Your BIGGEST clubbing pet peeves??


New Member
Mine have got to be long lines for no apparent reason other than disorganization on the part of the venue, and people constantly asking to bum smokes. Then, they ask for a lighter. Now I just say, "would you like me to run down to the corner store for you and buy some??" Sounds bitchy, and I don't mind occasionally giving out one or two, but it gets ridiculous after a while! Those nasty grits are expensive too!! :P
People who r just standing there on the dancefloor and/or near the bar (when they should be dancing) and killing the party atmosphere!
fusion said:
People who r just standing there on the dancefloor and/or near the bar (when they should be dancing) and killing the party atmosphere!

By far the absolute worst------PEOPLE WHO SMELL

New inventions=showers/deodorant/cologne

Try it
pet peeve: hot chicks wearing skimpy outfits who are walkin with their boyfriends....such a tease!!
Whatever hun, you love it when I dress sexy 8) Then you can grab my hand and stare at the offending guys like, "yeah, she's mine" hahahahaha!!!
People who stand in the dancefloor are a big pet peeve. People who shove you outta the way to get to the bar or wherever without as much as an "excuse me," people who don't wear deodorant and people with way too much aggression who want to fight at anyone who crosses their look for more than 2 seconds. Luckily, I didn't let them ruin my Ibiza trip... nothing could have done that :D
Drug f***ed morons who are only there to take drugs and couldn't give a f*** about the music, dancing or the atmosphere........which probably includes at least 50% of clubbers.

I enjoy dropping like the next person, but it's a very small part of the whole experience for me.
People who smoke on the dance floor :twisted: , dance floor ornaments and people who are pissed and bang into you. :roll:
this is all fascinating for me given that
a i have never been in a club
b a post i made on a thread about being too old.

can i ask why on earth you go?
to listen to great music and have a good dance and to chat to new people. I love having random conversations when I go clubbing. :D

people who just want to have a fight.

i have seing attractive women with ugly guys.

the price of drinks

crap dj's who play what they want to hear instead of what the crowd want.

closeing time
The Government here in Ireland have announced that smoking will be banned in all pubs and clubs from new years day. Great news - cant wait!!