what is your favorite track right now?

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my fave track at the moment has to be .....sascha funke- mein rave dein rave.. i think thats what its called. i love that song, it brings smiles to my face whenever i hear it. its on the bpitch label.
at the moment, i ain't really got one, but prob underworld - 2 months off, or some break beat tune, probably orbital - funny break.....
Corvin Dalek - Young People

Fast, hard and funky...WET&HARD :!:

Also liking:

Umek - Gatex (Oliver Lieb Remix)
Bedrock - Emerald
Atlas - Compass Error (Tarrentella vs Redanka Remake)
Side Kick - Response
Depeche Mode - Only When I Loose Myself (Lexicon Avenue remix)
Amani Vs Teapot - Wise Man Speaks
Ben Camp - Timecrash (Mara Mix)
Futureshock - Frequency
Oliver Klein - Circuit City
Who Da funk - Shiny Disco Balls (Oliver Kleins Dirty Disco Plums remix)
taped both cd's onto 1 tape, and have listened to nothing else in the car for 6 weeks!! i try and imagine how it would be in an intimate small club, and nearly wet myself with the thought.....
x-amount, Another Kid Creme special on the way? Crack out the emergency undercrackers I think I've just soiled mine!
Dr Fox said:
x-amount, Another Kid Creme special on the way? Crack out the emergency undercrackers I think I've just soiled mine!

Damn right foxy.

Similar to hypnotising, with the voice of mc shuranko (the geezer who says the "she wants a lover right now" on at night).
Mr X, please don't tell me any more, i've already knackered the emergency gruds and half a box of Kleenex. Ha-Ha!
heres the vocal snippet...

Brothers and sisters, Im so glad to be with you tonight. And on the way I'm gonna tell you what I got on my mind about what we're gonna do.

And I'm gonna ask you to behave yourself, and feel the rhythm of your feet, stomping hard, and keep up the beat like that.

And in order to reach a high level of benevolence, I want us to rejoice our selves, and show what we need is what we got inside.

Forget the nine to five,
and let the body jive.

Its all we got to do all night long, 'til the break of dawn

This is what were gotta do sister, all the way, deep and under.
And all this is meant to be

Been listening to sh*t loads of new music of late....i've had funk overload of late. What with Disco Kandi cd's, Pacha cd's, El Divino cd's and the like it's been difficult keeping a tab on what's hot and what's not.

x-amount.....got the new Kid Creme tune, listening to it as I type this. Not bad at all....not as guargantuan as At Night but it's another welcome addition to some cracking mixes this Kid has produced. Nice one fella.

In a Fast Show stylee.....This week i've mostly been listening to:

Minimal Funk....Definition of house
Reckless Girl....The Beginerz
I'm your baby tonight....Whitney Houston (funky mix)
and of course the wonderous Come on over....Jon Silver. (Still ripping it up wherever it's played)
Been listening to sh*t loads of new music of late....i've had funk overload of late. What with Disco Kandi cd's, Pacha cd's, El Divino cd's and the like it's been difficult keeping a tab on what's hot and what's not.

x-amount.....got the new Kid Creme tune, listening to it as I type this. Not bad at all....not as guargantuan as At Night but it's another welcome addition to some cracking mixes this Kid has produced. Nice one fella.

In a Fast Show stylee.....This week i've mostly been listening to:

Minimal Funk....Definition of house
Reckless Girl....The Beginerz
I'm your baby tonight....Whitney Houston (funky mix)
and of course the wonderous Come on over....Jon Silver. (Still ripping it up wherever it's played)
definately some good choices there doctor. the funk is seriously oozing from the seems these days and i love it. must have listened to about 8 different cd's on saturday night there past including as you said hed kandi, darren emersons underwater, harry choo choo's subliminal, pachas subliminal sessions and many more. dancing like a maniac wouldnt be in it! 8O
am really terrible at remembering names of tunes but there are some immensely good ones out there at the moment. thats for sure.
has anyone listened to roger sanchez's release yourself cd? is it good?
Spottster, you are not joking mate. It's funk overload at the mo. As for Roger Sanchez's album, I can take or leave the pre-party cd, but the Party one is the dogs. If you like your house with a spanish, bongo'd up feel...this is tremendous. It grows on you, the more you listen to it. All-in-all highly recommended.

I'm listening to Pacha circa '99 and it sounds as fresh as a daisy. I'm suffering badly from post Ibiza depression....have been for 4 months now. Listening to these tunes helps a little I suppose.
dont worry mate we can work through this together...lol
when ya gonna be back on the magical island? only 6 months to go for me. think ill have to have a wee listen to that sanchez's album this saturday when i get back from the club. by any chance to do you have a playsatation2 or does anyone for that matter cos if you do then buy carl cox's music making game. its f***in excellent :!:
my fave track right now is southern sun (and it will be my favorite track forever! :D ).......and if i think twice i also like- conjure one -tears from the moon!