where to stay? San Antonio or Playa D'en Bossa

I still can't decide which I prefer. Whichever one I stay I still seem to spend half the time in or travelling to/from the other!

San An is considerably cheaper than Pd'B in terms of average hotel price, and I feel it has more to offer in terms of non-clubbing entertainment.

But Bossa is convenient for Space, DC10, Sankeys, Ibiza Town & airport.
I'm staying in both this year. Not stayed in PDB before so I'll give my verdict (if anyone cares) upon my return later in the summer. I think I know the answer but let's just wait and see.
Prefer PDB myself , simple walk to Sankeys, Space, & Ushuaiai etc so no waiting around for a taxi and save a couple hundred euros on taxis over the week. Enjoy Bora Bora beach more than the beaches in San An always seems to be a better atmosphere there. Plus it's only 5/10 minutes in a taxi to Ibiza Town and the airport.
PDB for Sankeys/Space and easy walk to Figueretas and Ibiza Town. Figueretas is good for food - nice, cheap menu of the day options.
I've never understood the PDB vs. San An thing. They're both pretty much the same if you ask me. Hotels, clubs, beach, bars, cheap places to eat, lots of young people.

Granted, there's a few "posher" hotels in PDB (and some utter rip offs too!), the beach is a little nicer, and you could argue Space, Sankeys, and Ushuaia are a better draw the Eden and Es Paradis, but then you could also argue that San An has the sunsets and is a little quieter (if for no other reason than it not being under planes landing every few minutes).

I normally stay at the Hotel Gran Sol because the price vs. what you get is unbeatable. If it was in PDB I'd stay in PDB, but it's in San An so I stay in San An.

If you want "class" or "peace and quiet", rent a villa in the hills!
Interesting thread.

I've only been to San An (five times) and have decided to go to PDB this time partly as I've never stayed there and partly as I've heard it's a bit less loutish than San An (not that San An is THAT bad certainly a lot nicer than my hometown).

I've only ever been to PBD for a half a day and found a wide array of nationalities united mainly by their narcissism.

Probably going to get strange looks for this but never been clubbing East of San Rafael!
My first time going and I found the hotel prices to be considerably cheaper in San Antonio. I'm staying at Hotel Envisa Es Pla, which got decent reviews. I'm a big Cafe Del Mar fan (I know it ain't the same anymore) so that's a plus for me. I know about the rowdiness that goes on there, but I welcome it.

Saying that, I will be doing the night thing mostly in PDB, but thankfully there is the disco bus and the regular bus service near my hotel. The transportation costs are gonna kill me back and forth, so I'm okay with these options but I know I'm gonna be out of it quite a bit so I'll probably f- it and go for a cab but I'm gonna really try not to.
Interesting thread.

I've only been to San An (five times) and have decided to go to PDB this time partly as I've never stayed there and partly as I've heard it's a bit less loutish than San An (not that San An is THAT bad certainly a lot nicer than my hometown).!

Common misconception that I completely disagree with.

Neither are bad imho. Both have their dark elements. But you see as much trouble in P'dB as you do in San An. And arguably more.
There isn't a right or wrong answer to this, its all down to personal preference. some interesting comments seeing everyone's thoughts :)

For me personally PDB 100%
Common misconception that I completely disagree with.

Neither are bad imho. Both have their dark elements. But you see as much trouble in P'dB as you do in San An. And arguably more.

Yeah I understand some feel this was the case but not anymore.

But I'm not worried or anything just would rather me and the Mrs not be around people like me and my mates at 18 ;-)
which place is crazier party wise ? PDB or San ?

one thing i can tell by this thread the PDB has nicer beaches which is def a plus:rolleyes:
Neither are bad imho. Both have their dark elements. But you see as much trouble in P'dB as you do in San An. And arguably more.

Not IME. Never (touch wood) seen trouble in PDB, but almost got pickpocketed in San An - and last time I was there, saw a guy running around with blood spilling out of his head because he'd nutted someone. San An is far more geered up to binge drinking and young Brits running riot in the street. Then add in more local ne'er-do-wells and looky lookies/street prostitution than in PDB in my experience... I think it far more 'edgy' than PDB. Mind you, not been to San An for maybe 5 years, so could be better now.