What do you all look like?

heres me
sorry for the pretentiousness of it...dont have any normal ones on computer!

Mils looking swede

Thought Oxford was full of geeks?

I have clearly been proven wrong

Road trip anyone?

mils said:
heres me
sorry for the pretentiousness of it...dont have any normal ones on computer!


Don't ever be sorry for being pretentious. Everone needs to be diva every now and then just to get it out of your system.
haha, yeah...I'm really a fat, bald middle aged old man with no teeth and a bad case of lice....(remember i said i was bald)
caz_zamora said:
how do you post a picture?

Stamp, address and envelope round my way! Boom-tish!

Right click on an image on the web, go to properties and copy the address, paste it in your post, highlight and then click the 'Img' button.

That is all.
caz_zamora said:
what about if your picture is stored on my harddrive at work?[/img]
why would you have my picture on your harddrive? :lol: ;)

Unfortunately the picture has to be somewhere on the net. Try uploading it to one of the photosites. A lot of people on here use them. can anyone recommend?

Set up an account (it's free), then when you log in go to 'Browse', pick your pic and click 'submit'.

Then go to the pic, underneath will be 3 different sorts of tags. Click in the bottom tag box to highlight it, copy it, then post on here and paste, and hey presto! One picture available for ridicule and alteration by some wag with Photoshop ;)

Any questions pm me.