What do you all look like?

This is me.... :)
stuie said:
umbongo said:

put the funny pic of you back up that you put here a minute ago please!! :lol:

shit didn't think anyone saw that...i didn't think it worked...let's see...


bit of the old teeth grinding going on methinks... one of the reasons I tend to do my utmost to avoid cameras on nights out...here's another...


:oops: :rolleyes: :oops:
stuie said:
umbongo said:

put the funny pic of you back up that you put here a minute ago please!! :lol:

actually, was it maybe this one...

Something is up with my internet settings in work so I can't actually see what pic i'm posting up...

I think this is maybe the one I accidentaly put up the other day, it's not of me (thankfully!) it's one of my mates who, unfortunately for him, fell asleep at an after party a few weeks back.

We didn't realise it when we were decorating his face but everything you see is actually etched onto his face in permanent black marker...wooops!


As the saying goes..."Snooze you loose!"
