actually be dead than being insane from taking drugs, and I think prozac is here to cure some of the people who screwed up their mental health cuz of (amongst several things!) drugs in the first place.

youve got an interesting story to tell, coley - thanks for sharing!
Ibiza-girlie said:
i´d rather actually be dead than being insane from taking drugs, and I think prozac is here to cure some of the people who screwed up their mental health cuz of (amongst several things!) drugs in the first place.

You are obviously not going to see the point. DRUGS DO NOT MAKE SOMEONE INSANE.

Could you give your synposis of insane whilst you bring the word to the fore?
I think Mark Renton from the film Trainspotting really summed up drugs for me:

"People think its all about misery, and desperation, and death, and all that shite.......which is not to be ignored. But what they forget, is the pleasure of it.....otherwise we wouldn't do it"

Thankyou and good day.

PS Ibiza girlie take the word 'drugs' out of every one of your posts and substitute it with 'alcohol'. Have a read and then think before you condemn people who choose to take drugs.
Sorry but I fail to see that.You obviously have had good times using certain things and again thats your choice. But please dont compare the the decision to use drugs to playing football over the park.

I have used substances before and I just dont need drugs anymore to enjoy dance music and feel it and that is FACT. We all have a powerful gift and that is the power of our sub concious. I am heavy into using mind tools and it provides me with all I need and more to enjoy and endure long club sessions.
I do sometimes every now and then consider going back to havin the odd blast but for me personally why bother????..
I am not here to slate people who do these things as I am no way perfect and my energy would be better put to use constantly improving myself.

My bottom line is this. I dont need drugs to enjoy dance music. All my mates who I go clubbin with from time to time dont either. I have had loads of fantastic nights where the most I have had is 2-3 JD's cokes and 7-8 hours of good soulful uplifting dance music. I remember when I used to buzz on stuff the most sour souless shit used to get my foot tapping and my head rocking...

I smoke and accept its wrong, I dont justify it and know I run the risk of discease if I dont stop. But at the same time I enjoy it

At the end of the day its all about the choices we make.Live by the sword ,DIE by the sword.
I fully accept some people enjoy this stuff but by the same token please accept that some people can feel the music in there soul without the use of drugs. :) :) :) 8)