What do you all look like?


sorry its a boring passport one
Ginger, i'm having trouble uploading some pics. Apparently it complains about invalid format, but all the pics are .jpg.
Nice bikini mate! :lol:

If you're using a PC and Windows try loading it into Paint, then saving as a bmp or gif, then saving back as a jpg. You might lose a bit of quality, but also you might not.
Ginger, I got it now. I think Windows got lost, b/c I logged in as adm and searched for pics on a private users folder.

Here are some pictures taken before Carnaval (one month ago).

me in the kitchen

me in the bathroom

Please don't make fun of those pics, they were taken for an internet chatting and dating only.
I was scrolling down this thread and this manager guy walks behind me to ask something just as Conrado's toilet pose was on my screen!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Now they all think I'm watching porn on my pc :eek:
It's been a while since i have posted a pic of me. And all the old ones seem to have disappeared!

So here is actually very recent. This was taken February 19, of this year.

I was out celebrating my birthday. To be quite honest with you I don't even remember taking this picture but somehow it ended up in a local magazine and internet. If you can't view it, go to this http://www.envyhouston.com/View_Photo.asp?id=746

Oh I get depressed seeing that jacket in the background....
I lost it that night. :cry:
Peppermint said:
Now they all think I'm watching porn on my pc :eek:

:lol: quality

now you have no excuse for shitting out. If they think you are watching it you may as well put some porn on!

have it