Well-Known Member
We didn't have this chanceDid you get any rain up north?
We didn't have this chanceDid you get any rain up north?
Unbreathable tonight.
I love this grey sky we have today
How was the fiesta del aqua JimmizIt's finally raining here ?
Whats going on in San An on the beach? Just saw an insta-video of the whole beach submerged!
Whats going on in San An on the beach? Just saw an insta-video of the whole beach submerged!
No.Earthquake somewhere maybe..
Today was really sweet compared to the last few daysFeel Like in a Microwave today
Today was really sweet compared to the last few days
agreed, it was less hot today than during the last fee days!
Meteorologic phenomena.
Una 'rissaga' eleva hasta medio metro el nivel del mar en el puerto de Sant Antoni
El fenómeno se inició pasadas las 21 horas de anoche y se ha prolongado hasta esta madrugadawww.diariodeibiza.es
yes,as July must be in Spain?OK agree but hot enough
Before this morning,and reading the locals newspapers,i had no idea about what is a rissaga?Sorry für the Bad mood : Tsunamis and Earthquakes are Common in the Med. Google for Tsunami Ibiza You will find something. If You feel any earth moving leave the beach. Normaly you have enough time. No Problem. Hast a Alarm Case in Bali years ago : Idiots looked at the beach for the Show. Nothin happened