what a tastefully designed, well mounted and positioned sign that looks!!??!! maybe somebody should remind the local council in san antonio that the reason why people gather from all over the world to see the sunset in san antonio is because it has a natural feel to it, not because it is obliterated with tacky 'don't do' signs. Next they will have several advertising hoardings sponsored by BMW or Audi or whoever saying "Welcome to the the site of the world famous san antonio sunset" to bring in some advertising revenue. or they could charge people to sit and watch the sunset. We know the Spanish economy has gone 'tits up' (rather than 'no tits out' as in san antonio these days) but these revenue raising ideas are becoming great competition for Ryanair. Tax to walk on the pavement anyone?
Obviously no-one including me is encouraging littering and pissing in public but the large 1,500 euro fine does suggest this 'new era for san antonio' is driven by monetary policy.