What's the weather like at the moment?

Right now, looking at a webcam from Es Calo on Formentera, can see the storms over NW Ibiza yet Formentera is in sun. sat24.com backs that up, the worst right now is over Majorca and Menorca! looks like the rest of today's gonna be OK, but someone should tell the weather the storms are supposed to be mid-September, not August!
Right now, looking at a webcam from Es Calo on Formentera, can see the storms over NW Ibiza yet Formentera is in sun. sat24.com backs that up, the worst right now is over Majorca and Menorca! looks like the rest of today's gonna be OK, but someone should tell the weather the storms are supposed to be mid-September, not August!

Just saw Graeme Park’s instagram reporting some bad flooding in Menorca curtailing his cycling trip this morning
Spent some of the evening watching youtube stuff about the storms - way more severe than I thought, saw the roof blown off one of Formentera's restaurants! All those boats washed up on the sands like toys; and the flooding on the main islands...wow.
after yesterday's first dounpour it's time for round two now.

raining intensely right now here in the south and up in san miguel there's even hail!
Biblical scenes earlier! We are near Jesús and yesterday got hit harder with the rain, but still a good watering today. Blue sky has returned now though. Flying ants over 1cm seem to have all hatched over night.
yeah it seems it's all done now, blue sky is back and it's looking good for the next few days again I think
back out hiking as from tomorrow hehe!
Is it me or is the sky more blue than ever? It’s like it’s cleared everything away.

FYI I’ve only had 2 glasses of Rose before people question my state haha.
It usually happens in September after some rain, while in August is mainly more of a grey tone due to the dust from the Sahara and humidity, it gets even better in October!
Currently in Eivissa

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