___ Monza 2010 ___

C'est tout bon le man!

lol! John John....i tried to talk to him last night but aparently he left the club early for god knows what reason and me for the good reason that matthew dear was thinking he was at cafe del mar...just boring the music... never seen that a Club4 in city hall....

quick look to see if someone guessed where monza is happening this summer.....

bla bla bla

bla bla blaaa

blaaa bla

..... no, not yet. oh well ! !
Funny how even with the limited amount of options, the venue for 2010 hasn't been mentioned yet in this thread.
Funny how even with the limited amount of options, the venue for 2010 hasn't been mentioned yet in this thread.

Somny, Blu, Martina (what paco osuna told me), Le Masque, Space, Aura, Privilege (doubt it stays there), the old penelope (good luck to open it...)....bloody hell im running out of options....