_____ Fresh rumours about DJs switching clubs next year. Gonna be a fun 2012 _____

This is one night I've not been to it years. This Tiesto thing is interesting. To anyone that has been this year, what are the numbers like? Is he any good? Is he bored?

I still think that Tiesto / Eric Prydz @ Amnesia could work on a Tuesday.

Didn't Tiesto fill in for Prydz one Tuesday at Amnesia this year when he was unwell?

Went this year for the closing. It was packed. Not all of it was open. Too many vibe killing "VIP" areas. Music started well, then slowly drifted into some self absorbed emo gash (The Tiesto faithfull loved it mind).

The idiot factor wasn't too bad. Staff/Bouncers were freindly and helpfull. The visuals, and well essentially the show they put on was superb (this was almost worth the entry!).

We passed Space on the way there and it sounded great (I knew then that the music was going to be better there that night...).

However the missus had never been and naturally wanted to go see it. I didn't want to go to an empty club so we picked Tiesto closing.

She enjoyed herself, it was a good night - just not a great one.

No regrets.
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i love the tiesto/prydz shouts. i fully expect 'Annie Mac presents' to still be on the calendar somewhere next year though.. when i went to see prydz the amp line up seemed to be the bigger pull . so maybe Tiesto/prydz and AMP moving to the mtv night. anyone know any details about mtv party? is it longterm, will it be there next year etc?
right... I just came back from Ibiza and here's my thoughts for next year:

SHM and Guetta will def be back at Pacha, the club will never let the two go unless one day they buy Privilege like they did with El Divino, so 100% back next year.
So Pete Tong and Flower Power.
Now, Defected will have, I think, only the event at Ushuaia next year, they promoted a lot that even this year and in the end it worked better than Pacha so they will expand the thing next year, pretty sure.
Luciano... I think he will stay, but then I am not sure.
Morillo is over, he has done the 10 years, safe bet he will be at Space next year.

Space had a very good season and I don't see any changes for them, unless they pick Morillo for Monday's Calling or Be.

Amnesia will get Tiesto, Annie Mac will stay, Eric Prydz will help Tiesto but he won't be a billboard headliner. MTV should be back, therefore I think one of the three djs above will take care of the main room, Shake It didn't work at all this year, FACT.

Privilege, do you really think it will be open, if Tiesto leaves then... they cannot survive with SupermartXé alone. If that's the case SupermartXé will move to... I think maybe Space or Amnesia, but then Matinee won't be happy so Space could be a deal, gone Cafe Ole in SupermartXé. If Privilege stay open then good luck to them... but I don't see Privilege lasting very long, unless Pacha takes over the place :twisted:
Before SHM shot up in popularity you would bet on Tiesto staying at Privilige for a long time, He just cant compete with Amnesia,Pacha and DC10 on a monday anymore
Before SHM shot up in popularity you would bet on Tiesto staying at Privilige for a long time, He just cant compete with Amnesia,Pacha and DC10 on a monday anymore

I know I suggested it too. But in reality, would Tiesto do a night that wasn't all about him? E.g. a Prydz / Tiesto / Annie Mac night at Amnesia.... and could anywhere afford him. I'd imagine he has a HUGE €€€€€ Fee....
Apologies for this, as I've just read the entire thread (yes, it's a quiet morning)

Privilege need a second big night. they need to hurl some money at Deadmau5 imo. unlikely because he obviously isn't the travelling/residency type.

Deadmau5, as much as he whines about travelling, is almost constantly doing tours within the US and Canada. He had the cream residency in 2010 and that worked well for him. His issue with something like Privilege would be all his equipment, as it'd stop him touring elsewhere (He's only got one cube, for example), unless he does his unhooked sets. Personally, I reckon the mau5 would work very very well in privilege.

...I think the gatecrasher nights at Privilege could work a lot better, they seemed to be not advertised or hyped up much, and putting them against Be was perhaps a mistake in terms of their trance line-ups. Above and Beyond at Privilege would be good!
Right, I've said this before, Privelege needs a big weekly Trance night to give its soundsystem a run for its money (since Tiesto is playing more progressive/electro - we don't need to argue what genre he plays!!!!!!) .
We've seen the Godskitchen Boombox for a couple of weeks + a 4 week Gatecrasher residency. So I was wondering what about Ferry Corsten moving from Sankeys and possibly maybe the likes of a few others e.g. Dash Berlin, Richard Durand, Paul Okenfold (whether you like him or not) to host a large Trance night.
As there are only really three others, so there must be space for a fourth!!!!!

Above & Beyond by themselves wouldn't sell out privilege, and they don't tend to do extended sets beyond four hours either.
Gatecrasher would work very well, me thinks, but Godskitchen would work better. And gods has the boombox. Maybe Gods at Priv, and Gatecrasher at Eden or Amnesia?
Privilege is just too big for it's own good now. They could do with spending some cash sorting the place out (the toilets are disgusting, for example), and giving it a general refresh.
Ferry didn't sell out Sankeys, as far as I am aware. We went at the end of july, and while fairly busy, it wasn't so rammed. I don't think Ferry has a big enough pull to sell out Privilege without one hell of a line up. (That DOESNT include Dash Berlin)
Judgement Sundays will stay in San An, obviously.

Godskitchen, to work well, needs a decent set of DJs. Having Sander Van Doorn, Richard Durand and Cosmic Gate are not big enough for a club like Privilege. Paul Van Dyk, on the other hand, along with those guys? That'd be a spectacle.

