Ibiza-girlie said:
Im sorry guys, but i think ITS COMPLETELY REDICULOUS to talk about drugs and the "right way to avoid comedowns" - well guess what!? you drugges yourself, now deal with the aftermath=amnesia, depression, illness, defect immune system to mention a few.
I might sound like a silly cow, and YES i KNOW that some of you might think that clubbing=drugging. Bit I dissagree totally, and I cant see why you have to discuss drugs in a forum like this.
There are parents and people here who - like me - dissaproves, and I simply think that you need to P.M eachother when it comes to this topic.
I don´t mean any harm, but I believe Stephen asked us to be sensible and mind what we put out here on these pages.....please be careful whatever you take or do when clubbing, i know quite a lot of people who ended up in psykiatric places after all that drugtaking, so this is why i dont appprove.
Yep I couldn't agree more...I have never had to take pills to enjoy myself and I get approached all the time by dealers in clubs."You want any pills".So I obviously must look like I am on them when I am enjoying myself.
Due to a bad past(long story) I had a breakdown 3 years ago and ended up in a mental day unit with severe depression.Whilst in there I met so many people from good backgrounds who had screwed their heads up from taking drugs. Like they see weird shit and hear voices telling them to kill themselves. I value my life so much now after spending a shitload on private help.
I really dont wanna sound like a ponce but I know what its like to have very severe head troubles and can guarantee you that you will absolutely hate yourself if you get ill over drugs. Your sanity is so precious!!!!.
I'm talking about people here that were once at the top of their trades.Models, Chef at Dorchester in London who used to cook for all the top hollywood stars and Actors etc. It really isnt worth it.After that shit I have another chance at life and I smile from the center of my soul outwards these days thanks to god and the love of my mates and girlfriend and of course Ibiza.
We all have our own reasons for doing what we do but at the end of the day, its down to how much you value your mind and I'm sure theres quite a few of us here that have suffered enough shit in our lifes without adding to it....Please just consider no one else but yourselves when it comes to taking e's and stuff.
I was put off straight away back 1988 when a kid knew died from it...I know this is rare but then seeing so many once good living people ,dribbling and starring straight thru me then having severe depression themselves would be a lesson to anyone....Trust me...
I have seen the downside to this and to experience it to point where u need hospitalisation and psychiatric help would frighten the shit outta ya.I know coz i have been thru it.
Take care dudes and have a goodun. 8)