35 yr old male travelling alone clubbing?

should i cancel tickets?o_O

is lost?
Aye its an urban legend, first emerged in 60s california i think. Its on snopes. Funny though :lol:
Oh it's all true, I met him at a local football match on the island, he was handing out orange segments to the home team at halftime. He did look like he was away with the fairies though.
Travelling on my own at the end of September. Love it at that time of year. This will be my 6th out of 7 years. I love it, do what I want, when I want. Find it less stressful than being on holiday with others when you've all got to agree about where to go, what to do, where to eat, etc. Never felt awkward being on my own in Ibiza, and really easy to get chatting to others wherever you go. Always make sure it's a good mix with some clubbing and some less hectic nights. Make sure I get a bit of everything, and travel about a bit to see things, it's a beautiful island after all and I'd hate to miss out on that part by sleeping and being tired every day, and go home feeling like I've had a holiday as well as a great time. Can't wait.
Yep, me and my partner return in a few weeks for our 5th time. I'm 32 she's 31 we are bringing two Ibiza virgins with us around the same age.
Travelling on my own at the end of September. Love it at that time of year. This will be my 6th out of 7 years. I love it, do what I want, when I want. Find it less stressful than being on holiday with others when you've all got to agree about where to go, what to do, where to eat, etc. Never felt awkward being on my own in Ibiza, and really easy to get chatting to others wherever you go. Always make sure it's a good mix with some clubbing and some less hectic nights. Make sure I get a bit of everything, and travel about a bit to see things, it's a beautiful island after all and I'd hate to miss out on that part by sleeping and being tired every day, and go home feeling like I've had a holiday as well as a great time. Can't wait.

Ive always discovered the most when im by myself , you really can do what you want to do , not what a committee wants haha
Ive always discovered the most when im by myself , you really can do what you want to do , not what a committee wants haha
Yep, me and my partner return in a few weeks for our 5th time. I'm 32 she's 31 we are bringing two Ibiza virgins with us around the same age.

Do you find it at all daunting to bring people with you for their first trip?

I have a few Ibiza virgin friends who've been hinting they'd like to join me there sometime, but after having absolutely fantastic solo trips these past two years I'm feeling a bit mixed on bringing them along next summer.

For sure, I'd really like to share the place I love so much with my friends. But I've become rather used to having a week that's entirely on my terms and schedule, and being free to go do things with new people I meet there. While my friends are into a lot of the same music as I am, I'm not sure they'd want to enjoy Ibiza the same way I do (the hours, the level of partying, etc.)

Is it possible to give your friends a first-day introductory course on Ibiza, and for the rest of the week say "Here's what I'm doing tonight. I'd love to have you come along, but if it's not your thing then have fun and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon when I wake up again!"
Do you find it at all daunting to bring people with you for their first trip?

I have a few Ibiza virgin friends who've been hinting they'd like to join me there sometime, but after having absolutely fantastic solo trips these past two years I'm feeling a bit mixed on bringing them along next summer.

For sure, I'd really like to share the place I love so much with my friends. But I've become rather used to having a week that's entirely on my terms and schedule, and being free to go do things with new people I meet there. While my friends are into a lot of the same music as I am, I'm not sure they'd want to enjoy Ibiza the same way I do (the hours, the level of partying, etc.)

Is it possible to give your friends a first-day introductory course on Ibiza, and for the rest of the week say "Here's what I'm doing tonight. I'd love to have you come along, but if it's not your thing then have fun and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon when I wake up again!"

Ooh that's a tough one. Considering how much it costs and the effort it takes to get over to Ibiza from your part of the woods my gut feeling says maybe your not ready to share this yet.

I'm quite selfish in my approach and am very lucky my other half loves the scene and often introduces me to stuff.

This results in me not wanting to bring my mates who are just sorta into it.

Some people like the social side of things - me personally I like zoning out and getting lost to the vibe/music.
interesting question! Ive only done one propper solo trip mind. i think it depends on the people your bringing / coming with. Ive alway been the most into music etc out of my friends so when they started coming it was natural that i just took them where i thought was good but in terms if daytime / beach stuff everything takes 4x longer with a group.

My first every experience of ibiza clubbing was space sunday lunchtime to meet a fella off here... a year or 2 later I was at his wedding. So taking people i know there surely shouldnt be a big deal haha
Ooh that's a tough one. Considering how much it costs and the effort it takes to get over to Ibiza from your part of the woods my gut feeling says maybe your not ready to share this yet.

I'm quite selfish in my approach and am very lucky my other half loves the scene and often introduces me to stuff.

This results in me not wanting to bring my mates who are just sorta into it.

Some people like the social side of things - me personally I like zoning out and getting lost to the vibe/music.

Yep, that's pretty much exactly how I've been feeling about things. Also, I did bring a virgin-friend along on my second trip over -- someone who I thought would be into the music and the scene as much as I was -- and he really didn't enjoy being there. :( Heartbreaking! Over time I've learned that he's decided he's "outgrown" the party lifestyle of his younger days, a concept I still don't entirely understand, but it made me realize that what seems like paradise for me isn't necessarily that for someone else.

I've at least decided that anyone interested in going with me has a to have "the talk". One part is things about Ibiza that might bother some people (cost, drug use, "sucky-sucky girls", etc.) and one part is how I enjoy Ibiza (including "I don't care how beautiful the beaches are -- don't count on me to be up before 4pm on any day"). I'll see from that if they're still all-in with no reservations.
Man, just read down this thread..... I didnt get any notifications saying there had been any replies!!!! IBIZA was amazing!!!! It was the best decision ever, and I will definitely be back again, and probably by myself!! I went out 4 times....

Wednesday: Arrived in the evening, if I was 18 I would have def gone straight out, but I was sensible and stayed in the hotel, witch was amazing by the way!!! Had dinner and a few drinks and enjoyed the entertainment.


Thursday: I lazed about the pool all day, met a couple of really nice lassies from London, and spent most of the week chatting to them at the pool. Then headed to Amnesia on the Disco bus, I left at midnight from San An, got to the club and went to the bar, chatted to the bar lassie for a while while I waited for Paul Okenfold to come on, who was good. Then went through to watch Fatboy Slim, always wanted to see him, was not dissapointing!!! As I said in an earlier post, a group of girls took me under their wing and spent the night dancing with them..... Then headed back to the hotel about 6am, I got the taste for Ibiza!!!!!!!!




Friday: Got up in time for lunch buffet, and lazed about the pool all day again..... Then at night I headed to Judgement at Eden.... Another great night again.... Judge Jules was ok, not as good as other times I seen him. But the Eddie Halliewell came on and nailed it.... Wowo, what a performance, and the tunes!!!! OOOOFT!!!! I met an older couple on the dance floor, admiring the tunes together, then they pointed to a younger lad and told me that was their son.... A family night out in Ibiza!!!! haha!!!! Brilliant!!!



Saturday: At night I went to Es Paradis, was a jumping night, again, plenty of great tunes.... And great fun and lots of daft pics!!!



Sunday: This was such a surreal day!!!! I was privileged enough to get VIP access to the champers party at Ocean Beach, it was an amazing experience.... Never been to anything quite like it!! Mixing with "celebs" well, reality stars, hahaha!! Didnt have a clue who they were :eek:P





Monday: was a write off, drank far too much champers.....

Tuesday: Took it easy all day

Wednesday: Went home!!!!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Ok, off out to the pub now, will write more later and put pics up!!!!
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