There are a lot of Trance DJs out there, but none of them have the name of impact to pull in the punters like Armin Van Buuren, Eddie Halliwell or Schulz does. Most of you guys will know of these ones, but will you have heard of guys like Solarstone? Arnej? Mat Zo?

Personally, I'd love to see an Anjuna night launch on the island. Above & Beyond, Super 8 & Tab, Arty and Mat Zo on a lineup in one room, than the AnjunaDeep boys in the second room. But would it sell out?

This is one night I've not been to it years. This Tiesto thing is interesting. To anyone that has been this year, what are the numbers like? Is he any good? Is he bored? ...
I know I suggested it too. But in reality, would Tiesto do a night that wasn't all about him? E.g. a Prydz / Tiesto / Annie Mac night at Amnesia.... and could anywhere afford him. I'd imagine he has a HUGE €€€€€ Fee....

Tiesto wouldn't do a night that wasn't his, and for his ego, amnesia is too small. It was a busy party this year, busier than 2009 or 2010, which was interesting. I don't like his 2009 - 2010 musical direction, but he seems to be trying to push his way back in to the 'trouse' scene which seems to have taken over Trance. I don't think he'd move though.
Deadmau5 does too many tours in america and europe to be popping backwards n forwads to ibiza otherwise i think he would consider it!

The whole Deadmau5 show at privilige would be cool though! just cant see it happening
if enough money was thrown at deadmau5 he would probably do it and he's probably one of the only DJs in the world atm for whom a massive night at privilege would work.

the live at privilege this year was a good idea but the lineups were weak. considering how rammed some of the i want my MTV nights were, this would have been a success at privilege i reckon. but doubt amnesia will let that night go now

i really like the idea of an anjuna beats night as mentioned above. and considering above and beyond played ****loads of dates at cream this year, im sure commiting a summer to ibiza is something they'd be up for doing

none of these ideas are likely but imagine if they was:

monday - tiesto
tuesday - anjuna beats, with above and beyond etc
wednesday - deadmau5
thursday - godskitchen boombox
friday - supermartxe
saturday - saturday night project
sunday - privilege live/i want my mtv esque night

i know all of that is highly unlikely, nigh on impossible.. but imagine if they could pull it off. privilege would be one of the big boys again, if not the biggest.
monday - tiesto
tuesday - anjuna beats, with above and beyond etc
wednesday - deadmau5
thursday - godskitchen boombox
friday - supermartxe
saturday - saturday night project
sunday - privilege live/i want my mtv esque night

i know all of that is highly unlikely, nigh on impossible.. but imagine if they could pull it off. privilege would be one of the big boys again, if not the biggest.

Not sure that that line up would work. The trance community is just too small to have two big trance brands on one night (Cream / Gods), and there is no way you could put one on Wed what with the 'master of trance *cough*' at Be for a weekly residency. Deadmau5 there would just be made of win.
In terms of the 'it was better 5 years ago', you have to be careful with this. Everybody reaches an age and looks back when they were having the time of their lives - and thinks that was the best time.

My brother thinks 1995-2000 was the best time (as he was 20-25 then).

Sometimes it is us that changes. I meet groups of 18-21 year olds who are having their time NOW - they are like pigs in sh*t..... And I am sure in 5 years, they will look back and think 2011 was the best year ever as 2017 just isn't like it was in 2011 etc.......

100% agree.

You have to learn to embrace it, and ditch all your old mates (for the summer) who says ibiza is crap now compared to the old days :lol:

go with ibiza virgins and watch their enthusiasm and amazement rub off on you and you'll be loving it all as much as them all over again.
..... pacha mag says :!:

who do you reckon is moving and where :?:

I would love to see Sanchez back @ Pacha....His epic 8 hour sets were bang on the money:)
I would love to see Sanchez back @ Pacha....His epic 8 hour sets were bang on the money:)

Can't see that to be honest. Not sure he can fill Pacha on his own anymore. Maybe he could fit in with the old boys at 'Pacha Seduction' on a Tuesday. I never went to Monday's Calling at Space at all this year, so no idea how that went for him. I actually think if he did more Cafe Ole's that would work.... but that's a Saturday so he'll be raking it in elsewhere.

My take is that Pacha needs to start looking for the next big thing.... what comes after SHM & Guetta (though I still believe both will be there for 5+ years).
IF Deadmau5 had a weekly night in privilige it would mean he would be flying backwards n forwads to wherever he is touring, it wouldnt make logical sense for him, he would have to be touring in europe all summer for it to work and i cant see that happening!

maybe if he is touring europe next summer even for part of the summer then he could do a mini residency like he had at amnesia

plus theres the costs for another stage set up in privilige because it wouldnt make sense to tour then ship it over to ibiza then back on the tour again

Does anyone know where he was touring when he had his residency in Amnesia last year?
He played mostly in Europe. He didn't use the cube or anything in amnesia when he had his mini residency, though, just the usual stage setup that mixmag seem to have adopted for the full season this year.

He is well overdue for a European tour, me thinks. Maybe he'll do it next summer?
I can't see there being many changes over the close season in all honesty. The big nights have remained as popular as ever in their current locations so there is no real need to change any of these.

One night i was glad to see appear this season was Monday @ Space with Knight & Sanchez plus guests. Never going to be one of the big ones with the competition it has but a great alternative.

I would love to see an Anjuna night in Ibiza and it's one that could certainly work. The thing about A&B being a 3 piece is that they can easily be in two places at once (like SHM) so they could hold a residency in Ibiza as well as touring elsewhere.

Godskitchen & Gatecrasher aren't as big as they used to be so there little one off shows in Privilege will probably stay as they are.