What do you all look like?

Conrado said:
The best thing about clubbing, IMO, is that you can look whatever you want and not feel ostrasized about it. I mean, I work out and diet because I want to, and I feel good about it. Yes, I gave up some pleasure in life (specially food), but I get pleasure now from my whole body, not only from my mouth or my stomach.

Whatever you do in your life has only one purpose: make you feel happy, happy about yourself, happy about your life!

If you're happy being a hippie, so be it! If you're happy with you're hair green, dye it!

Ibiza and clubbing were for me a concrete realization of what I truly believe, that clubbing is not about stereotypes, that people from all ages, from all over, every race, nationality, sexual orientation, religion can be there, get high together, look like this :eek: :eek: :eek: , and no one give a shit about it: let's just have fun together and enjoy life to the fullest!

Stereotypes is what we should always avoid: you're fit, so you're stupid, you're hippie, so you don't shower, you're all day long in a board on the internet, so you're a nerd. PEOPLE, stop pre-judging people on the basis of looks, let's get to know each other and get to know ourselves for who we are, not for what we look.

Hmmm, wise words. Not just a pretty face! ;)
Conrado said:
you're all day long in a board on the internet, so you're a nerd. .

Bom dia! I love Brazil!! Been there last year (in Fortaleza). Tried forro and loved brazilian food.........I love samba!! And brazilian hospitality.....what a place, just simply the best!! Going to Rio in september for 3 weeks.......... :D :D
chewie_oo7 said:
Mark Sun said:
I used to spend 2 hours every day in the gym and I never looked like that :eek:

helps if u work out down the gym, not sat on the bike machine perving...

According to a study at Cornell, oogling girls for 10 minutes has the same effect on the cardiovascular system as 30 minutes of biking.
Laura1 said:
Bom dia! I love Brazil!! Been there last year (in Fortaleza). Tried forro and loved brazilian food.........I love samba!! And brazilian hospitality.....what a place, just simply the best!! Going to Rio in september for 3 weeks.......... :D :D

Keep in touch, pm me and I'll be very happy to show you around! Good season for clubbing.
Dual_Life said:
According to a study at Cornell, oogling girls for 10 minutes has the same effect on the cardiovascular system as 30 minutes of biking.

yeah, but surely yr only working out the bits where the blood is rushing to?
Crystal said:
It's been a while since i have posted a pic of me. And all the old ones seem to have disappeared!

So here is actually very recent. This was taken February 19, of this year.

I was out celebrating my birthday. To be quite honest with you I don't even remember taking this picture but somehow it ended up in a local magazine and internet. If you can't view it, go to this http://www.envyhouston.com/View_Photo.asp?id=746

Oh I get depressed seeing that jacket in the background....
I lost it that night. :cry:



I know this is a rather childish question, but would you like to help me commit adultery? I will replace your jacket......
Crystal said:
It's been a while since i have posted a pic of me. And all the old ones seem to have disappeared!

So here is actually very recent. This was taken February 19, of this year.

I was out celebrating my birthday. To be quite honest with you I don't even remember taking this picture but somehow it ended up in a local magazine and internet. If you can't view it, go to this http://www.envyhouston.com/View_Photo.asp?id=746

Oh I get depressed seeing that jacket in the background....
I lost it that night. :cry:

So.. are you busy tonight at 3:00 A.M.? :)