What do you all look like?

Heres is myslef .... my hiars longer now though

Si_of_Shrews said:
OMG you freak your drinking LENOR

Daz powder is so much better .... sprinkle it on your toast in the morning .... Hmmmm Hmmmm

lol yes, but I was skint at the time, could only afford lenor for 99p ;)
Here here to Conrado's commentary. It was a relief to get away from the whole MEAT MARKET of where I live and go to Ibiza where there is literally every kind of person you could imagine, and everyone just blows it off and has an amazing time.

For a few years in a row San Diego was rated the "Fittest City" in all of America. One stroll on the beach in the summer time and you can see why. I used to go out to the clubs and shark for the hottest guy there... it never got me anywhere. They all turned out to be 1) dumb as a box of rocks, 2) Very annoyingly and psychotically insecure, or 3) total players and obsessive about themselves.

I gave that up and lo and behold... I met someone from out of state who is very cute, but has become positively gorgeous in my eyes because of what he is to me. Smart, funny as hell, attentive, compassionate... I am excited about it.

ps. I will post a pic soon, as soon as I learn how!! -xoxo PachaGirl.
PachaGirl79 said:
Ibiza where there is literally every kind of person you could imagine, and everyone just blows it off and has an amazing time...

unfortunately, i never met anyone on my trip who was willing to blow it off, but i did have an amazing time...