___ Ibiza Rocks 2010 ___

Mumford and Sons 8) Magic
The Chemical Brothers 8) Super Duper....

i really need to know :x
someone in the know wanna PM me and ill swear secrecy .... :D ;)
This would make me a VERY happy chappy!!!! But I don't think there touring at the moment are they? I was thinking possibly Hot Chip or Mumford & Sons, there both touring at the moment.

They're here in Denver in a week or so.
24th Birthday?8O Aye right and the rest. And if I hear "You got the love" one more time am gony rip my sack off with my bare teeth.
it can't be all new/young bands..... there has to be space for some legends too, so well done for bringing ian brown and the specials ! !