What do you all look like?

Speckled Pants said:
Im on the left! :)


Not called Scott are you?
I remember a Scott that worked for Godskitchen in 2001....i worked for Bar M and he was usually around those parts....
zoella said:
I remember a Scott that worked for Godskitchen in 2001....i worked for Bar M and he was usually around those parts....

Zoella what years did you work for Bar M, my b/friend had friends who worked there late 90s but some of them had to do runner off the island in 2001 :eek:
Barbie said:
zoella said:
I remember a Scott that worked for Godskitchen in 2001....i worked for Bar M and he was usually around those parts....

Zoella what years did you work for Bar M, my b/friend had friends who worked there late 90s but some of them had to do runner off the island in 2001 :eek:

what on earth for Barbie???
dont think i hav posted here before but sorry if i hav! dont know how to get pictures up on here but there are some on the link below from ibiza last year. gonna put some more recent ones up when i get a chance because look a little different now. not that im now called mike or anythin but you know! im the brunette most of my mates are blonde, i hav tried it myself but was a slightly orange dissaster! so sticking to my roots! mia x :D
zoella said:
I remember a Scott that worked for Godskitchen in 2001....i worked for Bar M and he was usually around those parts....

Same fella methinks. Used to flyer by hiding behind trees and jumping out at unsuspecting punters....