Why the poppy music isnt so bad...

Haha! I still think even Dr Alban is miles better than Avicci! All of those tunes Rozalla, Haddaway etc you couldn't get much cheesier without being pure pop but still better than the junk nowadays.. Although of course I am speaking retrospectively. I was in school then I should imagine there were 36 year olds who were there at the birth of house having the same rant to each other that I'm having here :lol: still I bet they couldn't begin to imagine the atrocities of the new millennium!
Haha! I still think even Dr Alban is miles better than Avicci! All of those tunes Rozalla, Haddaway etc you couldn't get much cheesier without being pure pop but still better than the junk nowadays.. Although of course I am speaking retrospectively. I was in school then I should imagine there were 36 year olds who were there at the birth of house having the same rant to each other that I'm having here :lol: still I bet they couldn't begin to imagine the atrocities of the new millennium!
That's fine because everybody's free to feel good.
DJ's are performance artists no matter how you look at it and although the skill set is different they still play gigs to a paying audience. You don't pay to go and see a QUALITY band mime and pretend to play their instruments, but people still pay to see the likes of Britney and Madonna do just that. Likewise if you pay to see a quality DJ (let's say Carl Cox, Sander van Doorn or Armin van Buuren) then you expect them to put their souls into it. If, god forbid, you ended up at a place with Paris Hilton or David Guetta behind the decks you'd expect a soulless load of absolute horse caca.

The late, great Bill Hicks said it best:
"Do we really want our kids listening to music that our government approves of?* Since when has mediocrity and banality been a good example to set for our children? I want my musicians to f*cking ROCK!!!!! PLAY IT FROM YOUR F*CKING HEART!!!!!"

*Hicks was talking about New Kids on the Block and bands that front government sponsored campaigns. For those that might not know, especially our friends from foreign shores, our government at the time most certainly did NOT approve of the embryonic rave scene even though the movement consisting of people just wanting to go out, get totally trolleyed and have a great time was no threat to them whatsoever and was anything but political. They still gave the police carte blanche to beat the snot out of anyone attending a rave and they frequently did. The government introduced the Criminal Justice Bill, a section of which sought to ban gatherings of more than three people in a place where music is played that is characterised by repetetive beats. Still, we won and Margeret Thatcher is a maggot-ridden corpse as we speak. So there. :twisted: