What's the weather like at the moment?

I'm sat in shorts and think it's lovely. Was all set to wear cargo pantalones to Pacha tonight but toying with shorts (wearing not in a weird way)
Sept 23rd; and I've put back my electric blanket on my bed. Think roughly this time last year (in the UK) we were sweating under very high temperatures? Ah, well, at least Ibiza next week is expected to be sunny and between 23-27c, and someone tell the Mozzies that their dinner is about to arrive.
This time I'm taking two cameras (don't like using my phone, can't keep it still) in case the first one conks out again. No idea why everything came out blurred, but seems to have fixed itself. Maybe it had unset itself from auto-focus?? Whatever. On topic - hope to get some stunning sunsets again, autumn (is is autumn in Ibiza??) never fails.

Opera Snapshot_2024-09-23_201648_weather.com.png